Played about six hours of versus last night with friends and I'm going to eat crow on this game. While I still found the animation to be a little odd, I really enjoyed playing it and will be putting more time into it tonight (and this weekend as I'm adding it to our weekly locals roster).
I spent most of my time playing solo characters last night. Messed around with everyone but found myself drawn to Peacock, Filia, and Fortune...though Fortune is a little too much work for me to really concentrate on right now.
My favorite character by far is Peacock but I was having trouble playing her solo so I started using her as anchor (H Shadow of Impending Doom assist) with Filia (H Updo assist) on point. It's an enjoyable team and I was doing well, but just curious what other suggestions everyone might have for a good partner for Peacock and what assists people are using.
She has hair car too!

No Lust Shaker though.