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Sony E3 2014 Conference Thread


The only downsides for me were that there was no The Last Guardian, but at least we know it's in development.

No Wipeout... presumably a dead franchise.

Most other things interested me in some way, and I am glad they didn't waste time with Driveclub, because honestly the Crew and Forza Horizon 2 shows the lack of ambition for that game. Hopefully I am wrong.

PS4 is graphical beast, the gap is starting to show between it and the XB1.
Because MS had to show what is probably a big chunk of their 2016 lineup, and their 2015 lineup is basically Halo 5.

That's the problem I have with MS' conference and general strategy with the Xbox One. They got the tone right at this show, they have some interesting titles on the platform, but there just isn't enough there to justify the system (in my opinion). They rely on 3rd parties and purchased exclusives because they've ignored their first party stable for the majority of last generation and the beginning of this one.

It really shows that they believed Kinect + the Xbox brand + third party multiplats where all it was going to take for them to win this generation. That is a Sony forcing blu-ray to the tune of a $600 MSRP level hubris fuck up right there. Their band-aid is to bring back two middling Xbox only franchises (Phantom Dust and Crackdown) and to pay Platinum for an exclusive, just like how their launch answer was to pay Crytek, Capcom, and Double Helix for exclusives, and how Holiday 2015 is outsourced Forza Horizon 2 to Playground Games and Insomniac's Sunset Overdrive. Microsoft hasn't made shit for the Xbox One yet outside of Froza 5.

Other than Turn 10, Lionhead, and 343 what do they have for proven studios? Pretty much nothing, and that's being kind to Lionhead who has been in steady decline and has lost a ton of key talent the last few years, not to mention the massive disparity between what 343 has done with Halo versus what Bungie was doing with Halo.

They lack a single truly elite studio and have zero depth to make up for it. At least in the PS2 and early PS3 era before Naughty Dog blew up Sony had a broad first party turning out a wide variety of offerings. MS isn't even doing that.

They've shown some worthwhile games. But when their entire business model is apparently built around keeping the ability to walk away from this industry overnight and they offer the weakest exclusive lineup year to year as a result it is very hard to get invested in their ecosystem.


I agree.


abzu is the best thing they showed last night.

and i'm surprised they didn't show any new droivecloob footage.
The only downsides for me were that there was no The Last Guardian, but at least we know it's in development.

No Wipeout... presumably a dead franchise.

Most other things interested me in some way, and I am glad they didn't waste time with Driveclub, because honestly the Crew and Forza Horizon 2 shows the lack of ambition for that game. Hopefully I am wrong.

PS4 is graphical beast, the gap is starting to show between it and the XB1.

It isn't a dead franchise man. We aren't even a year into the gen. Hold yer pants on.
Next E3 will probably be packed.

Sony bend
Guerrilla Games
Sony Japan (TLG?)
Sony Santa Monica

I'm satisfied with the current line-up of games released though. Sony surprised me. If only their conferences weren't so damn boring. I predicted they would drone on and on and that's exactly what they've done, heh. lol.

Replace it with GT7, and gameplay from Uncharted 4.
Sàmban;115693841 said:
I don't know which will actually be released 2015. I'm not psychic. What I do know is that they were announced as part of the 2015 portfolio and some of you are trying to downplay them as "not real herp derp" and pulling 2016 out of your asses. If they get delayed or announced as 2016 them by all means. But again, Sunset Overdrive was announced last year with only CG and it's getting released this year. Why are you trying to downplay these ones? It seems odd to do that especially when they specifically mentioned 2015.

Generally I would expect that if all we see is a CG trailer, the game is about 2 years away. This is not pulling stuff out of our asses, its par for the course.

Insomniac is actually a very efficient developer. They can churn out games year on year like no one else. They are just about the last company I would expect to delay a game.


My biggest deal is I'm now always afraid of IQ with the Bone. If they can master that for Halo, SO, and Forza and such they will do alright. If they can't well then they have lost me. Sony clearly won this for me.

It is quite noticeable now, even on a stream it's clear most XB1 games were lower resolution with some jaggies standing out, but they still looked good in their own right.

I don't mind seeing third party games on XB1 because I then know they will look even better on PS4, so it's a win/win when MS shows off some good looking third party games.


I really enjoyed the Sony conference. I appreciate what MS went for but the trouble with that is, it just feels all a little impersonal. You got some feels with the Sony conference, highlighted perfectly by the No Mans Sky dev showcasing his game on the big stage. That was probably my favorite part. Adams part was also great.

Sony had the best & most diverse selection of games on show imo. Was shocked when Spike panel said they preferred the MS conference.


Sàmban;115692539 said:
So you're all pretty much making assumptions. About as much as I expected. I get what you are trying to say, but that stuff was announced for 2015. You can't pull things out of your ass until it gets announced as such.

Spencer said 2015 and beyond.


SONYs E3 2014 press conference: greater daring and diversity seal another confident PS4 victory

PlayStation continues to outstrip Xbox at every turn this generation. Sony’s showcase had more surprises, more impressive game demos and far greater diversity than Microsoft’s briefing. Sony also had a wider range of things to talk about: there was PlayStation TV, Vita, PS Plus, Project Morpheus and the same kind of services Microsoft once focused on too much, but above all, the games therein simply looked better and more daring. This was a high pressure, high stakes showcase, and yet Sony’s executives were clearly brimming with the kind of easy confidence and good humour that comes with a significant lead in the console race, a superior games line-up and a richer ecosystem.

Bungie’s Destiny led the way. A new hardware bundle complete with a white PS4 plus alpha and beta access for existing PS4 owners show the strength and extent of its partnership with Activision’s expensively-constructed next big thing. It’s an important deal for Sony, and not just because it feels like Xbox mainstay and Halo creator Bungie has somehow ‘switched sides’. It felt as if Sony was parking its tanks on Xbox’s lawn and declaring itself the ‘shooter box’ of choice this generation, countering Microsoft’s well-established Call Of Duty partnership with a wider variety of its own ‘better on PS4’ shooters. Later, a spectacular Far Cry 4 demo was backed up with the news that even PS4 owners who hadn’t bought the game could jump into the game’s co-op; Sony also had Battlefield Hardline in its armoury, with PS4 players able to sign up for its beta now.

It all fed into what Andrew House talked about at the show’s outset, that his goal was to ensure that the biggest multiplatform games would look better and have exclusive content on PS4. Often, they’ll come to PlayStation first; there was a surprise remastering of Grim Fandango, for example, and all of Devolver Digital’s mouthwatering indie offerings – including Hotline Miami 2, Broforce and The Talos Principle – will debut on Sony consoles. Batman: Arkham Knight will have exclusive scarecrow missions on PS4, and those intending to pick up the newly ’next-gen’ GTAV will be able to transfer their online profile and progress to PS4 from PS3 and even Xbox 360. And let’s not forget No Man’s Sky, a game of stunning ambition which continues to dazzle with every new sighting. It was difficult to tell whether Hello Games’ Sean Murray wanted to cry or vomit (maybe both?) as he took the stage to confirm that it’ll arrive first on PlayStation.

No Man's Sky - Trailer

This assortment of incentives added up to a rounder, more diverse offering than we saw at Microsoft’s briefing several hours previous, and was also joined by meaty, old-fashioned exclusives, from both firstparty and thirdparty studios. It was difficult to tell where the cutscenes and live play in The Order 1886 began and ended, such was its terrifying fidelity. Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Project Beast is now officially Bloodborne, a PS4 exclusive for 2015, with Suda51 striking the same deal and targeting the same launch window for his latest project, Let It Die.

It was impossible not to raise a smile at LittleBigPlanet 3’s unveiling, though it was interesting to note that the series is now being helmed by Sumo Digital, not Media Molecule. Uncharted 4’s presence at the finale of the Sony briefing was just as expected as Crackdown’s appearance at the end of Microsoft’s, and its presence was just as welcome. Though like so many of the game announcements we’ve seen over the course of the last 24 hours, it was a CGI trailer for a game not to be released until 2015.

Other, more offbeat surprises added to the mix. In place of the new Thatgamecompany project, we got Entwined and Abzu – the former got a good chunk of time on stage and went live on PSN as the conference unfolded, a game created by a small, young team whose gently abstract whimsy and soothing soundtrack might be described as Rez meets Flower. Giant Squid, a developer with more explicit ties to the Journey developer, was founded by that game’s art director and composer; its debut Abzu’s sedate, dreamy underwater adventuring signals another credible indie first on PS4.

Our first reference to “raising the bar” arrived a little earlier during this mammoth, overlong conference. It was in reference to Infamous Second Son’s performance capture and lead into the first sighting of standalone DLC for that game in the form of First Light, coming in August. Later, Dead Island 2’s bro-friendly, taste-free unveiling was short on detail but its trailer had some of the sunny cartoon exuberance of Xbox One’s Sunset Overdrive, without its class; a fun promo for Paradox Interactive’s Magicka 2 provided a few laughs but will generate even fewer headlines, and a brief mention for Project Morpheus, which will host two new demos plus Eve Valkyrie on the show floor, reminded us that Sony is continuing to gaze into one of our medium’s potential futures with interest.

ABZÛ - Trailer

More here
A bit premature there Edge. Just have to gather those clicks, even if it means rehashing the same language again and again.

Also - perhaps it's just me, but the exclusives for both systems look wonderful. Not sure how it translates into winning an event that just officially started today.


I think Sony's show was pretty rough, Destiny had another shit showing, Entwined didn't look great, LBP3 was very cool, but the demo was way too long, and poorly presented. The Order looked bad, Let it Die is destined to be crap because Suda's a hack. Bloodborne being CG was lame.

The whole 'letters' thing was lame, we all know what people actually demand. When requests randomly align with projects to be announced, don't make it seem like you're answering those requests.

TLoU was absurd. Check out this 1080p/60fps port of this game over some shitty stream at 30fps. The media stuff completely sucked all the energy out of the second half, and talking about Now and Vita was awful.

InFamous DLC, ABZU and UC4 were rad though. No Man's Sky was probably the highlight.
They definitely had a stronger show: more variety, good amount of exclusives, and actual surprises that didn't leak (we knew pretty much everything about Microsoft's showing beforehand).

The very long winded Sony president almost ruined it though. Good god. That was awful.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
it's kind of bizarre seeing the media outlets praising sony's show, it was one of the most boring press conferences i've ever watched. i can't believe i stayed up until 4am to watch that. i'll never get those hours back.

i guess TV TV TV experience experience experience is only a bad thing when MS does it.


A bit premature yeah.
They had a great conference, but I wouldn't go far enough to say it's sealing "another confident PS4 victory".

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Ori is still GOE3.

On a serious note, it was an unremarkable conference. It felt as though Sony didn't have enough to show. Hopefully, next year it'll be a good one.
I generally agree with this. I thought that Microsoft's show was better-paced overall, and Sony's plodded in the middle, but in terms of games I left Sony's show with more that caught my eye.

Granted, many that were shown at just one conference are coming to both systems. It's just that this year, the ones that interested me more were shown at Sony's show.


I thought both were pretty meh, but Sony definitely had the highest highs but also the lowest lows.
Nintendo to win E3 tomorrow.


Junior Member
I think Sony's show was pretty rough, Destiny had another shit showing, Entwined didn't look great, LBP3 was very cool, but the demo was way too long, and poorly presented. The Order looked bad, Let it Die is destined to be crap because Suda's a hack. Bloodborne being CG was lame.

The whole 'letters' thing was lame, we all know what people actually demand. When requests randomly align with projects to be announced, don't make it seem like you're answering those requests.

TLoU was absurd. Check out this 1080p/60fps port of this game over some shitty stream at 30fps. The media stuff completely sucked all the energy out of the second half, and talking about Now and Vita was awful.

InFamous DLC, ABZU and UC4 were rad though. No Man's Sky was probably the highlight.
TLOU trailer was total garbage. They ruined the entire game in a 2 minute clip. They should have shown a gameplay trailer and that's it.


Sàmban;115692125 said:
I keep saying this, but people keep thinking No mans sky is a ps4 exclusive. It isn't.

Perception is more important than facts. Destiny isn't a pS4 exclusive, but Bungie and Activision hasn't said the word Xbox in over a year.
it was only ok, saved by Uncharted 4 and some nice little announcements. They dropped the ball with stealing the show in my opinion, and we still got Nintendo to see.

The stuff about POWERS was so boring and went on forever
it's kind of bizarre seeing the media outlets praising sony's show, it was one of the most boring press conferences i've ever watched

i guess TV TV TV experience experience experience is only a bad thing when MS does it

You have to be trolling. Sony spent what? 15-20 minutes on it? Lol

Being all about games doesn't mean shit when they are all CGI trailers and cominng in 2015 and beyond! Lol Microsoft.


Even with the middle bloat of Sony's press conference, I think they still had more variety and more exciting exclusive games than Microsoft showed. MS has Sunset Overdrive in their back pocket as the next big exclusive, but Sony's 2015 is shaping up to be monster with all their exclusives lined up.
Frankly I would say Microsoft and Sony's conferences were about the same in both content and variety. The EDGE article reads like one of those insufferable articles reading into Apple's latest success because oh man Apple they're just so oh wow
MS suffered from post-leak depression. We already knew what they were going to announce. That automatically made most of their announcements irrelevant.
The leaks are what made it less exciting.

But the 2 showed a decent variety of games. Microsoft's conference wow'd me simply because of Kinects absence, such a quick turn around. Im still not going to buy a Bone any time soon but its a step in the right direction and im glad both just focused on games.

If Bloodborne hadn't leaked that would have been a GAF megaton.
it's kind of bizarre seeing the media outlets praising sony's show, it was one of the most boring press conferences i've ever watched. i can't believe i stayed up until 4am to watch that. i'll never get those hours back.

i guess TV TV TV experience experience experience is only a bad thing when MS does it.

That stuff was awful but it really wasn't that much time.
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