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So, almost 1 year later: PC players - Were you personally okay with Cyberpunk's release?

If you played on PC, were you okay with Cyberpunk's release?

  • Yes

    Votes: 110 62.9%
  • No

    Votes: 65 37.1%

  • Total voters
The general consensus is that Cyberpunk had an overall bad release.
Some people believe it only had a bad console release.

It is possible to effortlessly have fun with a game and get your money's worth no matter how it releases. However it's also possible to downplay the negatives of a game you're enjoying for some particular positives you really like.

So. If you played on PC, were you okay with Cyberpunk at release?
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SF Kosmo

I had some minor bugs and jank, nothing atypical of a big open world RPG at launch, and nothing that seriously hampered my experience.

I loved the game overall, and put 75 hours into it, so it's pretty hard to complain. I wasn't super bothered by the NPC and police stuff people complain about because it wasn't very central to gameplay, though I guess I did find the underbaked car AI to be a problem. It was still probably my favorite game of 2020.


I bought my present rig in preparation for the game and, to this day, still haven't bought it. I don't know if the day will ever come that it's cleaned up enough to be worthy of my time, but I'm waiting for that day.


I had a lot of bugs but they were mostly visual, and didnt stop me playing.
My main problem with the game is that it just wasnt very good, with dated design, endless Kojima style cutscenes, unlikeable edgelord characters, and was just a boring game to me.
I got lucky with the bugs I guess. Only had to restart a mission once when scripting broke. My beefs weren't bug related, but moreso the actual game itself. Since my PC is kinda old (1070Ti) I got the performance I was expecting. Medium to high-ish and 1440p.


Gold Member
Played with Patch 1.2, had a few bugs.
But it ran well, looked good, had good combat. A few good characters and story lines.
Will pick it up again some time in the future.

I guess it's much worse on consoles, especially las gen.
But on PC, it's a decent game. Not the best that CDPR has done.
I still play it from time to time. I love the loot. I like the hacking, and I absolutely love and continue to be blown away by Night City. I love just running around shooting gangs. Really enjoyed the game on PC. Only encountered one bug but it helped me beat a boss that I kept dying at. Made them get stuck on geometry. I was not mad.

Fare thee well

If it was a new unknown company that made the game without much press I think this game would be totally different in how it was received. At release I played through the game twice in a row and then haven't touched it since. While on a pc I only experienced very few bugs (like 1-2), my disappointment in how much potential this game lost slowly sunk in later. My primary complaints are weak replayability, weak side-questing, really obtuse RPG/combat-strategy mechanics, and COMPLETELY underwhelming customization. If it managed to fix those things the game would sit at a 8/10 for me, but their update priorities have been all about bugs. It is important, but that just doesn't interest me if I'm being honest.


Their stubbornness to make the game in first person ruined it a bit for me. At the end of the day, Cyberpunk is a good game (not great)... but completely forgettable.

Would give it a score of 6-7 out of 10.
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kinda. had its fair few bugs and other problems, but i played it on release three times and liked it.

what bothers me more is that the state of the game isn't much better now than it was then. i thought they would have made much more progress


No. It was the ONLY platform worth playing it on because of how much better the version is, but it's still buggy, lifeless and an overall disappointment compared to their previous works. It was a decent game, but nothing special.


IT's a decent game. Extremely ambitious and it's a sign of why Rockstar can't finish GTA6 and Bethesda TES6.

People that think it was a lazy cash grab are being naive. But they shouldn't have released it on last gen consoles.

Game development is becoming a living nightmare.
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I would be, if the game was something remotely like they had advertised it to be. I was expecting to have a long ass RPG session with it like I did with FNV or DSO, instead, we got a crappy ass half baked stinking mess of a tech demo with some linear and boring ass short storyline just to make it look like a game.

I don’t even want to hear its name again.
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Was I ok with the game when it launched. Probably not cause of a plethora of small (if not game breaking) bugs, performance issues etc. I dropped the game midway and decided to wait for patches.

Now? At patch 1.31? This feels like the stage the game should have launched at. I'm having a terrific time with my tech shotgunner. It's not Witcher 2 or 3 level for sure, but it's a good nonetheless.


Gold Member
Fuck no... I dont get how many say "yes" I tried to play the game every major patch and it's one of the most lifeless games iv played in years. I just can't get round to finishing it.

I'm not even expecting the greatest game ever made anymore, just a good game. However the systems that the game uses to engage the player just sucks. The combat and leveling system feel like a crap Deus Ex. Big as an Ocean deep as a puddle, in many ways it probably would of been dramatically better if they had limited its scope and focused on just making a single part of night city feel lived in... like that cutscene that skips through cool stuff at the start of the game, that story.

It looks nice as long as you don't stare too closely at the details, but I think some people confuse greatness and justification for having an RTX card for ray tracing, and this is coming from a 3080 owner.
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Fuck no... I dont get how many say "yes" I tried to play the game every major patch and it's one of the most lifeless games iv played in years. I just can't get round to finishing it.

I'm not even expecting the greatest game ever made anymore, just a good game. However the systems that the game uses to engage the player just sucks. The combat and leveling system feel like a crap Deus Ex. Big as an Ocean deep as a puddle, in many ways it probably would of been dramatically better if they had limited its scope and focused on just making a single part of night city feel lived in... like that cutscene that skips through cool stuff at the start of the game, that story.

It looks nice as long as you don't stare too closely at the details, but I think some people confuse greatness and justification for having an RTX card for ray tracing, and this is coming from a 3080 owner.
I had enough with bugs messing up my game. Never touched it again. i will wait 2 years for the patch they are talking about, or when there is good mods. So far, the mods we have doesnt cover the annoying part of the game.


Gamers are really well too harsh on this game I think, and overall it’s a disservice to our medium.

for example how is Ghost of Tsushima more lively or its AI more realistic ?


It's very disappointing but also they should probably just move on, there is no way to fix this AI mess unless they commit massive amount of recources in, just work on that final piece of story DLC and onto other titles like the possible witcher 4.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Game's seeing mostly positive reviews on Steam. I have no idea why do certain people keep pushing the narrative that the PC is a clusterfuck like the console version.

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At release I thought it was pretty good but rough around the edges with the bugs. I had only one mission where I had to restart and that was a taxi mission at the ai taxi hq, got stuck on a pipe.
The optimisation on pc was really good though. Runs like silk.
It is also obvious while playing that content and features were cut.
played the ps4 pro version on launch day had fun with it obviously it wasnt going to have any of the pc features because it was never going to happen even if the demo they showed at e3 was unoptimized "running on a i7 7770k and GTX 1080ti" played the pc version a few days after launch and once the patch that came after a month after launch was able to max out everything minus raytracing all without using DLSS and I installed mods on top of it frame rate was around 40-70 fps better looking and running then the ps4 version.
I went in with no expectations even though I had been waiting for it since the day they announced it. I enjoyed my time with it. It's a great story, with great voice acting, an amazing and atmospheric city, and if you have a PC powerful enough to run it, it's gorgeous to look at. No regrets, but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because I wasn't affected by the bugs too much. I also took my time with the game and by the time I got to the rest of the content, most of the worst bugs had already been patched out.
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Mouse Ball Fetishist
Never played any CDPR game, and I wasn't at all hyped for CP2077. But I played it (on PC) because it was an RPG shooter and I usually enjoy those.

Visually, the game was glitchy. There were times when I honesty couldn't tell if the character was hallucinating or the game was just fucked. I'm talking about floating cars, trees, and stuff like that.
As for gameplay-affecting bugs, there were very few, and I could probably count them in one hand. The most annoying one happened during that certain fight near the end of the game, which stopped me from progressing after beating the boss. Had to reload and do the fight again.

Overall, I enjoyed this game, and I don't think these mostly harmless bugs detracted from my experience. I don't regret playing it in that state.
It sucks that console players got the short end of the stick, though.


Neo Member
Went in with reasonable expectations and my expectations were then met. It was a solid game with a great story, some bugs but nothing gamebreaking.

Main missions and side missions were great, after completing those I started doing more side gigs and quickly regreted that - the game got too repetitive too fast.

As much as I enjoyed this game I have no desire to go back. I hope they don't spend time on multiplayer.


it was still an overall technical mess before the first couple patches happened..but the situation was overall much better than on console of course


I played day one PC version and only faced minor bugs that exist in every game! I enjoyed it though! spent 300+ hours and can't wait for the expansions.


Writes a lot, says very little
I had a lot of bugs but they were mostly visual, and didnt stop me playing.
My main problem with the game is that it just wasnt very good, with dated design, endless Kojima style cutscenes, unlikeable edgelord characters, and was just a boring game to me.

Agreed. Pretty much the saddest thing about that game, was that the bugs wasn't really the sole issue. I wish it was just a "bugs" type thing, but its the list of missing features they are marketing yet not telling us are not in the game, obvious open world features that make no sense to be absent from the game, that lack of AI was the most depressing thing about it cause the shooting is soooo fun, it would have been great to have a smart enemy to shoot vs shooting fish in a barrel, at one point i just had to go out and hunt people down as I knew they were just not smart enough to actually do much to me. No point in leveling up when you are already murdering the whole town and cops and gangs can't drive cars.....

Its why so many other open world games had their concept intact, they didn't just make a cool world and they lie about everything else, other titles for the most part make all those elements fit. Its not enough to just tell me Cops are this or that or the future is this or that, fucking show me vs telling me, its as if they couldn't do those elements in the game for real, so just opted to have a fucking television tell you shit or a character tell you shit, in a game where that can just be shown and experienced.

I gave up on waiting this game to even give me that scifi concept, I'd rather just see Ubisoft do it at this point.
I’m not going to pretend it was bug free as we’ve all seen the videos but I can honestly say I didn’t suffer any noticeable bugs or performance issues and I completed it week one.

Is the game less than it could have been? Yes.

Did I still have a great time? Also yes.


I don't really understand the "yes", I've often seen people claiming that the game was "fine" on PC, but that's just not true, the biggest problems in the games are things that even the best hardware can't fix.

The biggest and most shocking issue to me is how non persistent the world is. The fact that everything will be different if you look at a street, turn around, and look at it again, is just... I don't even know, it ruins everything. It makes that you're the only constant in that world, and everything that isn't directly in your field of view doesn't exist, and gets reloaded differently when you look at it again. It's the most anti immersive thing ever. 10 NPCs and a white car -> turn around, look again -> 5 different NPCs and a yellow car.

It almost feels like being in a quantic world, reminds me of some scenes from Outer Wilds, people who played it will understand :messenger_grinning_squinting:

This alone completely ruins the world and the immersion to me, and to this you can add stuff like the teleporting police, which is most likely related to this memory issue too... The game has a lot of weird design choices that aren't really "bugs", and are the same no matter the hardware.
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Md Ray

I've had 8-core Zen 2-based PC since 2019 so the experience wasn't as bad except for some bugs popping up here and there.


I started playing it 30 minutes after it launched on Steam. I played it for 160 hours before putting it down. I loved 99.9% of my time with it, with the exception being the few bugs I had, though nothing gamebreaking.

I did expect certain elements of it (yes, that dreaded pedestrian/driver AI) being better than they were. But it was still my GOTY with good margin since I realize that it was a game, and not ultimate life simulator.

That said I do hope the nextgen relaunch will bring improvements to world simulation as well, and fix the polish issues.
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I was lucky in my run and the game had far less bugs than stuff like avengers, skyrim or fallou4 at launch, so yeah, relatively happy with it, first run was around 100 hours.

Game was not perfect even outside of the technical problems but still enjoyable enough to make me want to do a second run with different choices and playstyle.

P.s. first post nailed it.
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