Professor Beef
...Well I know what I'm watching first.Dark Schala said:Edit: Whoa, whoa... they're playing Sonic Shuffle now?

...Well I know what I'm watching first.Dark Schala said:Edit: Whoa, whoa... they're playing Sonic Shuffle now?
Anth0ny said:uuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
And compared to Colours... hmm. Maybe I should play Shadow/Silver before I make my final statement =P
TheOGB said:Crisis City.
Now it's time for Hilariously Fucked Up Lyrics from Knuckles Levels. Today's selection is from Kick the Rock!... for Wild Canyon:
"A double cross spy thief that's out for my jewels, uh
I'm feeling her in mysterious ways"
I'm sure you are, Knuckles. I'm sure you are.
BONUS! "When I catch her I'ma get her with these tools"
I'm sure you will, Knuckles. I'm sure you will.
This has been Hilarioulsy Fucked Up Lyrics from Knuckles Levels
"You've got a fast carLucky Number Seven Force said:Best part of the '06 LP is when they all start singing in monotone, completely devoid of any enthusiasm or emotion whatsoever. :lol
The_Technomancer said:"You've got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we can make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere"
Knuckles x Omochao fanfic. It's over.RobbieNick said:Fun Fact: Knuckles is married to Blaze IRL. That is to say Travis Willingham (Knuckles voice actor) is married to Laura Bailey (Blaze's and Omachao's voice actor).
Really? Play the Genesis trilogy + CD + Triple Trouble. Great games.mik83kuu said:This will be the second Sonic game I have ever owned or played. Had Sonic Adventures back when Dreamcast was new. No idea if I'll like it, but for a Sonic game it sure looks promising...
Thanks boss.lazybones18 said:
The Xtortionist said:The piano and following guitar in the beginning of Modern Rooftop Run gives me that special feeling deep down inside
JonCha said:A?period
That trailer caused me to stick Unleashed back into my Wii for the first time in over a year, just to replay Rooftop Run and Chun-NanThe Xtortionist said:The piano and following guitar in the beginning of Modern Rooftop Run gives me that special feeling deep down inside
The_Technomancer said:That trailer caused me to stick Unleashed back into my Wii for the first time in over a year, just to replay Rooftop Run and Chun-Nan
Was it worse than the PS360 version? because you had to jump across crates bobbing in water WITH NO CHARACTER SHADOW, absolutely baffling game design, it's like 3D platforming 101 was tossed out the window.Andrex said:Nighttime stages, right?
*horrible flashback to Chun-nan Night* *vomits*
I hated Shamar night so bad. I agree with your statement about the wasps, scary things!Nocturnowl said:Was it worse than the PS360 version? because you had to jump across crates bobbing in water WITH NO CHARACTER SHADOW, absolutely baffling game design, it's like 3D platforming 101 was tossed out the window.
Still Shamar night was even worse, that level was just so very bad, those wasp enemies are the things of nightmares.
TimmiT said:
That was outstanding and amazing. :OTimmiT said:
Ho....How the hell do you even get this good?TimmiT said:
What does it spoil aside from the hubworld? Plot or levels?ShadiWulf said:Full 5 Minute Video of all the Hub Worlds, major spoilers ahead for those that watch it
Sounds like he's trying way too hard to be ironic.Klaymator14 said:This guy is hilarious
Chao said:Any word on what's the best version? I think classic Sonic gameplay is kinda blurry on PS3 but I can't see any other faults. I know Sega used to make bad PS3 ports and I would like to make sure I'm getting the good one this time.
TimmiT said:
Fuck that guy, it's a demo, he didn't pay for it, nor did he have to play it or download it.Klaymator14 said:This guy is hilarious
Thank you TimmiT.TimmiT said:EDIT: Better example:
TimmiT said:There are even crazier speedruns like that for Sonic Unleashed, like this one:
EDIT: Better example:
TimmiT said: