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Sony Bungie acquisition saw more Twitter discussion than Microsoft Activision Blizzard deal

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Keep in mind that big ratio of tweets have report characteristic, basically news. Twitter is still rather a news and notification than a discussion platform. Number of tweets is pretty worthless. Even more if you consider, the demand for everything PS5 related, from a click perspective.
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Seems weird.

Maybe there was an already way higher conversation about Playstation due to the common bigger success in social media, bigger userbase, having several top exclusives this past quarter plus Elen Ring, and the acquisition multiplied by a smaller number the existing conversation about PS. Meanwhile in MS maybe the acquisition had a bigger impact and multiplied the conversation about Xbox more, but the starting point was pretty lower.

I mean, maybe the ABK acquisition shaked the MS community proportionally more than the Bungie one did, but the PS community is way higher and more active, so even if the bump was proportionally smaller the total number may have been higher in the PS side.

It's the only way I could explain this, because it's really hard to believe. The acquisition had a record cost, ABK is the biggest 3rd party publisher and CoD is top.

TBH I've seen a fair number of people not care about the ABK acquisition because for them, aside from the insanely high cost, that deal doesn't bring a lot of IP they care about in terms of gaming. So if you aren't a COD fan, and you don't care about Diablo or Warcraft either, chances are news of the ABK acquisition didn't do much for you as far as being a gamer is concerned, particularly in the hardcore/core space and for those who weren't really caring to think about it from a console war POV.

I think in terms of the hardcore/core gaming community, either of these companies acquiring something like Sega, Capcom, or Square-Enix (or Konami/Konami IP) would generate more social media traffic than ABK acquisition. Yes they would be way cheaper, but it's about the cache those companies and their IP have with gaming over the generations that a lot of hardcore/core gamers, the ones who tend to use social media the most for gaming talk, have an attachment to.

And that would fuel a ton of conversation on its own; at that point I don't know how much global brand size really factors. Like if Microsoft somehow acquired Square-Enix, on social media and things like Youtube I'm almost 100% sure that'd get a lot more talk than the ABK deal due to the legacy, history, nostalgia and IP attached with Square-Enix and how much of that is overwhelmingly Sony & Nintendo, yet Microsoft being the one acquiring them (this is just as an example, I don't see any path where MS actually tries to acquire Square-Enix in reality).

Which is kind of what we just saw with Sony acquiring Bungie, hence why it got so much traction on social media!


Does anyone cringe when they see these things?
The Last Of Us Playstation GIF by Naughty Dog


Lord of Edge.
Who cares about Twitter. Tell me which console is talked about more in the pornhub comments.

Probably still Sony.


It's funny how fake numbers create immediate reaction while only being question to late. Hint: those are false numbers and this is a false information but the burden of being informed is on you.


What’s up with that Genshin game? Biggest game in the world right now. Only on Sony and mobile??

it's not even in the top 20 of the biggest games in the world I'm pretty sure...

but yes, it is weird to be sure... but it is on PC too btw, just saying
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Writes a lot, says very little
Really? My god.

Thats really something. Maybe Sony has simply done a better job with their studios that when they make a purchase, people wonder about what they will put out, where MS doesn't have a great history with purchasing teams tbh, but even so...MS buying one of the biggest 3rd parties in gaming NOT having more discussion then Sony buying Bungie might really show its the quality of the publisher and not the quantity.

or maybe I just don't know Twitter that well and someone can talk about something more and it has little merit or something lol
Really? My god.

Thats really something. Maybe Sony has simply done a better job with their studios that when they make a purchase, people wonder about what they will put out, where MS doesn't have a great history with purchasing teams tbh, but even so...MS buying one of the biggest 3rd parties in gaming NOT having more discussion then Sony buying Bungie might really show its the quality of the publisher and not the quantity.

or maybe I just don't know Twitter that well and someone can talk about something more and it has little merit or something lol
Could be on to something there. Sony is about quality. Even there less well received games still get rated as good. People may be more excited to see what Bungie does under them.

Bethesda and Activision, on the other hand, have actually been on a downward trend with their releases of late. And MS doesn't exactly have a reputation for turning studios around. Kind of the opposite actually. I mean look at the state they were willing to put out their biggest IP, Halo. It took a backlash to make them delay it. And even then it wasn't exactly a masterpiece. Player count has also dropped dramatically.
Of all the cope threads I’ve seen recently about the Microsoft / Activision deal, this has to be the strangest.

Since when did anyone on this site use ‘Twitter activity’ as a positive metric for anything game related?


Destiny is average and was a hot mess. Had none of the magic old bungie/halo had.

Destiny has been improving dramatically this past year. And has one of the highest reviewed expansions in recent memory.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Of all the cope threads I’ve seen recently about the Microsoft / Activision deal, this has to be the strangest.

Since when did anyone on this site use ‘Twitter activity’ as a positive metric for anything game related?
There's always new console war ammo being crafted, just like best publisher of the year was never cared about until last year... I wonder why 😄
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Because Bungie is better than anything that came out of recent Activision/Blizzard 🤷‍♂️
my dude woke up and chose violence :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I'm surprised, but then I guess I shouldn't be. Like many of stated, Playstation is a much more globally recognized brand. Super happy for Elden Ring and From being so up there!

And yes, Twitter is a big deal even if you might not know it. Go ask your Mom what her twitter is, I bet she has one :messenger_tears_of_joy: oh and your sister has an OnlyFans :messenger_grinning_sweat: jk jk... don't kill me


They will still be exclusives. Maybe those very IPs. We simply won't know until it happens.
They’re doing everything they can to get the acquisition approved and that can’t be back-tracked later from my understanding, if they say games will still come to PS now then that’s what’ll happen later too, I think they’ll use Activision Blizzard the same way as Mojang, it’s what bring in the most money.

The Alien

Meh. Said it before regarding different subjects, but still apt here...Twitter isn't the real world.

I dunno anyone still talking about Bungie/Sony. Yet all I see is discussion MS/AB. Either status updates, Elizabeth Warren sticking her dick in this deal, or what games will be exclusives, gamepass, etc.

I have seen little chatter on Sony's "acquistion" of Bungie in quite some time. And yeah, acquisition is in quotes.


What is shown is tweets that were generally about gaming. From the data you can't tell what people were talking about, you can only deduce by the timing.

This should be added to the OP. The tweet is only showing how certain peaks in the volume of gaming discussion on twitter correspond to certain events. There's no analysis at all of what those tweets are actually discussing. Even the article in the OP gets this wrong!

This tells us nothing about which topics were most discussed, just which topics correlated the biggest one-time spikes in discussion. That's not the same thing. Like, the data in the second tweet bears this out, since Elden Ring's release saw the biggest traffic spike, but it was only the seventh most discussed game.

Similarly, you can actually see another big spike on the chart soon after the first Activision acquisition spike that could easily be more conversation about the deal. Or it might not be. Or any of these topics could have seen their spike amplified by other lower profile gaming stories that just happened to drop around the same time.

This is just data illiteracy and lazy journalism in service to a clickbait headline. What else is new.


Writes a lot, says very little
Really Surprised Final Fantasy is tweetedmore than Minecraft and Elden Ring

Well you have to consider FF is many concepts, not 1. So you could have people talking about FFX, FFIV, FFV, FFXV, the new FFXVI coming out etc Sorta like Assassins Creed, its many ideas, concepts and themes so I'm not surprised you'd see more talking about it.
Just wanna throw out a crazy theory for fun . . .

What if Sony is buying Xbox Game Studios . . . wait for it . . .

What if MS Games with Activision and Bethesda will become 3rd party, while selling off the devs under the Xbox Game Studios brand. Mind blown! Even though I think i'm 110% wrong! heh


Gold Member
That’s kinda interesting considering the difference in size. But then again Twitter is pretty much just an echo chamber for fanboys of different subjects so I guess it makes sense since PlayStation is a lot more popular.


Writes a lot, says very little
Just wanna throw out a crazy theory for fun . . .

What if Sony is buying Xbox Game Studios . . . wait for it . . .

What if MS Games with Activision and Bethesda will become 3rd party, while selling off the devs under the Xbox Game Studios brand. Mind blown! Even though I think i'm 110% wrong! heh

tbh, MS is closer to going 3rd party and basically pretty much might as well be considered that, then I'd say Sony is to buying anything from XB Game Studios.

I think MS of course might sell some stuff, might close some studios but a lot of that is kinda moot as its a given that happens in the industry, so I'd say not everything you are saying is that crazy tbh. Simply Sony buying XB Game Studios lol If anything, I'd put money on one day they buy a studio from MS, a studio that used to be part of MS (look at Bungie) or something like that, but not the whole thing or something, MS is all in on gaming right now vs like 15 years ago, based on the direction they are going right now, being 3rd party is pretty much inevitable.


It was pretty insufferable when trying to read any official Xbox twitter post, when you had fanboys commenting/spamming that Sony now own halo, what was half funny and half sad. (What turned into a silly console war arguments between grown men, what was extra sad)


Doesn't really tell you anything.

Oh the irony

If ps plus is so popular how come no one ever talks about it? Yet people won't shut up about game pass. Therefore game pass is more popular

It's simple maths. Game pass is really popular. Look at all the talk about it. This Spartacus thing has generated the most talk about ps plus, ever. And it's not even positive talk. If it delivers on what people want it might become as popular as game pass
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