toasty cool combo but why are you doing it during the tutorial haha.
Yeah talking with people, ranked feels broken. People are consistently winning and going down in rank.
Loving the game. Still don't know who to main. Doing OK online I suppose. I like the way links work in this better than Street Fighter.
The game is very much a love letter to experienced fighting game players. The combo system is extremely intuitive and even a beginner should be able to piece together a basic chain. Almost all combos in the game are based around chains (like MvC3's L-> M->H). It probably has the easiest to execute combos because so many are chained but the "optimal" combos can be extremely long. That being said, optimal combos can be cut short and still be extremely effective. If you put time into the game it will give you the edge you've earned but a less experienced player can still win with proper fundamentals.
EDIT: Street Fighter IV is full of links. Links are probably the hardest part of execution in that game. Skullgirls almost exclusively uses chain combos (executed like a target combo). The muscle memory required to play SFIV is significantly higher than Skullgirls.
I'm wondering if I should get this game.
To everyone that has the game, what would you rate the learning curve compared to games like SSF4 and UMvC3? I want an enjoyable fighting game, not one that is overly difficult to execute combos in dire situations.
EDIT: Street Fighter IV is full of links. Links are probably the hardest part of execution in that game. Skullgirls almost exclusively uses chain combos (executed like a target combo). The muscle memory required to play SFIV is significantly higher than Skullgirls.
Links sucks, but so does memorizing a 60 hit combo.
If you are trying to memorize a 60 hit combo from start to end you are doing it wrong.
No, because Brad has been a friend of mine for... 15 years now? We both harken back to ye olde #vidgames, if you've heard the tales of that legendary IRC channel.
Links sucks, but so does memorizing a 60 hit combo.
Far easier to learn than SFIV. There are few links and it's mostly chain combos like Marvel vs Capcom.I'm wondering if I should get this game.
To everyone that has the game, what would you rate the learning curve compared to games like SSF4 and UMvC3? I want an enjoyable fighting game, not one that is overly difficult to execute combos in dire situations.
The only people who need to worry about memorizing 60 hit combos in this game are tournament players. Learn some basic 8-16 combos with normals and you'll do just fine once you end them with your supers. You can get sixty hits with lots of level 3 hypers if you want to though.Links sucks, but so does memorizing a 60 hit combo.
That is probably what he meant.its the same way, maybe just a bit faster.
Links sucks, but so does memorizing a 60 hit combo.
Some Skullgirls on 8wayrun
I have a 100% winrate today and I'm dropping in rank.
As in I went from 101 to 120 in a matter of minutes, beating 4 people.
Again, haven't lost a single game today, playing ranked nonstop. I'm going down in rank.
so I lose rank if I win, and I lose tons of rank if I lose.
Never playing ranked again. Win 13 times, lose once, end up 20 ranks negative where I started.
OMG, Fillia fights with her hair just like Millia. How clever.
I finished all the story modes! I'm curious to hear which were people's favorite and why? As stand-alones, I thought Peacock and Painwheel's were the best-they didn't end with all unicorns and rainbows but I felt gave you a good idea as to who these characters were, what they fight for and where their future may lie. The implications of Double's are also pretty far out there.
I thought all the main 6 characters had pretty robust story modes, maybe the weakest was Parasouls because there was barely any exposition in the middle part. I did feel like a lot of the endings were a little too similar, but thats a minor gripe
Least favorite was Valentines. Too vague, her motivations are extremely vagueWhy does she turn evil? Because she got beat? No explanation at all
Really wish the dialog boxes wouldnt fade in an out on every sentence though
I haven't been on ranked yet so I can speak from direct experience but from I'm reading, SG Ranked uses the ELO system. Magic the Gathering used to use the ELO system and I'm pretty sure Chess still does. If so, it matters more who you play than your total win/loss record. How much you win/lose ranking is a function of the difference in level between you and your opponent. The higher up you go the harder it is to maintain you rank; you gain fewer points and lose more unless you make a concerted effort to play those ranked above you. I know I've gone X-2 or X-1 at many MtG events and lost rank despite having a winning record. It tends to be a better measure of actual skill rather than just the ability to grind but the system, as any, has its pros and cons.
One thing I don't get about Valentine...
Why did she blow up Lab 8? Especially when you consider that she betrayed the skullgroup afterwards. Did she really have no faith in Lab 8's work?
She has hair car too!OMG, Fillia fights with her hair just like Millia. How clever.
Any explanation why the story mode wasnt canon? I mean, if youre gonna spend the time to write it, might as well make it count.
Any disagreements or surprises or deaths were easy to throw away for me because I was all like "well this aint canon, so whatev" Which is kind of a shame.
I've seen people run Peacock/Parasoul (Flame Pillar assist) and get a lot of milage out of it. The Flame Pillar gives Peacock a good way to protect herself from jump-ins, which she doesn't have a lot of tools to cover, and it gives her a fast and fairly-invincible reversal. And since Parasoul can also play pretty lame, there's a good bit of "style synergy."My favorite character by far is Peacock but I was having trouble playing her solo so I started using her as anchor (H Shadow of Impending Doom assist) with Filia (H Updo assist) on point. It's an enjoyable team and I was doing well, but just curious what other suggestions everyone might have for a good partner for Peacock and what assists people are using.
-brugs?- Eh, there's characters I like in U3, just... not enough to play it, lol. Too many more foundationally solid games to focus on, to worry about Mahvell.Sad to see you couldn't find characters u like in U3 though.
Can I still a bro hug?
I finished all the story modes! I'm curious to hear which were people's favorite and why? As stand-alones, I thought Peacock and Painwheel's were the best-they didn't end with all unicorns and rainbows but I felt gave you a good idea as to who these characters were, what they fight for and where their future may lie. The implications of Double's are also pretty far out there.
Any explanation why the story mode wasnt canon? I mean, if youre gonna spend the time to write it, might as well make it count.
Any disagreements or surprises or deaths were easy to throw away for me because I was all like "well this aint canon, so whatev" Which is kind of a shame.
The way I see it, Double's ending is the game's way of telling you that none of the endings were canon
Although, wellDid anybody get the impression that being the Skullgirl is not a bad deal at all? Marie still had her own motivations and logic, plus all the power. The Skullheart didnt make her evil in any way... so how is it any different than having Samson as a parasite? You get a free wish and be this powerful demigod, not a bad deal really
Yo Ravi, just wanted to ask if you've had complaints about this game being played with a PS3 pad. I personally can't get QCFs or QCBs to come out, I gotta do them as HCF or HCB.
You see this badass mo-fo?
90% of his combos are links.
...and they're super effective.
I've seen people run Peacock/Parasoul (Flame Pillar assist) and get a lot of milage out of it. The Flame Pillar gives Peacock a good way to protect herself from jump-ins, which she doesn't have a lot of tools to cover, and it gives her a fast and fairly-invincible reversal. And since Parasoul can also play pretty lame, there's a good bit of "style synergy."
Played about six hours of versus last night with friends and I'm going to eat crow on this game. While I still found the animation to be a little odd, I really enjoyed playing it and will be putting more time into it tonight (and this weekend as I'm adding it to our weekly locals roster).
Any explanation why the story mode wasnt canon?