Haha that's a good story. Which SD cart are you using which can be cut in half?
Its one of these SanDisk SD Cards. You can see when looking at the rear of the card where to cut.

Haha that's a good story. Which SD cart are you using which can be cut in half?
More like Slow Makaimura, amirite?
Shine an LED (like the flash on your phone) through it, you can see which cards are empty inside the top half.Its one of these SanDisk SD Cards. You can see when looking at the rear of the card where to cut.
I will be in LA next week and I'm looking at buying some ntsc games (I'm from Spain). I was looking to games that never were published here, the usual suspects, like Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound,...
Some of the prices I saw were:
Super Mario RPG: $59
Final Fantasy III: $59
Chrono Trigger: $99
Earthbound: $199
What do you think of the prices?
And also, any other NTSC only gem I should look for? (I mean, games that never saw PAL release)
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but I bought a couple of SFC jrpg games while on a trip to Japan and I'm planning on playing them on a retrode. I didn't really think it through before buying, but are there ways to play English versions of games released in NA using the Japanese cartridge? I have Chrono Trigger, FFVI, FFV, Breath of Fire 1 & 2, Terranigma and Secret of Mana for the SFC.
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but I bought a couple of SFC jrpg games while on a trip to Japan and I'm planning on playing them on a retrode. I didn't really think it through before buying, but are there ways to play English versions of games released in NA using the Japanese cartridge? I have Chrono Trigger, FFVI, FFV, Breath of Fire 1 & 2, Terranigma and Secret of Mana for the SFC.
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but I bought a couple of SFC jrpg games while on a trip to Japan and I'm planning on playing them on a retrode. I didn't really think it through before buying, but are there ways to play English versions of games released in NA using the Japanese cartridge? I have Chrono Trigger, FFVI, FFV, Breath of Fire 1 & 2, Terranigma and Secret of Mana for the SFC.
look into ips patching and fan translations
not sure if all of these released fan translations though as they have official English language versions, but there could be. I know FF6 has a fan retranslation with the censorship removed for example.
I believe the Retron 5 added the ability to load translation patches when you put in a legit cart.
The problem is you have to use a Retron 5. Just letting you know.
look into ips patching and fan translations
not sure if all of these released fan translations though as they have official English language versions, but there could be. I know FF6 has a fan retranslation with the censorship removed for example.
Terranigma, FFV, and FFVI / Breath of Fire 2 for retranslations for sure. Maybe not Chrono, Secret, or BoF1...unless you just like the SFC art more, and get em flashed with a North American rom.
If you don't do it yourself, most repro people will only do games that have fan translations or retranslations.
I believe the Retron 5 added the ability to load translation patches when you put in a legit cart.
The problem is you have to use a Retron 5. Just letting you know.
Thanks for the replies! I'll look into fan translations and retranslations. I don't have a retron 5 and I don't know how to flash, and I think I'd rather not modify the cartridge either. Just grabbed Super Mario RPG and Bahamut Lagoon today in Korea, the prices were way more expensive than in Japan but still worth it I think. Almost grabbed Super Metroid but it was close to 30$, I think I can find a better deal.
When I bought my set of s-video cables I made sure to get them from Innovation. They seem to be good quality and have no real problems that I can tell. It's hard to tell exactly what you're getting from amazon when you order, though. I got the crappy cables with the combined composite connector the first time around.
Innovation and Monster cables are good though.I find the 3rd party s-video cables (and cables in general) are garbage. I suggest getting an official Nintendo branded cable.
Hey guys, what are some of the colored SFC carts? I saw some horse racing game a few pages back. Any other?
Whats the point of this mod: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Super-Ninte...ree-Painted-/321849335784?hash=item4aefb71fe8
Doesnt the Snes send RGB over the composite-port anyways? Is it to get stereo music?
Maybe it's just a component mod but they put RGB in the title because they don't know the difference between the two? Lots of people think they're the same because of plug colours, lol.
Although you'd think if they can mod for component they would know that...
It's just a filename, most likely; you could call it "ffv.wad" if you wanted to but the contents would be the same, and the contents are what matters. As long as it runs in your emulator, it's fine.
Hmm... I bought FFV for the SFC and when I loaded it into my retrode I noticed that the extension was .a26 instead of the usual .sfc. Does this mean I bought a fake cartridge? Don't know much about this sort of stuff.
Keep at it, it's such a good game IMO.been playing mega man 7 and im stuck on wiley's 2nd stage.. i get to the boss but after the bass fight im basically depleted and can barely make it to the final boss before i die and start over
Sounds like your retrode might be having trouble reading the cart. Have you tried cleaning the pins or inserting it again?
Best way to confirm a legit cart is to get a bit and open it up. Also the best way to clean the pins.
Anyone else with Photoshop skills want to make a couple of retail-style SNES covers for a Universal Game Case for me? I asked already in the coverproject request forum but I got ignored
Looking for Super Buster Bros and the Addam's Family, NTSC versions.
Here's one for Super Buster Bros https://app.box.com/s/d536a883fa91f255cf03
No luck with Addam's family unfortunately.
If you can't find any covers on the main UGC site, check out Wiggy's posts for his custom covers for NES and SNES. I can't believe how much work he put into making them and I think they should be enjoyed! Especially if you can't find a default cover art on the site.
NES: http://www.thecoverproject.net/forums/index.php?topic=12279.0
SNES: http://www.thecoverproject.net/forums/index.php?topic=10385.0
Anyone that has finished mega man 7..
I finally got to the final Wiley fight. His 2nd form is fucking unbelievably hard.
Anywho, does anyone know if I turn off my snes will I have to re-do the entire 4 wiley staged again? Or will the PW allow me to skip that and go straight to the boss rush/wiley fight?
The reason I ask is because early I tried entering a PW that I thought would take me to wiley stage 2, but it started me at stage 1. I REFUSE to re-do all of wiley's stages for the third time.
Anyone know?
I can't recall any Mega Man game with passwords that save your Fortress progress, so no. Pretty sure the password you're getting will take you to Stage 1 again.
Hey guys! I won an eBay auction for a near complete copy of MMX. When I opened it, I immediately noticed how glossy the box was. It's something that I ever really looked at with my other CIB SNES games, but compared to a few random spot checks on other games, this is by far the glossiest box that I now own. I know there have been some "bootleg" boxes that have popped up in the last few weeks, and I won't lie if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind that I feel victim to this. The interior of the box looks like it should, which is very reassuring and the front and back of the box has what I would consider "normal" wear and tear. There are a few spots on the box, mostly on the mid to upper right front side, which kind of look like water stains or the like, but just wanted to be certain that they weren't a result of the box being printed by someone at home. I also opened up the cart and everything checks out after running the chip numbers, so I know that the cart it legit. I hate being so OCD about stuff like this, but I wanted a few more eyes on it, just to be safe.
Hey guys! I won an eBay auction for a near complete copy of MMX. When I opened it, I immediately noticed how glossy the box was. It's something that I never really looked at with my other CIB SNES games, but compared to a few random spot checks on other games, this is by far the glossiest box that I now own. I know there have been some "bootleg" boxes that have popped up in the last few weeks, and I won't lie if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind that I feel victim to this. The interior of the box looks like it should, which is very reassuring and the front and back of the box has what I would consider "normal" wear and tear. There are a few spots on the box, mostly on the mid to upper right front side, which kind of look like water stains or the like, but just wanted to be certain that they weren't a result of the box being printed by someone at home. I also opened up the cart and everything checks out after running the chip numbers, so I know that the cart it legit. I hate being so OCD about stuff like this, but I wanted a few more eyes on it, just to be safe.
Hey guys! I won an eBay auction for a near complete copy of MMX. When I opened it, I immediately noticed how glossy the box was. It's something that I never really looked at with my other CIB SNES games, but compared to a few random spot checks on other games, this is by far the glossiest box that I now own. I know there have been some "bootleg" boxes that have popped up in the last few weeks, and I won't lie if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind that I feel victim to this. The interior of the box looks like it should, which is very reassuring and the front and back of the box has what I would consider "normal" wear and tear. There are a few spots on the box, mostly on the mid to upper right front side, which kind of look like water stains or the like, but just wanted to be certain that they weren't a result of the box being printed by someone at home. I also opened up the cart and everything checks out after running the chip numbers, so I know that the cart it legit. I hate being so OCD about stuff like this, but I wanted a few more eyes on it, just to be safe.
Hey guys! I won an eBay auction for a near complete copy of MMX. When I opened it, I immediately noticed how glossy the box was. It's something that I never really looked at with my other CIB SNES games, but compared to a few random spot checks on other games, this is by far the glossiest box that I now own. I know there have been some "bootleg" boxes that have popped up in the last few weeks, and I won't lie if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind that I feel victim to this. The interior of the box looks like it should, which is very reassuring and the front and back of the box has what I would consider "normal" wear and tear. There are a few spots on the box, mostly on the mid to upper right front side, which kind of look like water stains or the like, but just wanted to be certain that they weren't a result of the box being printed by someone at home. I also opened up the cart and everything checks out after running the chip numbers, so I know that the cart it legit. I hate being so OCD about stuff like this, but I wanted a few more eyes on it, just to be safe.
I used to own MMX2.
Gave it away
Just for fun, do you guys and gals remember your original purchased games?
Off the top of my head:
Super Mario World--pack in
Super Mario All Stars--free promotion
Super Metroid
Mario Kart
I think that's it. I rented and borrowed since I was young and had no cash.
Is your cardboard insert folded so that it keeps the cart away from all four sides of the box (and did your cart come with a dust protector), or is the insert "C shaped", essentially protecting only three sides of the cart?
I don't recall mine being glossy. It's the OG with the color manual. Is yours the Majesco re-release?
This looks pretty legit to me. Mega Man X Japan is very glossy. Much more than other Japan SNES boxes I find. There are several games like this that are super glossy. Rest assured that is not a repro box.