This is good news. I see that Jason doesn't sleep at the wheel and understand they save THQ only with quality product --- something that sure takes more time to develloped than what the current THQ employees are used to.
Impatient gamers are stupid, THQ will just die if they don't do this. It's all about "do you want the game or not". If your answer is yes, you are better be patient.
It's noble that the publisher is concerned about quality, but their time is just about up and it's hard to argue that anyone should inject more money into the publisher versus just letting it die and picking apart the remains afterwards. It's not "gamers" that THQ has to worry about right now; it's lack of money and lack of investor confidence.
It's unfortunate that Rubin came on so late in this process. I think he has some good ideas and represents the publisher well, but when the money runs out, there's not much you can do. I think that Rubin did an admirable job in selling THQ's lineup to a potential buyer during the call, basically saying that there are winners for the taking as long as someone can pony up some cash.