NeoGAF: my new HOME
Oh yeah, I know. The S-Video cables the store have were the same brand.
I have those. Dunno if they work my big TV has no S-Video slot and I am an idiot
Oh yeah, I know. The S-Video cables the store have were the same brand.
What is a reasonable price for buying Wild Guns?
My local game store has it for 120.00, but it doesn't have the label.
What is a reasonable price for buying Wild Guns?
My local game store has it for 120.00, but it doesn't have the label.
Sucks that this game has risen so fast. I got it two years ago for $20 because I thought it was funny that a little cowgirl was shooting at a massive robot.
What is a reasonable price for buying Wild Guns?
My local game store has it for 120.00, but it doesn't have the label.
Aw man, Wild guns, I totally want it.
Just bought 5 PC engine games though, my wallet simply can' a few weekmonths you can count on me to grab one.
Are you sure? I've seen Stumpokapow post about game reproductions and give the link. That's how I found out about the site. He seems to know the rules so I think it's okay, unless something has changed since then.
I ended up with
Very basic site. lol. But they are $45 each (mine were anyways) and has both homebrew repros and translation repros.
Most of their SNES translations are $60. They offer Star Ocean which a lot of place don't though. Really want that, looks awesome. $120 though...
Buy a goddamn flashcart and make your own "repros". It costs 120 bucks and all you need is a SD card and some hacked roms.
Also, you can change them. Buying repros like these is kinda paying for piracy, when you think about it... so might as well.
Pass. I want real carts on my shelf.
I don't really view it as piracy since they are made out of the original Japanese Super Famicom carts that have had one of their chips swapped to one with English on it, as seen here:
what's the point if the "real carts" aren't technically real and have chips that will die in 15 years?
I don't know about the 15 year life span. Need to look into it more, shitty if true. If it looks real, feels real, plays real, it's real (to me damn it!)
what's the point if the "real carts" aren't technically real and have chips that will die in 15 years?
I'd honestly rather buy a Japanese import (to have the cart, box, and manual) but play a patched ROM.
what's the point if the "real carts" aren't technically real and have chips that will die in 15 years?
EPROMS have much, much better data retention than that. The 15 year lifespan thing is a myth, not sure how it started.
People still buy and sell NES prototype carts that still work for example. Arcade boards use EPROMS too, and I've got a Mortal Kombat II cabinet that hasn't had its Rom Chips touched in 20 years. It works fine.
That's what I'm thinking. Buy a Retrode or Super UFO Pro 8. Import games. Rip them and patch.what's the point if the "real carts" aren't technically real and have chips that will die in 15 years?
I'd honestly rather buy a Japanese import (to have the cart, box, and manual) but play a patched ROM.
Does it have tabs I can't see, or do you have to add those yourself or something?
I saw this at Play N Trade recently...I don't suppose anyone here would know what it is?
I think that's Joe & Mac 2. Which got translated to Congo's Caper here.
I currently have a Sim City with over 200,000. Of course, I'm using the max money cheat. lol.
I would say around $40 since that's how much I paid. I would avoid all BINs and stick to bidding.
I hate paying a lot for manuals...I might go maybe as high as 5-10 bucks.
Okay 5.
I don't think we are supposed to talk about those sites.
Just bought 3 repros for $45 each. Not bad. And hey, if I don't like it, I could always resell it on eBay for $90. lol /evil
Anyways bought the following:
Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds (original harder version)
Legend of Zelda: Goddess of Wisdom
Super Mario World: Return to Dinosaur Land
I find it hilarious that so many Super NES controllers have bite marks.
every few years i go back to this one (and of course you use the money cheat!), always get so close to a Megalopolis, then people leave and i just get mad & wreck my New Jack City utopia. 0 taxes! 0 Crime! low pollution!! what do you people want (;_![]()
Pretty much what happened to me. Luckily I did get most of what I wanted two years ago. There are only a handful of games that I want that are priced at $80+ that I'm not able to afford at the moment.This thread makes me wish I didn't stop collecting SNES games years ago when the prices were at least reasonable. I've been looking around now for a while and it seems that every other game that was around $50 or so complete has skyrocketed over the 150's. It's not even funny. I have a pretty good collection already, but I don't see myself getting those games I should have gotten all those years ago any time soon. It would be wallet suicide for sure.
Anyone print cover arts for the universal game cases? I have a few random games I can't find covers for (probably because their crap). Anyone have any good sites or have covers for these:
dragon ball z
derby stallion II
F1 Grand Prix Part II
Soccer II
Pro Football
Garou Densetsu
Parlord R-5-!
Garou Densetsu Special
3D Ballz
Slam Dunk
Super Soccer
Excite Stage 94
Power League (2)
Super Formation Soccer
I use and their forums usually, but figured I'd see if you guys have anything!
I saw this at Play N Trade recently...I don't suppose anyone here would know what it is?
It's a sequel of some sort...I know that much!
I think they also had one of the Super Robot Wars games...boxed! They also had a loose copy of Rock Man 2 for the Famicom.
EDIT: I looked through a list of Super Famicom games and just looked through everything with a 2...and I found it. It's Tatakae Genshijin 2: Rookie no Bōken...Congo's Caper in the US. It's a sequel to Joe & Mac...which I actually bought on the Genesis the same day I took that picture. Hah.
How much is that? 20 or 10?
15 USDWhat is a reasonable price for buying Wild Guns?
My local game store has it for 120.00, but it doesn't have the label.
Be careful. Label-less games are frequently reproductions or bootlegs. If you are going to waste $120 on a cart with no label, at least be sure it has legit internals.
Wild Guns wasn't worth the $60 it used to go for. I have no idea who is paying triple that now.
I wish there was a list out there for how much games are truly worth, instead of it being so arbitrary.
anyone have one of these game drawers? Do snes games fit in them?
I think they'd be a bit too big. SNES cartridges are a good inch longer than N64 controllers. Taller too.
anyone have one of these game drawers? Do snes games fit in them?
anyone have one of these game drawers? Do snes games fit in them?
My friend bought me one at a yard sale a few years ago that came with a bunch of loose SNES games in it. They fit just fine.