Here's another fun thing from the PC version, apparently if you hold both direction keys down at the same time Sonic freaks out and starts sliding.
Well... at least it looked like Sonic was having fun.
Here's another fun thing from the PC version, apparently if you hold both direction keys down at the same time Sonic freaks out and starts sliding.
I wouldn't set expectations that high. However, I expect Classic Sonic Generations 3DS physics since it was mentioned previously.just finished the game on PS3 and damn, now I know and understand the hate. I just hope that Episode 2 follows in the footsteps of Generations...
If only the model could be replaced with the generations classic model...
Are we sure "textures" is the right term? It seemed like a shader effect to me.
So let your green robot make a splash in the Splash Hill Zone and continue where the Sonic CD saga left off!
About the PC version of Sonic 4 Episode 1, some interesting things.
In AMD/ATI graphics cards it's possible to force anti-aliasing through the drivers, but it only works at the resolution 1280x720, it doesn't work at any other resolution. Apparently this doesn't work for Nvidia graphics cards, I don't have one though so I can't test this.
Here's a comparison picture using both the default Sonic texture and the iPad version texture:
About the PC version of Sonic 4 Episode 1, some interesting things.
In AMD/ATI graphics cards it's possible to force anti-aliasing through the drivers, but it only works at the resolution 1280x720, it doesn't work at any other resolution. Apparently this doesn't work for Nvidia graphics cards, I don't have one though so I can't test this.
Here's a comparison picture using both the default Sonic texture and the iPad version texture:
Default no AA - Default 8x AA
iPad texture no AA - iPad texture 8x AA
Yeah...AA only working at 720p is the result of SEGA doing this the lazy way, they used 1280x720 as the native resolution and only upscaled/downscaled the image for the other resolutions. If they suported the other resolutions properly, AA would have worked for every resolution.Those iPad textures look great, sucks AA only works in 720p though.
Oh, that's a shame. At least it's posible now.
Huh. I did not think they used 3D models for characters in the WiiWare version. I figured it was all pre-rendered sprites.