..whoah, that's cool! any idea if there's enough done on it to be playable? i always read about stuff like this (or Ocean's Green Lantern game) and hope for a playable build, however short, to show up one day
oh yeah! Kaneda =)![]()
Canceled Akira game
Canceled Akira game
I bought the german version of Terranigma a few years ago, thought it would be a decent opportunity to practice the language (also played Crusader of Centy in german a few years ago), but yeah, ended up never even starting it. Maybe time for that this summer!
Speaking of that game Is there a NTSC patch for English language Terranigma? I'm curious how the repros work. When I put the PAL cart in a NA SNES I get a region incompatibility message
Wrong thread, says Sega Genesis when video starts![]()
Love the depth on this scene. Wonder if this is pre rendered.
Speaking of that game Is there a NTSC patch for English language Terranigma? I'm curious how the repros work. When I put the PAL cart in a NA SNES I get a region incompatibility message
Canceled Akira game
Hope y'all don't mind me asking again:
Any recommendations for dungeon crawlers on the SNES? First person or isometric or whatever.
They're certainly outshined, but it's a niche genre so I'm not surprised. Given that even the gameboy has its suite of dungeon crawlers, though, I figured the SNES would have to have some goodies.I think the lack of responses comes from... the SNES is a JRPG machine. If something obvious like Final Fantasy puts too much "J" in JRPG and not enough dungeon crawl, then most of the SNES's best offerings are disqualified.
There's some stuff like Wizardry, but AFAIK something like Wizardry is more of a PC game than an SNES game, so it's less likely to get recommended.
I'll check 'em out. Arcana seems interesting and I saw it recommended elsewhere, as well.BrainLord.
Arcana's a good bet since its also by HAL labs with music by Jun Ishikawa.
Just finished Castlevania 4 and decided to play Dracula X. Why the fuck is the movement speed so slow!? I swear you move fast when you jump, so I'm constantly jumping trying to move quicker.
Wants 8 grand for game, will ship economy and charge you $4 for the privilege.
SNES Dracula X? I ask because it's been awhile since I've played either version of Dracula X but I believe the movement speed may be a little faster in the PC-Engine version? Don't quote me on that. Either way, there's definitely a deliberate pace to either version of Dracula X. Just give it some time and you'll adjust.
I would like to dig more into the SNES version. I played a little bit of it via emulator but I would like to play it on my RGB modded SNES hooked up to my recently acquired 13" PVM. Having said that, I generally don't like the idea of paying more than $150 for just a cartridge, so I've had a hard time justifying buying Dracula X.
I'm thinking of buying a Super Everdrive to get my hands on some obscure stuff and the most expensive games on the SFC / SNES. Will my modded PAL console handle it? I've read some people have had issues.
Some games do the "This game pak is not designed for your Super Famicom or Super NES" (I think US Super Metroid is one?) but that goes away by flipping the 50/60 hz switch. I have no issues playing real SFC or US SNES carts on my SNES.
yeah...that's an issue. you can patch the roms beforehand to get rid of that.
the other alternative for yourself is the SD2SNES. It's about double the price, but the compatibility is insane and it has auto-region patching
Looks like I'm gonna go for the SD2SNES then, after I can save up a little bit.
In anticipation of de-yeloowing it in the future I swapped out the gamebit fasteners for philips machine screws, #4 x 1/2". They're not a perfect fit but they work well and I don't have to rely on gamebit tools.
Argh, I hate phillips screws. You know how your screws were so tight that you accidentally broke three posts and you were worried that your gamebit was going to strip out? Phillips are pretty much guaranteed to strip out, even in less-severe situations. They strip out easier than anything (even the archaic flat-head), and once they slip once, they round off their corners and make it even easier to slip and second and then a third time. And then you need to find yourself a reverse-direction drill bit to try and drill out the ruined remains of a crappy screw.
Robertson (square head) rules. Phillips should die in a fire.
$175 for Earthbound isn't a terrible price for it right now really.
$40 for Shining Force 2 is pretty decent as well
Found these at Half Price Books today. Not too many deals to be found though.
Agreed that they're not bad, but I want DEALS from HPB. I could go on ebay and get those prices all day. And it's like they did exactly that by searching ebay for the going price.
The trick with HBP is to wait for their 40-50% coupons. I don't think those games will stick around that long, but thats what I do. My HBP has been a wasteland for years though.
Anyone have a link to what they would consider a good power cable for the US snes? I haven't been able to locate my original cable and I have found a few on Amazon but the reviews seem a bit mixed, plus I trust NeoGafs opinion more when it comes to stuff like this.