Master Milk
Anyone up for casuals on PSN?
Anyone up for casuals on PSN?
Alright I shot you a friend request. :3
DHC glitch lol
Also what invuln on that double assist are people talking about? I've seen double get hit out of it plenty of times.
Ah well. Week 1 nerfs etc.
Also if they "fix" Hornet Bomber assist but don't do anything about Napalm Pillar assist then lol.
Amazing. Definitely trying these when I get home tonight or at least some variation of it. I just have to get used to charging again... ahahah
Sick combo. Your Ms. Fortune stuff is everything I want mine to be and more, thanks for notating the whole thing too, big help there.
Also if they "fix" Hornet Bomber assist but don't do anything about Napalm Pillar assist then lol.
And here I was thinking moves with invulnerable startup properties stay the same as the assist version. I guess it would be pretty broken if they did though.Every assist can be hit for the first two frames no matter what it is.
Heres some frames for ya, Painwheels c.MK
And a slower version, so you can look at the thing
Speaking of this, what was the deal with Reverge cutting down on WIP Skullgirls pics on tumblr yesterday?
Also if they "fix" Hornet Bomber assist but don't do anything about Napalm Pillar assist then lol.
99% of online is Peacocks. ughhhhhhh
99% of online is Peacocks. ughhhhhhh
I have no complaints lolol
DHC glitch lol
Also what invuln on that double assist are people talking about? I've seen double get hit out of it plenty of times.
Ah well. Week 1 nerfs etc.
Peacock is awesome. I dont care if she becomes wesker status, Ill never drop her. Its Zappas ghosts plus dropping elephants!
Trying to go with Painwheel as a partner. Her style is growing on me.
I find that to be silly no offense; why force yourself to use a character you don't like just for that specific utilization?Personally, I really love the fact that I don't HAVE to play certain characters to get the assist I want, due to these custom assist. I really liked Captain Commando in MvC2, and the closet I could get to CapCorridor in MvC3 was with Dante, a character I have no desire to play.
I find that to be silly no offense; why force yourself to use a character you don't like just for that specific utilization?
Fair points, but I still think one should pick the characters they like (in UMvC3) and test out how to make them all work together, which is much beneficial than strengthennig 1 or 2 characters of the team.1. Competitive Advantage
2. Maximizing the potential of your favourite character.
Gotcha, that's one thing that would be interesting if UMvC3 updates to allow for custom assists.I was in a similar situation as a Viper player, I would argue that Dante is her best assist. He was popular though so I had no interest in exploring that character. Only specific characters (like Ammy) were effective for certain setups like unblockables. Depending on who you played, you would struggle to be competitive by picking just your favourites. Custom Assists allow players who pick their favourite characters to still have a competitive chance despite perhaps not being the most optimal assist.
I find that to be silly no offense; why force yourself to use a character you don't like just for that specific utilization?
Fair points, but I still think one should pick the characters they like (in UMvC3) and test out how to make them all work together, which is much beneficial than strengthennig 1 or 2 characters of the team.
If you're gonna use a character who you don't like then at least put in the effort to use, learn and utilize that character effectively, and if you end up liking the character's style, then that's a bonus.
Not trying to be offensive or insulting to you, SAB CA~
I didn't, lol, and this is why I don't play MvC much anymore. Stuff I'd like to use was on characters I didn't like. Many (no, not all) characters I DID like were often times made horribly, or nerfed to being unfun.
It's great to have games where the characters you wanna play aren't "Just good for assist", or "predominantly play well only play well 1 way".
Custom assist and well-rounded characters are such fantastic compliments to a game of this style. As much as people complaion about the number of characters in fighters, I prefer quality over quantity any day...
Yeah, I agree. Like I mentioned in the rest of my previous post, I like getting to play all my characters as "mains", rather than the Mahvell "2 assist for specials, 1 main" stuff.
Like you'd guess, even the rare times I DID try to learn a character I didn't naturally like, in order to give who I did like that o-so-cherished assist, that bonus character never stuck long. I missed the ones I WANTED to play, and playing them just rubbed how poorly-concieved some of them where, under UMvC3's systems, or how limited they felt...
i keep gettin pushblock when i want super
is that my bad execution not giving me super, or the game choosing pushblock over super?
We all made shirts at our store, and the results are... stunning.
Your website is running at a glacial pace, so I'll ask:
Can I buy a scribblecat t-shirt?
We all made shirts at our store, and the results are... stunning.
We're still in the process of transitioning to a new server... really did not expect that post to slow it down so, though.
And I do want to update the site with more art. Scribblecat is a good one. I also want Alex to make a Science Shark shirt.
We all made shirts at our store, and the results are... stunning.
We all made shirts at our store, and the results are... stunning.
What do you expect with a small roster like that?99% of online is Peacocks. ughhhhhhh