Hi yall, posted in this thread before with a question on AC adapters and wanted to say thanks to anyone who answered. Don't have one yet but will try to get one soon.
Anywayz: I posted a video of my NES/SNES/N64 Collections on my YouTube Channel so if you wanna check it out, you can watch it at:
Skip to 3:00 to see the SNES Games.
I don't have pictures now, but here is my collection:
Yoshi's Island
Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Mario All Stars
Yoshi's Cookie
Super Adventure Island
Super Adventure Island (No idea how I got two lol)
Super Gameboy
All of them except Starfox are games that I kept from my childhood. The others that I had including the DKC games, SMW, and more I probably sold off unfortunatly.

Maybe they are still around here somewhere, I still have a few places I haven't looked, but I am pretty sure they are gone. So mad at myself heh.
The only game I bought in recent years if StarFox a couple months ago from a seller on amazon who had the UGC preinstalled with artwork for four extra dollars which was cool. I can't order from ebay or find anywhere locally that sells old games at a reasonably price around me yet, do amazon is my only option outside of trading someone in the BST thread with a amazon card.. Only really started looking. Probably won't get anymore games until atleast July or so.
I wanna get mostly games that are never coming to the VC due to liscensing or whatever. So the DKC games. (Unless the GBA versions come out on WiiU VC.) Demon's Crest (lol too pricey.) Earthbound. (...please come to NA WiiU VC...please...) Sim City, Mario Paint if I can get the mouse and stuff for cheap (haven't looked it up yet), F-Zero sealed just because, and more I am forgetting.
Might collect some of my favorite games like SMW, AlttP, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy IV, and more. Depends on how much they are when I have spare money for them. Still gotta get an AC adapter for my SNES for it to work. Wanna play StarFox soon. Might just go with a Supaboy since I don't really like playing on a TV anymore.
I am on page 48 (50PPP) and plan to read through this entire thread. I love seeing everyones collections so keep posting them!