The internet is ready to hate this game.
The "Mania = good, Forces = trash" narrative has been in place for about a year.
The internet media conveniently forget the high scores they gave to Generations and Colors when they talk about sonic just not working in 3d.
Trashing this game will bring in the clicks.
It's all about the clicks and the circlejerk of hate. You've gotta give the people what they want and any reviewer should be wary of giving this game a good score regardless of whether or not they enjoy it, if they care about their internet journalist credibility.
I expect some "I had fun but nitpick nitpick nitpick 5/10" reviews and also 1/10 from the likes of Jim Sterling.
I think 3d Sonic definitely needs a reboot. Not just in the gameplay department but also in regard to the lore and characterization.
Have you not heard of Sonic Boom?
I think 3d Sonic definitely needs a reboot. Not just in the gameplay department but also in regard to the lore and characterization.
I like how in the
game they reconned classic Sonic from being a younger Sonic, to being a different Sonic from a different dimension. Sega doesn't know what the fuck to do with Sonic, I never seen a company struggle so much with their characters identity and versions of uses.
I feel like I was the only person in the world who actually liked lost world, I hate how SEGA gives new 3d sonic ideas 1 shot and then throws it in the garbage. With refinement that formula could have been Sonics best shot at the transition to 3d platformer.
As for forces how did we end up with a worse sonic generations? That formula worked just fine it was successful how do you actively make it worse??? I have trudged through some absolute garbage when it comes to 3D sonic but man I am putting my foot down with forces, get your shit together sonic team!
I feel like I was the only person in the world who actually liked lost world, I hate how SEGA gives new 3d sonic ideas 1 shot and then throws it in the garbage. With refinement that formula could have been Sonics best shot at the transition to 3d platformer.
As for forces how did we end up with a worse sonic generations? That formula worked just fine it was successful how do you actively make it worse??? I have trudged through some absolute garbage when it comes to 3D sonic but man I am putting my foot down with forces, get your shit together sonic team!
They've done this 6 times.
The problem isn't 3D Sonic it's not changing out the guys who keep screwing things up. In fact since one moron director said the Sonic with "humans" is a different world than the ones without them (but the former has games that are Canon wtf?) The lore is basically full of holes now.
Not to mention if the world in a game like say, Sonic Forces or Sonic Boom or Sonic Heroes aren't in the same dimension as Adventure, 06, unleashed, then why is eggman talking about his grandfather in SA2? Is Eggman from another dimension?
Heck Sonic Forces doesn't even have an actual explanation on classic Sonic being there outside "eggman may be screwing with dimentions" which doesn't really make much sense as you play the game. Also Silver is there for some reason.
Oh I definitely want new and better talent behind Sonic. I've said as much repeatedly on this board.
3D Blast wasnt even Sonic Team and Adventure is the highest rated Sonic ever.Yes, however you mentioned rebooting 3D Sonic. They did though it's the talent that's the issue or lack of:
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Heroes
Sonic 2006 (full reboot attempt)
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Lost World
3D Blast wasnt even Sonic Team and Adventure is the highest rated Sonic ever.
Lol. Not quite good enough for a 7. Still not bad.IGN Video Review - 6.9/10
The weird thing is that since Colours there has been a (not good imo) consistent tone on the games lesding up to Sonic BOOM on one extreme, and now we have Forces on another, were Eggman basically conquered the world, that normally would be celebrated but not this time 🤔I like how in the game they recnonned classic Sonic from being a younger Sonic, to being a different Sonic from a different dimension. Sega doesn't know what the fuck to do with Sonic, I never seen a company struggle so much with their characters identity and versions of uses.
How is there no fan patch for this yet?Honestly, Sonic '06 with polish to make it playable and without the human love interest was a serviceable game. They should give an Adventure title another shot but make sure they actually polish it.
I replayed mega man 6 past year and got a new appreciation for the 8 initial stages, the castle can screw themselves, it's just all rush adaptors all the time. But 4 to 6 and x 2 to 3 all got the more of the same reviews when they came out.Megaman 6 wasn't really good at all. Not to mention stage design got worse in 7. Can't recall another time period were megaman got much more if the same reviews outside X4, X5, and X6, in which two of those are bad anyway.
But my main question is whether forces is a glorified level pack for generations or if anything is BAD about it. If it's the former I'll get it in a heartbeat, innovation or no. If it's the latter I'll probably skip it
How is there no fan patch for this yet?
How is there no fan patch for this yet?
I replayed mega man 6 past year and got a new appreciation for the 8 initial stages, the castle can screw themselves, it's just all rush adaptors all the time. But 4 to 6 and x 2 to 3 all got the more of the same reviews when they came out.
But my main question is whether forces is a glorified level pack for generations or if anything is BAD about it. If it's the former I'll get it in a heartbeat, innovation or no. If it's the latter I'll probably skip it
I'm baffled by how much effort and budget must've gone into the art assets for this game only to use them for maybe 2 or 3 minute and a half long levels.
I'm actually not on the side of the reviews for this one - the game's got a good feel to it and I find 80% of the levels worth replaying - but the levels are -so- short and they never get expanded on in extra missions, or anything.
The whole game kind of feels like it was supposed to be something radically different but then got its budget and concept slashed and had to be retrofitted onto a new skeleton.
Probably notCould there Sonic Mania team make a 3D game?
Sonic Mania is undoubtedly a tighter, more exceptional experience; Sega should really allow that team to design the levels for the next 3D release! But if you missed the 3D Sonic experience and can tolerate some bland level design and roughness, Forces is certainly a worthwhile follow-up to Generations especially for the reduced asking price.
This is the quickest I've seen people post on neogaf since oct. lol
NVM.Adventure style gameplay is best for sonic in my opinion
This is for the generations fansIf you like adventure 1 and 2 would you like this?