Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Lijik said:I think Amy was also in a car to compensate for her not being fast
I hope Sonic used the car to run over her
Lijik said:I think Amy was also in a car to compensate for her not being fast
Sonic R was so close to being awesome. All they needed to do was make it a bit faster.Combichristoffersen said:Hm? I'd say Sonic R is the only one that made sense since the characters there did what they would do in the regular platform games; they ran (besides Robotnik, Tails Dolls and.. Metal Sonic I think), and utilized their speed (and yet Sonic didn't outclass them with no effort) rather than jump into some random car to race each other.
Yeah. She was still pretty terrible to use, though.Lijik said:I think Amy was also in a car to compensate for her not being fast
Funnily enough, I did know that, but I understood it as "Chun-Li is married to Guile."RobbieNick said:Fun Fact: Knuckles is married to Blaze IRL. That is to say Travis Willingham (Knuckles voice actor) is married to Laura Bailey (Blaze's and Omachao's voice actor).
Holy shitTimmiT said:
I don't even know if serious, but boothisman.gif all the samei play sonic for the great dialogue and story, not for the speed. i wish this game was alot slower with more jokes!
KaloKross 1 hour ago
What the fuckkkkkkkkkTimmiT said:There are even crazier speedruns like that for Sonic Unleashed, like this one:
EDIT: Better example:
And fix those fucking turns :/The_Technomancer said:Sonic R was so close to being awesome. All they needed to do was make it a bit faster.
The_Technomancer said:Sonic R was so close to being awesome. All they needed to do was make it a bit faster.
It's because boost pads suckKulock said:I've noticed Speedrunners on Unleashed, Colors and Generations all seem to avoid the boosters on the rails, usually rail-changing past them, even when they're just otherwise riding the rail normally and aren't about to leap off early. Is it because they boost you slower than you can naturally boost?
Would you say they've GOTTA GO FAST?The_Technomancer said:Sonic R was so close to being awesome. All they needed to do was make it a bit faster.
I think it's impossible to do anything except run in a direct straight line when you hit a booster, it basically paralyzes Sonic and makes him unable to anything else for about 3 seconds.Kulock said:I've noticed Speedrunners on Unleashed, Colors and Generations all seem to avoid the boosters on the rails, usually rail-changing past them, even when they're just otherwise riding the rail normally and aren't about to leap off early. Is it because they boost you slower than you can naturally boost?
Throavium said:I think it's impossible to do anything except run in a direct straight line when you hit a booster, it basically paralyzes Sonic and makes him unable to anything else for about 3 seconds.
Wonder if they'll reveal the last two levels anytime soon.ShadiWulf said:so theres some 3DS scans out in the wild, nothing major. Just confirms Silver as the Modern Era Rival and Sonic Rush style cutscenes.
So it looks like Iizuka wasn't lying about the 3DS version being about the handheld series history after all! It's got a nod to Sonic Rush style cutscenes!That's so not Dimps being lazy!
I don't think Secret Rings would get a level since it's a spinoff game.Aaron Strife said:Wonder if they'll reveal the last two levels anytime soon.
I seem to recall hearing Tropical Resort and Sand Oasis but it'd be nice to have some confirmation, obviously.
Mmm, reminds me of the first time I saw a Sonic Adventure commercial on TV. I'm sure if I saw this as a kid I would be in pain for every second I didn't have it.ShadiWulf said:The commercial is up on youtube, sadly it's got no sound, but yeah, looking really epic!
I imagine the commercial would make me much more hyped if i could actually hear the audio... unless it's that tenderoni stuff =/ lol should be speed highwaySwiftSketcher said:Mmm, reminds me of the first time I saw a Sonic Adventure commercial on TV. I'm sure if I saw this as a kid I would be in pain for every second I didn't have it.
RobbieNick said:Just out of curiosity, how much is it gonna cost me in import fees for the collector's edition? I pre-ordered from Amazon Germany and live in California.
Muchi Muchi Pink said:Enjoy your "USK-Flatschen"You will know what I mean when it arrives.
RobbieNick said:I kinda need to know now. If it's over like, 50 bucks in import fees then I need to cancel.
No way, spindash was under control in the genesis games. You can spindash and jump in a very narrow window to gain instantaneous momentum so you can reach a high platform that would be impossible to reach otherwise.Lopson said:Spindash has always been overpowered, I don't see what's the deal with Generations' version of it. The only game in the franchise that had a good spindash was Sonic CD. It had a small warm up time, long enough to make you think twice about using it. That and the level design encouraged you not to use it, too.
What's the bonus content at GameStop?ShadiWulf said:The commercial is up on youtube, sadly it's got no sound, but yeah, looking really epic!
Nailed it.Chao said:No way, spindash was under control in the genesis games. You can spindash and jump in a very narrow window to gain instantaneous momentum so you can reach a high platform that would be impossible to reach otherwise.
In Sonic Generations once you release the button, Sonic launches like a rocket in the direction you are facing. You can still jump, but by the time you land you have gone trough half of the stage.
Uhhh...Lopson said:Spindash has always been overpowered, I don't see what's the deal with Generations' version of it. The only game in the franchise that had a good spindash was Sonic CD. It had a small warm up time, long enough to make you think twice about using it. That and the level design encouraged you not to use it, too.
Kulock said:I've noticed Speedrunners on Unleashed, Colors and Generations all seem to avoid the boosters on the rails, usually rail-changing past them, even when they're just otherwise riding the rail normally and aren't about to leap off early. Is it because they boost you slower than you can naturally boost?
Astrosanity said:I notice they seem to short hop a lot. Is there an actual speedrunning purpose behind that other than to showcase what I felt was the dumbest move next to the slideUnleashed introduced?and boost
qq more said:Uhhh...
Play any 2D Sonic game (including Advance and maybe Rush) and then play Generations. Notice the big difference?
Tizoc said:How do you drift when playing as Modern? What buttons must I press on the PS3 controller?
Also, drifting while boosting slows down the gauge's depletion in case anyone didn't know =X
Firestorm said:What's the bonus content at GameStop?
Astrosanity said:I notice they seem to short hop a lot. Is there an actual speedrunning purpose behind that other than to showcase what I felt was the dumbest move next to the slideUnleashed introduced?and boost
Sonic Stadium Message Board said:A couple days ago, I bought a magazine with the first German review. There's a bit of kinda-new information in it, but first the score and and Pros and Cons.
Graphics: 7
Sound: 8
Controls: 8
Total: 8.5 of 10
-Fast paced
-Lot's of unlockables
-Different paths
-Completely dubbed in German with the professional Sonic X actors
-The approximately 30 frames per second slightly slow the pace of the game
-Few Boss fights
-Camera ocassionally unreasonable
-Loading times could be shorter
Unlockables:A few skills:14 character biographies, 50 pieces of music, 130 concept-arts and 13 videosChaos Emeralds seem to be obtained fromRun faster under water, lower loss of speed while going up slopes and 8 more
Sonic 1 will cost 7777 pointsbosses: "(...) Or the fight with Metal Sonic to get one of the seven magical Emerald-Crystals (lol)"
Main game (9 Zones, 18 acts) will take about 4 hours, adding missions, Emeralds etc, 3 more. Not sure if this means collecting the Emeralds has nothing to do with the story. Might be that you have to recollect them to use SS in stages. But I dunn
And there's a bit on the CE. The statue is 15cm and the ring is about 4 cm in diameter.
What? Turning was fine in Sonic R. You had to use the 'sharp turn' buttons, though. (I believe Z and X on the PC)TheOGB said:And fix those fucking turns :/
Lopson said:I have, and I do agree that Generations' spindash is powerful, but so was Sonic 2/3's. What I'm trying to say is that the concept of the move itself is overpowered. I mean, in a game that's all about speed and momentum, you have a move which grants you maximum speed instantly with no penalty! Hence why I said Sonic CD was the only Sonic game with a good spindash, since in that game, you had to waste quite some time to charge it up and had to think very carefully about where to use it.
Exactly. There's a LOT of replay value there (based on the demo). The Genesis games were also short, yet I still play them to this day. A great game doesn't need padding.SykoTech said:Sounds short, but I'd much rather have that than for it to be long due to an overload of crappy filler like the Adventure games and most other 3D Sonics.
Pietepiet said:Sounds like a fairly short game. This is good news. Now I might actually have the time to 100% complete it.
I don't know, Unleashed took ages to beat thanks to the werehog/medal collecting stuff. It's the main thing keeping me from replaying the game.JonCha said:Sonic games have always been short, from Sonic 1-3 to Unleashed and Colours. We all know the depth comes in the replayability. When you have unlockables (plenty of them), chaos emeralds, red rings and leaderboards then there is plenty.
TimmiT said:Gameplay of a mission where: race against Knuckles on an alternate version of Green Hill with huge enemies
Also has a remix ofSuper Sonic Racing.
Veal said:This is one of the few games that should get a lot of DLC. If Sega could keep supporting this with new zones and such after launch, I would keep spending money!