crazy monkey
the game is creepy. I can not play it for long period of time. :lol
I Push Fat Kids said:Sorry if I'm lazy and don't want to go wading through this thread but:
What is a mess about this game?
I Push Fat Kids said:I'll share some thoughts/interpretation after listening to shidoshi's podcast with Mr. Haske (Cursed Mountain props!). I should mention that I think you're wrong Shidoshi and it comes down to a fundamental problem with the way you're looking at the game. It's odd because you occasionally said things that made it seem like you get Silent Hill but then you'd try and relate it to SM only to be changing the idea you'd just established. You even go onto say 'it would be a great game if it weren't called Silent Hill' and I find that preposterous. It came off to me like you had a sense of entitlement to what you want and expect the game to be.
Also, your example of Mass Effect II having both a good story/gameplay doesn't fit. Games don't have to great gameplay and this should be evident by the success of SHII. Its gameplay is comprised of checking 2319 locked doors for possible success while simultaneously fighting against clunky controls and neat-looking enemies (oh and a terrible inventory system). It's almost perfunctory and I think SM is a step in the right direction because it gets less in the way. Hell, SM doesn't even have an inventory.
That said:
- Why does it have to be scary? The games in this series are most successful when they treat Silent Hill less like a town and more like a concept (that concept being a personal hell). Does a personal hell have to be boo-scary or does it need to be intimate?I'd wager that the grief Cheryl experiences in losing her father and spending her life looking to fill that void is far more troubling than a couple rabid dogs.
- Why does there have to be exploration?Each location you visit represents an outlet or a place that Cheryl remembers. These locations are places or times in her life where the lack of her father figure led her astray. The absence of Harry in her life caused her to do these things and they're being dredged up during the session with the psychiatrist (who is trying to help her sift her issues in regards to Harry). In essence, each of these places is a memory in itself. The exploration you're doing isn't in the geometry of the levels it's in confines of Cheryl's head.
I'll reiterate:
The entire game is one long psychiatry session. The reason the nightmare sections are sudden and obvious are because they represent the build of Cheryl's mood. Notice how the actual therapy questions/sessions almost always occur after the end of each nightmare? They're the build of her angst in dealing with the (lack of) memories of her father and the fact that she can't let them go. The fact the therapy sessions occur after this is because the therapist is interjecting because he can see the progress occurring in his patient.
Everything that Harry is in the game is Cheryl's memory. Every action you take is an extension of Cheryl and her need to know/understand her father.
The monsters that chase you represent Cheryl's inability to let go. Notice how they latch onto Harry and don't really do anything besides weigh him down? Notice that they gradually take the shape of a woman throughout the course of the game representing the growth of Cheryl and their proximity to the now (the places you go to in the game progress later and later in the life of Cheryl).
I Push Fat Kids said:Props to Shidoshi for staying around to find out why he's wrong![]()
cvxfreak said:I just bought the Japanese PSP version yesterday for ¥1480 (~$16USD) brand new.
Already have the Wii version, but hey, why not.
Baloonatic said:What's it like?
I honestly hadn't payed any attention to this thread as for some reason I thought the game was rubbish. It seems that a lot of people really like it though so I'm wondering whether to get the PS2 or PSP version.
SlipperySlope said:Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him wrong.
ShockingAlberto said:I don't know that I care to consider Shattered Memories as a traditional video game and I've made that stance clear in other threads.
shidoshi said:Well, I've gone into this at length before, but briefly off the top of my head:
* Linear town
* Near lack of quality exploration
* No scares when outside of nightmare mode
* Lack of quality puzzles. A few were totally brilliant, but there weren't nearly enough of them, especially considering the lack of anything else to do gameplay-wise in the non-nightmare portions of the game.
* Spectacularly terrible nightmare section
* The even more terrible idea to have players have to avoid monsters by shaking the crap out of the device that is also controlling their camera
* Oh, and I'm not sure I'm a fan of the pacing. *laughs* But it's been too long ago that I played the game to speak for sure on that part.
"The gameplay is a minimal distract" is what I consider to be a huge fucking problem. I'm not watching a movie, I'm playing a game. Video game's can't be shitty video games and tell us that's okay because the storyline is awesome.
I also take exception to the idea that the entire SH series has had "shitty gameplay".
cvxfreak said:I just bought the Japanese PSP version yesterday for ¥1480 (~$16USD) brand new.
Already have the Wii version, but hey, why not.
GregLombardi said:Finally finished this game today on my brand new Black Wii.![]()
I have to say, I am touched. The title doesn't hit 9 material on an overall basis, but on the basis of playing like an interactive film, it is probably a 10. The motion control segments are well utilized and well varied, and make general sense. The flashlight could have been 10x creepier if the game gave reason to the average user to use it properly (such as having unscheduled threats appear more often than during the action sequences).
However, the creators of this title put some great thought into the overall package. I'm sincerely glad I played through this title to the end, it is a real treat and was well worth the $50. What the team did with this title is the beginning of motion's future as a legitimate concept in deep games, just as Super Mario Galaxy was. Good job guys!
And don't feel bad. I died about 20 times the first time in the school nightmare. I couldn't figure out where the fuck to go. (wasn't following the hints, had flashlight on, etc).
I think it sold less than 10K.SlipperySlope said:When did this game release in Japan? And did it chart on release?
Edit - I mean the Wii version.
I said earlier that the forest was the hardest part for me however you should learn how the chase sequences work with it.NewBrof said:I am totally frustrated by the game (unfortunately). I was in the nightmare forrest level yesterday for hours... that effing saw mill... It took me ages to find the right exits. It would not be that terrible if there were less monsters or more torches. I died a lot. And there was no reward for getting through that section of the game at all. There is not much to do in those nightmare sections, I got bored and frustrated at the same time. I hate mazes. It reminded me of that LOST game, I stopped playing after I had to go through the maze cave too many times... Now I am in the school and I think I will not play the nightmare level ... replayability is low, because I don't want to go back to that forrest ever, ever anymore... does anyone know if Alan Wake is similar? I was looking forward to AW, but now I am not sure. If there is a forrest maze, I will go crazy.
(first I liked the forrest, but when it turned to a nightmare it turned REALLY into a nightmare for me...)
If you have problem to know where to go, try remember the door you entered before and choose the other one ( usually there aren't more than 2 ways ).
Also use the map, in zoom mode the gameplay freeze so monster won't catch you ( left dpad + A ).
During the sequences use the flashlight only if necessary,
keep run what ever happens,
push the monster in the opposite direction he try to catch you,
use the flare wisely only when really is needed,
when a monster is closely behind you watch behind with the dpad to get a little bust .
Even if you are badly hurt and Harry run slowly keep surviving after a while he regains all his fitness.
Timekiller said:What i don't understand is your concept of gameplay. "Gameplay" is my experience of playing the game, not how the game is supposed to be played if it would have been played by the game itself. So gameplay is not somehting that's on disc, a set of rules and tools there to be pointed at, and judged (they are "game mechanics") - it's the result of me playing the game, so SH's gameplay is THE GAME + ME.
If you find a game boring or frustrating, then there's a good chance that the bad ingredient ruining the dish is you, not the game. Like in a relationship, so sometimes could be both's fault too.
Aeana said:So I tried this game back when it came out and I was too much of a wimp to get very far. I want to try it again, though! Question, however: do enemies only exist in the frozen parts, or can you run into them anywhere like in the other SH games? I realize the answer to this might "ruin" some of the intensity of the game, but... that's kind of what I'm going for.![]()
Mesijs said:THIS exactly is why so many gamers and reviewers failed to appreciate the game. Well said. They kind of noticed that Shattered Memories did not contain a lot of their checklisted gameplay mechanics so they 'could' not like the game if even their feeling maybe said they liked ti.
To me, this is a very dumb way to judge a game. Just like people criticized Uncharted for the lack of challenge in the platforming sections, as if platform sections should ALWAYS, AS A RULE have a certain difficulty and are automatically bad if they don't: bullshit. And so, when a game is set in a town, exploration IS NOT automatically mandatory.
And that's why Shattered Memories is one of the best games this gen.
NewBrof said:ok, I give up. I am in the school, it is day, no nightmare and I have to go to the gym, but can't find the way. I run in circles, the art room has a locked door... this game takes too much time ... I will watch the remaining on youtube... it is from beginning to end just a game where you run in a maze... for hours, and there is not enough interesting stuff, atmosphere. It feels pretty empty. I rented it for 7 days, now is day 3, I'll send it back... I don't get it.
Sometime, there is a game you play, where you get lost, you try and find your way, Ok, you wasted time by backtracking. But this game is asking too much. I am just running from one maze to the next, ... I read many of the comments by people who love the game, but I don't get it why it does not bother to run a maze for hours and hours...
This game DOESN'T take too much time.NewBrof said:ok, I give up. I am in the school, it is day, no nightmare and I have to go to the gym, but can't find the way. I run in circles, the art room has a locked door... this game takes too much time ... I will watch the remaining on youtube... it is from beginning to end just a game where you run in a maze... for hours, and there is not enough interesting stuff, atmosphere. It feels pretty empty. I rented it for 7 days, now is day 3, I'll send it back... I don't get it.
Sometime, there is a game you play, where you get lost, you try and find your way, Ok, you wasted time by backtracking. But this game is asking too much. I am just running from one maze to the next, ... I read many of the comments by people who love the game, but I don't get it why it does not bother to run a maze for hours and hours...
NewBrof said:ok, I give up. I am in the school, it is day, no nightmare and I have to go to the gym, but can't find the way. I run in circles, the art room has a locked door... this game takes too much time ... I will watch the remaining on youtube... it is from beginning to end just a game where you run in a maze... for hours, and there is not enough interesting stuff, atmosphere. It feels pretty empty. I rented it for 7 days, now is day 3, I'll send it back... I don't get it.
Sometime, there is a game you play, where you get lost, you try and find your way, Ok, you wasted time by backtracking. But this game is asking too much. I am just running from one maze to the next, ... I read many of the comments by people who love the game, but I don't get it why it does not bother to run a maze for hours and hours...
Celine said:This game DON'T take too much time.
My first playthrough lasted about 7 hour ( I completed it in one session ).
Are you inside the art room ?
I heard it has a pretty cool puzzle.
I've got the astronomy room so I can't help you with that ( the door inside those rooms is unlocked by resolving the puzzle).
There is something wrong if you find the game too hard.
The game overall is quite easy.
seady said:This game is just not willing to drop in price.
Most games released around that period, even the triple A budget ones already dropped.
Jocchan said:SlipperySlope, you may want to add spoiler tags to the solution of that puzzle.
There is something wrong if you find the game too hard.
The game overall is quite easy.
NewBrof said:yeah, my spatial senses seem to be broken
it took me more than a full hour to complete the forest nightmare. The saw mill drove me crazy... The art room was open, but the exit door in the art room was locked. I could not solve the puzzle in the art room (swan puzzle)... this game is too hard (for me) Everything takes me 3-5 times as long... and I play a lot of games... I played Myst to completion, I think I am getting too old for this stuff)
Andrex said:I tried looking up that puzzle online but nobody could really help me. I eventually got it set up, but the thing is even if you figure it out it's hard to line everything up just like the game wants.
Aeana said:Armed with the knowledge that enemies are only in the nightmare parts, I started a new game a while ago and I've gotten way further than last time. I just. I really like the game, especially how things seem to change based on my actions. Story is very interesting, as well. I like the way the ghosts/echoes give you more of an insight into the actual people from the town. The nightmares are tense, but I've been doing okay getting through them. Hopefully I'll be all right for the rest of the game!met Lisa and went to her apartment, then did the psychology thing with the figures and guilt