Best Buy near me showed 330 and Target near me showed 47. Best Buy it is.
Where are you guys getting Best Buy inventory numbers from? Brickseek only shows Target and Wal-Mart. are you calling the store?
Best Buy near me showed 330 and Target near me showed 47. Best Buy it is.
Where are you guys getting Best Buy inventory numbers from? Brickseek only shows Target and Wal-Mart. are you calling the store?
Walmart hasent shipped for me yet.
Same. Wish I got it from BB.
BB was the best bet. Shame it was only open for such a limited amount of time for preorder.
I have no money in my bank account and my credit card is maxed out, so I am hoping they don't take payment over the course if the next 10 hours before I get paid!!
The countdown is on....
Um that looks wrong! Thats not how it was on a real SNES! The whole background/foreground didnt disappear like that whenever you touched a fuzzy! Wtf? Nintendo fucking up emulation once again...
Where did you order form? They might hold stock for a couple of days while they retry the card or request a new one from you depending on the retailer. Either way I hope it works out.
Best Buy near me showed 330 and Target near me showed 47. Best Buy it is.
Where are you seeing these? The Brickseek links aren't working for me, as they show a message saying "check back prior to launch."
Edit: seems zoolert was working but is now not.
Can't believe I missed those Hori controllers. The diagonals on my SF30s are trash.
It only worked for a few hours yesterday then they went to the "Check back prior to launch". It looks like maybe they were populating stock and then realized it was populated before hiding it.
my shopto order is processing
~Still hasn't shipped~
Come on Best Buy, you were doing so well
So do we think its realistic to walk into a store sometime on Friday and grab one of these or gonna have to do midnight or wait in line in the morning? I cant really do that with work, hoping I can still get one Friday afternoon.
Mine is too breh. Super nervous.Mine says "Preparing" still too. I assume it has to do with distance from distribution center to the delivery address. They might hold some back to assure they don't arrive earlier than launch day.
At least I hope that's what's holding us up.![]()
Best Buy is probably going to ship out tomorrow to make sure it gets here on Friday. They usually do this with games for me. They'll ship 1-2 days before. Of course I'm sure it's different everywhere.
Nothing from Amazon US yet. Not even a delivery date update.
I keep checking my BestBuy order for an update and seeing nothing, and then remembering I got it for Store Pickup and they only email you the night before and charge when you get it. Derp.
Really exciteddddddd
Yeah, except, they'll charge you the night before, when they say it's ready. I got charged for my Metroid amiibos, and when I got there, they hadn't actually received enough to cover their preorders. I was pretty livid about that one...and kind of suspect it's going to happen again.
What did they do for you, discount?
This guy works at the Frisco TX BB. 173 units!
Gave me a refund and sent me on my way. They really suck.