Rygar 8 Bit
Jaguar 64-bit
couple loose carts of it up on amazon for $6
I balked at paying $35 last summer. Siiiiiigh.Sunset Riders was attainable for half it's current price in late 2011.
i suppose in hindsight its good that the GB/A thread died.
$uper NE$ - Now you're playing with near-bankruptcy. Super near-bankruptcy!
I balked at paying $35 last summer. Siiiiiigh.
couple loose carts of it up on amazon for $6
I know that Tetris Battle Gaiden disappears from eBay everytime Giantbomb has a SNES Stream.
It probably doubled in price in the past 6 months because of them alone.
Edit: There's a couple of complete boxed copies going for 40 bucks on ebay right now. They look pretty good!
I was talking on another thread: Saturn S-Video Cables are going for 70 dollars.
SEVENTY DOLLARS. There's NOTHING special about them (except the 10 pin mini-dim connector, which is out of spec).
They were going for 8 dollars on PlayAsia in October.
Shit's crazy, man.
Just curious do we have any other collecting threads like this one? Maybe a general collecting thread of some sort? I searched and found a GB/GBA one but that's the only one I saw.
I have never played a Megaman game aside from ZX on the DS, would Megaman X be worth $20?
I balked at paying $35 last summer. Siiiiiigh.
i suppose in hindsight its good that the GB/A thread died.
I have never played a Megaman game aside from ZX on the DS, would Megaman X be worth $20?
If you enjoyed ZX, for sure. MMX 1 & 2 are two of my favorite SNES games (never cared much for part 3 but I assume I'm the minority there). Weren't the ZX games super hard? I seem to remember that being the case, which is not the case with the X series.
I wish amazon would allow links to pictures in listings. I could never buy a cart without seeing it first, so I'll never buy anything like this from Amazon.
What inexpensive SNES games do you think people should buy at this point?
The best game in the SNES library that you can find complete in box for under twenty bucks is probably The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse. It's strange, nobody really talks about it anymore, but it's a really fun platformer that was a semi-big deal in it's time.
The best game in the SNES library that you can find complete in box for under twenty bucks is probably The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse. It's strange, nobody really talks about it anymore, but it's a really fun platformer that was a semi-big deal in it's time.
You have no idea how badly this kills me. I don't know what kind of work would go into making that possible, but I really wish they could get someone on that.
Yeah, Magical Quest is great. (Too bad the difficulty in the sequels took a nosedive...) Probably my favorite licensed Capcom platformer from that era.
Holy fuck. You just helped me find a game from my childhood. I forgot the name and looked around for it and thought I was crazy when I wasn't able to find it.Went through Video Game Price Charts this afternoon, here are some decent pick-ups (where "inexpensive" means "less than $15 or so"):
Super Punch Out
Shien's Revenge (really off-kilter shooting gallery-type game where you stab people instead of shooting them)
Earthworm Jim 1 & 2 (Genesis/CD versions are better, at least in the case of the first game)
Illusion of Gaia (surprised this one is cheap and Soul Blazer is more expensive)
Legend of the Mystical Ninja (Konami games have balooned in price but this one hasn't I guess?)
Skyblazer (pretty decent sidescroller)
The Lost Vikings
TMNT Tournament Fighters
Super Ghouls n Ghosts
UN Squadron
Magic Sword
Brain Lord
Kendo Rage (another rare but still cheap game...side-scroller with a Japanese/anime sense of humor, not amazing but decent)
Super Adventure Island
Congo's Caper (secretly the sequel to Joe & Mac)
FF Mystic Quest (shut up the music is awesome)
Joe and Mac
Killer Instinct
Weaponlord (though I think people agree the Genesis version is slightly better)
Ys III (get the Genesis version though instead honestly)
Tetris Attack
Cool Spot
Batman Returns (pretty decent beat-em-up from Konami)
Prince of Persia (lots of extra content from other versions)
Gradius III (was it this thread that someone said this was the worst shooter on the SNES? that dude is nuts)
Killer Instinct
Total Carnage
Operation Logic Bomb
Super R-Type
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose (most of the Konami Tiny Toons games were pretty good in general)
Jim Power (actually this game is terrible but the soundtrack rocks)
Super Turrican 2 used to be on Racketboy's "rare but cheap SNES games list" and now it is most definitely not.![]()
what other threads are there? can gaf really have that much of an impact?
Damn, I might have to fast track Knights of the Round to the top of my "To Buy" list. Had no idea it was rising in price.
It also adorned the cover of the greatest issue of Nintendo Power ever(but only the subscriber edition!)
I remember getting that one. Great game too. So the sequels sucked?
Super Adventure Island for ten bucks. Fantastic game with an amazing soundtrack.
I remember getting that one. Great game too. So the sequels sucked?
Knights of the Round is really bland and disappointing... just get the PS2/Xbox Capcom Classic Collection volume that includes it, I got the SNES version of the game for $15 (cart only) last year and really doubt that it was worth it.Yea, I've been wanting Knights of the Round and King of Dragons for awhile now and just finally got them off of Amazon and ebay and couldn't be happier. Very few copies of these games seem to be listed at a time. I can't imagine they sold tons when they came out either. Plus they genuinely are awesome games.
Get them now! $50 is a steal when by the end of the year, they'll be fetching $80, maybe even $100.
The SNES and TG16 Adventure Island games are so incredibly bland... I don't like this game much at all. I never liked the series all that much in general, but at least the second and third NES games have a LITTLE bit going for them, with the rideable dinosaurs and such. This one's incredibly basic and doesn't even have that.Super Adventure Island for ten bucks. Fantastic game with an amazing soundtrack.
On Raiden Trad, no it's not, and it's cheap too (unlike R-Type III or Space Megaforce). I do agree with you about Axelay, though, as my placement of it on my list showed... that game's okay, but it's highly overrated by some people, and it's nowhere near as good as Gradius III, or the other top-level SNES shmups either, in gameplay.Yeah I still think Gradius III is really good even if it isn't as good as the arcade version. I think Axelay is overrated by most people. The mode 7 levels aren't very good at all in my opinion. I need to find a copy of R-Type III and Space Megaforce. Oh and Raiden Trad, is that one hard to find?
The awesome powerup system is one of my favorite things about the Gradius series, so yeah, I can only strongly disagree with you here.Yeah I agree that Hyperzone shouldn't technically be in there. I mentioned earlier in the thread that it is more like REZ.
Gradius is bad in my opinion because:
1. Massive Slowdown
2. Upgrade system typical of Gradius games. I just don't like the bank system.
3. The graphics are boring. Black with white stars doesn't impress me.
4. That sand area in level two never ends.
I have been hunting Aero Fighters for two years. I put in a 4 second bid on it for $200 last month but lost to $230. I no longer have money to spend. Off to the swap meets I go!
Yeah, and it's the only 4th gen version of the game with two player simultaneous play, too. Get it.Nah, Raiden Trad is a $8 game. I just don't see it very often in the wild. You probably need to go eBay on that one. A good pickup though since vertical shooters seemed a lot rarer than side scrollers for the SNES.
The side scrolling missions aren't anything special, in either graphics or gameplay, I would say... I think the vertical ones are better. But regardless, the game's way too short. There are only three levels of each type, really? Not enough. And while the vertical levels look cool and play decently, the horizontal levels look much more average, and in either orientation, the game's just good, not great. It's nowhere near the level of most of the Gradius games (1, 2, 3, Interstellar Assault, and 5 are all better than it for sure!).For Axelay, yeah the mode 7 vertical levels feel awkward. But you get used to it and the boss fights are actually really fun. The side scrolling missions are where the game gets insanely great. Plus, the music and graphics are top notch.
Space Megaforce is a fantastic game, and it is the most expensive SNES game I own in terms of how much I paid ($40...), but I do think that Blazing Lazers for TG16, which plays very similarly, is even better... also, the game's not THAT hard. Really, compared to Blazing Lazers, it's pretty easy. Sure, the game has 12 levels, but several are these easy, short bonus levels, and the game has infinite continues, so you can't really fail. The last few levels aren't even remotely as hard as the last two levels of Blazing Lazers, either. That games' boss-rush stage near the end is just BRUTAL, but Space Megaforce is quite approachable all the way to the end. As a result, I've beaten Space Megaforce several times, but still haven't quite managed to finish Blazing Lazers...Space Megaforce will be tricky for you to get but I think it is worth it. There are something like 8 weapons and they are all really fun to use. The game can be brutally hard if you lose your upgrades but it has checkpoints so that is cool.
The third one did get a US release on the GBA that is probably cheaper.First Mickey game was SNES magic. So atmospheric.
Second was... A little meh. I own both. I'd want to pick up the SFC 3rd one though.
my wallet is dying
A Black Falcon said:The SNES and TG16 Adventure Island games are so incredibly bland... I don't like this game much at all. I never liked the series all that much in general, but at least the second and third NES games have a LITTLE bit going for them, with the rideable dinosaurs and such. This one's incredibly basic and doesn't even have that.
The third one did get a US release on the GBA that is probably cheaper.
I'm with you. At the very least, stop rewarding the high BIN listings. Make sellers list auctions with low starting bids so the actual market of bidders can determine the value.Seriously, you people need to stop feeding the "EBay games are overpriced" machine by buying games at these inflated prices... it's not good for anyone! Sure, some games are worth the amounts ebay charges, but a lot of them quite simply are not.
Just got Knights of the Round for $28 off Amazon.
It sucks being a SNES addict. I think that's it for a while.
I have EVO, Demon's Crest, Pocky & Rocky 1/2, Final Fight 2/3, Knights of the Round, King of Dragons, Sparkster, Kirby 3, Joe & Mac 2, Space Megaforce, R-Type 3, Mega Man 7...Edit: It's so frustrating trying to find games like Harvest Moon, EVO, Hagane, etc. I'm kind of curious who here has a US cart of one of these games. Not for me to beg you to trade/sell me them, but just genuinely curious who here has these?
I got some games in the mail!!
I won this lot for $1.04 and with $10 shipping I think I came out on top. My goal was SM: All Stars.
My $30 Castlevania 4 also showed up which is in pristine condition. I'm pretty excited to play this for the first time.
I've got some battery swaps (Super Metroid & Yoshi's Island) to do tonight and then I'll be set for some SNES bliss over the weekend. I'm also thinking of sharing some pics of the battery swap process as well.
Yup, that's where this one came from. If people are interested, I'll post more pictures once it has been cleaned up. Are you near Tokyo?
The best game in the SNES library that you can find complete in box for under twenty bucks is probably The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse. It's strange, nobody really talks about it anymore, but it's a really fun platformer that was a semi-big deal in it's time.