Minotauro said:How are the PS2 controls better? I thought I heard somewhere that the black button on the XBox controller is used to shoot webs...is this true?
I really want to get this one too but I don't know if I can rationalize paying full price for it...especially considering the fact that I know it will be at this recovery sales outlet place near my in about two weeks for probably $21. ARGH!
john tv said:Which platform is best?? Anyone? Help! 1UP's review made me want to play it really bad.
7.2 from GameSpot, bomb bomb
Nah, black or up on the digital pad if you prefer, activates spider reflexes (slow motion, more + more powerful combos etc.). As far as the web controls go:I thought I heard somewhere that the black button on the XBox controller is used to shoot webs...is this true?
Matlock said:How's the GC version?
Matlock said:Hrm, good point on the controls.
Anyone want to divulge the controls on the PS2 or GC versions?
siege said:Yep, both Gamespot and AOL (they review games?) gave it a 7.2/10. Yet it's still at an average of 88%. Bomb indeed.
And why in the hell can't spiderman swim?
Well he doesn't swim in the movie as far as I know... soo...And why in the hell can't spiderman swim?
shpankey said:Xbox version for me. It's always the best version for multiplatform games.
Firest0rm said:More like 7 out 10 times its the best version.
Eggo said:I've spent a lot of time with all three versions. Xbox is the one to get - higher frame-rate, sharper graphics, 480p. If you don't have a preference for the controller itself, I'd go:
Xbox > PS2 > NGC
Littleberu said:Actually the framerate and graphics are the same in all three versions. It's nothing like Soul Calibur 2 or such. It's all the same game over all three platform. Just take the platform of your choice.
Eggo said:Actually, they're not. How much time did you spend with all three versions to make this generalization?
Littleberu said:Well, I know I didn't test the Ps2, but what could it have less than these two versions?
BuddyChrist83 said:What stellar reasoning.