Asked in another thread, but is there a list of games that are exclusive and not.
Nintendo better bring it because E3 have sucked ass so far.
LBP 3.PlayStation
Little big planet 2
The last of us remastered
Planetside 2
Indies (dunno which are though)
Sunset overdrive
Forza horizon 2
Halo master chief collection
Killer instinct season 2
Indies (again don't know which are exclusive)
Every other game shown today are on both systems
That's just this year, 2015 is where it gets different
I agree with the TV stuff, that was dumb when they knew the response they would get after MS show last year. But what about the first-party 2015 titles and better versions of multiplatform titles? MS had a better show for 2014 for sure but 2015 is crazy for PS4.shots fired at Microsoft about bundling kinect then they go on to talk about t.v and movies.. argh....
I wasn't much of an xbox fan but after sony presentation i see no reason to pick up a ps4. everything of interest is either multiplatform or eventually coming to xbox.
Any impression on theatre experience? What's that extra 30 minutes about?
Little big planet 2
The last of us remastered
Planetside 2
Indies (dunno which are though)
Sunset overdrive
Forza horizon 2
Halo master chief collection
Killer instinct season 2
Indies (again don't know which are exclusive)
Every other game shown today are on both systems
That's just this year, 2015 is where it gets different
The thing with Sony is they got a lot of studios that didn't show anything tonight.
Nintendo better bring it because E3 have sucked ass so far.
So project beast isn't exclusive cause I thought it was.
shots fired at Microsoft about bundling kinect then they go on to talk about t.v and movies.. argh....
I wasn't much of an xbox fan but after sony presentation i see no reason to pick up a ps4. everything of interest is either multiplatform or eventually coming to xbox.
Did sony really show drive club??? I missed the press conference and expected to come back to insanity. But..... they really showcased a release game 7 months after the fact??? I need to watch the conference while I'm sober, but please really guys? Am I really going to have to trade this thing for a Wii-U?
LBP 3.
Bloodborne (how could you forget that).
The order
Halo 5
Unless you mean just for this year.
So project beast isn't exclusive cause I thought it was.
That's just this year
Little big planet 2
The last of us remastered
Planetside 2
Indies (dunno which are though)
Sunset overdrive
Forza horizon 2
Halo master chief collection
Killer instinct season 2
Indies (again don't know which are exclusive)
Every other game shown today are on both systems
That's just this year, 2015 is where it gets different
shots fired at Microsoft about bundling kinect
Instead they had a segment on Powers that JUST WOULDN'T END. Ugh
Your dates seem a little off.2013:
The Last of us HD
Planetside 2
Little big planet 3
Ratchet & Clank
The Order 1886
Uncharted 4
Let it Die
Man, shenmue not being announced has me bummed out
I thought for sure that at the very least we would be getting an HD remake after Adam started mentioning that list and what gamers kept asking him for since it was one of the top requests. To end that segment on a zombie game was pretty disappointing personally.
I didn't hate the conference though. Personally, i think Sony slightly edged out MS in terms of stuff I actually care about so my final rating would be: PS>XB>>UB>>>>>>>>EA. Uncharted, Batman, and no man's sky were the standouts for me. MS had Sunset that looked amazing/super fun, but really wasn't enough to tip me back after going ps4 this gen. OK conference overall on both sides.
this part seemed pretty stupid. 'yeah, microsoft makes you play with their camera. cameras are so dumb. by the way, here's our camera.'
either don't make the jab, or just show why it's better.
So project beast isn't exclusive cause I thought it was.
Yeah just caught that.Your dates seem a little off.
Did sony really show drive club??? I missed the press conference and expected to come back to insanity. But..... they really showcased a release game 7 months after the first delay??? I need to watch the conference while I'm sober, but please really guys? Am I really going to have to trade this thing for a Wii-U? I don't want to, but I'd rather play mario kart than a bunch of indies I can get for PC.
If the indie games I'm interested in are exclusive, I'm gonna have to get a PS4 before next Christmas.
They knew how disastrous that whole TV bullshit turned out for MS,
but they still went ahead and announced Powers at E3, like WTH?!
Not a single trailer or clip either.
Take out that part, along with Layden's and Adam's then you'd get a great conference.
Sometimes Sony comes across as entirely brain dead.
Nintendo better bring it because E3 have sucked ass so far.
The snake oil salesman who showed up in the middle really killed this conference wen it was doing pretty well, that guy looked like he was trying to sell us something so hard. If he wasn't a ceo of Sony I could see him with a briefcase full of commemorative coins going door to door.
If I had to rate the conferences:
Sony: B+
Microsoft: B-
Ubisoft: C
I'd argue if you have all three systems, the WiiU is the least expendable since it's the one most likely to get quality exclusives. The XBone is probably the most expendable since it's in this rough middleground where it's trying to be on par with the PS4 but is technologically inferior (but Microsoft has a shit ton of money and good IPs).Same thing I felt about the Microsoft press conference. Lots of great third party titles shown off for both.
I don't remember there being much DriveClub.
But if you think it's smart to go ahead and drop the best console for playing every third party game out there for one that has literally no third party support and no future outside of Nintendo franchises then I guess go ahead. Crazy fool.
I'm not a fan of Microsoft but I feel their conference was overall better. They have less exclusive games I'm interested in (only Sunset Overdrive), but just as far as showing people what they had to offer I thought it was much better done. Just game after game, with actual gameplay, no ceo bullshit or graphs. The tone and pacing was right. Sony really should have cut all the random non-game stuff and that bourgeois guy trying to act like he's one of us.
The snake oil salesman who showed up in the middle really killed this conference wen it was doing pretty well, that guy looked like he was trying to sell us something so hard. If he wasn't a ceo of Sony I could see him with a briefcase full of commemorative coins going door to door.
That powers thing was totally random too which seemed to last longer than the LBP3 demo and I have no idea why. No TLG was obviously a huge buzz kill. No gameplay for Uncharted 4, The Order's atmosphere is really cool and the monster was awesome but the cutscene stuff is jarring and it didn't look like it was fun to play. No gameplay for bloodborne or dead island 2. LBP3 looks good but I'm more into single player exclusives.
Batman and no man's sky were the best of the show and I think the entire E3, both were amazing. But right now with a gaming PC I haven't seen enough to get me to buy a PS4 yet. I will in 2015 for Uncharted but right now the offering of exclusives is too slim to me.
I'm not a fan of Microsoft but I feel their conference was overall better. They have less exclusive games I'm interested in (only Sunset Overdrive), but just as far as showing people what they had to offer I thought it was much better done. Just game after game, with actual gameplay, no ceo bullshit or graphs. The tone and pacing was right. Sony really should have cut all the random non-game stuff and that bourgeois guy trying to act like he's one of us.
I want to see why i enjoy video games, Nintendo still has to present.
Their point was that the PS camera was OPTIONAL
No Man's Sky... what's the deal with that? Timed exclusive or? Either way, it was a highlight. The conference overall had its boring bits, but it also provided the only real surprise of E3 thus far in LittleBigPlanet 3. Coming this year no less (no gaemz.).
I feel like Microsoft put up the absolute best show they possibly could. But at the end of the day, they had nothing (as far as exclusives go) to compete with Bloodborne ad Uncharted 4. The new Platinum Games thing looked unbelievably lame.
Just would have been nice without the TV stuff wasting 10 minutes.Thankfully Sony saved E3 and had a good show.
I got excited with the Destiny opening, was laughing and smiling at the LBP3 real gameplay, jumped out of my chair for Bloodborne, said hell yeah to the psvita TV, screamed out loud at the GTA5 news, wet myself with the Batman gameplay, and they went out with a bang with Uncharted 4. What a ride!!!
Nintendo better bring it because E3 have sucked ass so far.
They showed some footage rendered in engine, it was so dark you couldn't really tell anything other than the high detailed face of Nate. It was barely a teaser trailer and you think that should be in the Pro column?
The only reason I bought PS4 was for Uncharted and even I think it should be in Con column.