Chrono Trigger for $70 loose? Hot dang.
Considering it's available on PS1, DS, PS3/PSP Digital, Wii VC, iOS, and Android, it's totally wild how its held its value so well on SNES.
...would be the DS version, would it not?true, but...definitive version
...would be the DS version, would it not?
i threw it around a bit...yeah, it's got fetch-quest martian town and an extra ending, so...maybe? i forget, did it have the anime scenes from the awful PSX version? that might help.
true, but...definitive version
It was this time last year that my wife had scoped out a Craig's list posting for a garage sale with games. We got there at 6:40 AM.
The seller had:
Zelda 1 and 2 (NES)
Zelda LTTP (SNES) boxed
Zelda OOT boxed
Zelda Majora's Mask boxed
Zelda 4 swords Gamecube
Zelda Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition Gamecube
Megaman Collection Gamecube
For $10 total. He also had a PS2 for $5 that I passed on because I was feeling content. It wasn't until then that I realized the power of getting to garage sales and swap meets early.
Up at this ridiculous hour on my day off to get some DEALS.
I'll post my victory, or utter defeat after I swing around some Yard Sales.
I would not. It's a definitive console JRPG....would be the DS version, would it not?
No SNES luck.good luck chuck
No SNES luck.
Did get a model 1 Genesis w/ High Definition Graphics, hookups, 1 6 button, 1 3 button, Sonic, Sonic 2, Ecco, Road Rash 2, Aladdin, Power Rangers, Power Rangers The Movie, X-men 2 for $40.
Guy threw in. TG16 with Alien Crush for free. No hookups though.
that diminishes my prior argument, often a kneejerk response to the shit shitty shit loading times of the PSX version we were stuck with for so many years
carry-on, 16-bit
Agreed,seems like an easy choice.
Gonna corner the market and make a killing on ebay.
Looking for some advice. I've got a ton of retro consoles, all if which connect to a TV via an RF switch. Any advice on how to connect all of these to a single TV without having to constantly connect/disconnect each one?
Does such thing as a RF switch box exist? I did some research and couldn't seem to find anything along that line...
Super Ass. NEC are terrorists holding my TG16 hostage with a Turbo Booster that sells for like $75 on eBay.
If you absolutely have to though, I'd daisy chain.
^damn, my hopes for a TG CD or duo are getting more & more expensive as i learn about this stuff
lol NEC hardware is something else. Even the AV Booster for PC engine will run about $50. Might as well get the Interface Unit and get some added functionality with your RCA output.
Can you mod the TG16 for RGB?
SNES doesn't do component. So there's that.
Use a Mr Clean Magic Eraser. It would take 2 minutes to take off the entire name.
That looks like a lot of work to get the E half faded.
Use a Mr Clean Magic Eraser. It would take 2 minutes to take off the entire name.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works great, but it should be noted that it's basically very fine grit sandpaper. In extreme cases you will rub off the texture that cartridges have and they're look glossy in the places you used the eraser on. A cart with a gold finish like Zelda or Adventure of Link might get pretty scratched up too.
Doubling the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser suggestion. Works like magic.
And Goo Gone for sticker residue.
*Is handed a large sack with a dollar sign on it*
Uh, looks like my laundry is done heh heh.