Naked Snake
Sigh.... I can't even be bothered. Congrats to those who managed to snag five or more.
FTFY. Sounds more like it.
Sigh.... I can't even be bothered. Congrats to those who managed to snag five or more.
Unfucking real. I missed best buy and so was checking on and off and somehow missed both.About an hour ago. Lasted a lot 30 minutes.
Credit where credit is due. Thanks for the find, man. This post came before any Wario tweets.
There's this weird listing on amazon. Anyone know whats up with it? Seems like a 3rd party scam but says sold by amazon? Very confusing for us would be preorder hunters.
nothing good ever happens to us anymore.Just want it to go up in Canada :
Unfucking real. I missed best buy and so was checking on and off and somehow missed both.
Well you dont have an idiot leading your country. So that's something.nothing good ever happens to us anymore.
I'm pretty sure the only reason this didn't sell out in record time is because most people didn't know if it was legitimate.
Preordered from Wal Mart only to have it canceled
Missed Best Buy because I was sleeping
Now I got in on that weird amazon listing
What a fucking crapshoot lol, gg Nintendo
Follow Wario64 on twitter and get text notifications. That's the best advice I can give you.
The original listing hasn't been up yet, right?
Only the new (and weird) listing was opened to pre-orders, right?
I'd still like to give away a SNES Classic during the first season of my upcoming podcast. By then these should be pretty rare. But someone warned me about subscription bots and giveaways. I'll have to figure out a way to have it reach a real listener.
Hmm, I guess I'll have to rethink my plan.Not sure why you would want to do that. The games on the SNES Classic can't be played full screen, so if you put them on a CRT, the actual game screen is going to look tiny.
FTFY. Sounds more like it.
yes but the weird listing is apparently the real listing in the process of being updated
Not sure why you would want to do that. The games on the SNES Classic can't be played full screen, so if you put them on a CRT, the actual game screen is going to look tiny.
So I'm guessing the preorder embargo from Nintendo was until 12am PDT on the 22nd, and BB and Amazon just happened to open up in the middle of the night while Walmart and Target are waiting until the morning sometime.
Ah right. I'm just gobsmacked why they would roll this out for the US while half the country is asleep. Gonna be a lot of bitter and confused east coast gsmers waking up soon.Technically, Best Buy would have broken that embargo since they went up at 10PM PDT on the 21st.
Wait, what the hell, what's this about a different Amazon listing?! Is the one from about an hour ago not the right one & will get cancelled??
Phew, thank you. I ordered a 2nd one just in case for my best friend in case he can't get it from GS to pay it off with their branded credit card. If he gets it from GS, then I guess the spare order can go to my canadian friend.same one, youre fine.
I figured they were using the different listing so they didn't have to deal with bots and scripts.
...That's a thing, right?
I got one, but I'm bummed about everyone who didn't. I don't think this is gonna be like the NES Classic (which I didn't get, fucking Nintendo), so I'm sure there's gonna be more this time around.
I had Wario up on one window and my phone this entire time. >_>
I hope you all get your shit canceled
I hope you all get your shit canceled
This whole "significantly more" supply than the NES Classic sure isn't going to go over well when it's discovered that they probably meant only like 100K more at most.
Hmm, I guess I'll have to rethink my plan.
Edit: Not even with the 4:3 mode thingy?
The new trailer shows new functionality like a rewind mode so improved video controls may not be out of the question. That was a loud complaint about the nes one.
I hope you all get your shit canceled
I hope Nintendo cancels the SNES mini all together