What's the best way to play fan translations (applied to your own games) on your SNES/SFC? Retrode seems like a good way to get the games from the cartridge, but what's the best way to get them on your console again? I don't really want to play them in an emulator.
Flashcart if you're a sane person.
Reprogrammed carts that you can buy from specialized shops if you're not.
You can buy an old copier and play it that way, but it's too expensive and too cubersome. A flashcart is much cheaper. You can find a couple that load directly from SD or CF Cards - they have a slot in them. On your computer, you put the roms on a SD Card (or CF card), put the card with the roms in the FlashCart slot and use it like any other game cartridge. On boot, it'll prompt you with a list of games and you can select which one you want to play from the console. I would pursue one of those. They would be anywhere from 100 to 180 bucks. I can't really provide any links on those, since it's been a while since I last looked them up.
Be aware of the older, Serial-based flashcarts. They have a limited amount of memory (64mbits-128mbits deppending on the model, which is enough for any one game on the system, but you'll get into problems with multiple games at the same time) and they require proprietary flasher hardware and software. I have an old Genesis FlashCart from ToToTek that can only be programmed through Parallel ports. Out of the 5 computers currently working in my apartment, only two have them, which is a bummer.
While we're at it, it's safe to say that you shouldn't buy anything from ToToTek: Last I checked, they only have old copier hardware (which is great if that's what you're looking for) and older Serial-based flashcarts.
Edit: It's also worth saying that most FlashCarts don't support the special chips that some SNes games require (DSP, SuperFX). I think DSP1 is supported by some of them, but to answer that properly it would require some research, which I don't really want to do... (because that would prepare me with everything I need to know to buy one, but I really can't do that right now..
