That's what makes it interesting

. The shot blocks, to me, seem like baby steps. The bigger, more fantastical stuff such as telekinesis and mind control requires more effort and training. Personally.
Again, your taking the word of someone who had no idea the force was an actual thing two seconds before he saw it. It's a shot that promises bigger things because if all that the force was good for was blocking shots from a minor toy droid, it'd be pretty useless. It has nothing to do with what an ignorant outback merc thinks about it. If anything, he's the antagonist of the force's potential in the framing here, downplaying it as much as possible to preserve his image of being a world savy smuggler.
Why? We can only speculate on it though. I say because it's something more difficult to learn. It's one thing to block shots, it's another to control a person's mind.
Because he's a guy who likes to solve his problems by taking a sword out and stabbing/shooting fools. It's only blind speculation if you ignore the kind of character Luke is.
The movie doesn't give the audience (me) the time to process that information, so it feels unearned and rushed and unbelievable. The movie's pacing is hurts itself like a confused Pokemon.
I disagree. For the most part, especially in the first two acts, the movie's pacing is fine. People are acting like the movie is on speed or something, but while I agree it's relatively fast paced, it's hardly on meth or anything like that.
I don't really consider Rey to be a master. The JMT, to me is more advanced than the telekinesis. Her Force timeline is just so compressed that it makes it hard to believe. If it was stretched out over the course of most of the movie, I bet you wouldn't have as many Mary Sue complaints.
Again, your estimation is based on pretty much nothing from what you've answered so far. It's a very facetious answer to say "This is difficult because I think it is, therefore it's bullshit that the character was able to do it."
And I care very little about how many mary sue complaints are made. I care which ones are valid. Big difference. People are wrong all the time, even large quantities of them. You agreed that the movies pacing is what leads to this feeling. I might agree that it is a bit much to take in at first. However, that's the situation with the vast majority of film, for one reason or another. That's why second viewings are helpful and help illuminate what wasn't clear at first. The conclusive element of whether or not Rey has issues with being too skilled is ultimately a narrative cohesion issue. Because while the fast pace means information is more difficult to process, that doesn't mean it's impossible. Otherwise, we would have no way to argue what we saw in the movie.
For me, that's something that even the mundane can do. It didn't seem like she was tapping into the Force to me.
The force isn't just called upon for the impossible. No one said that the shot on the death star in ANH was actually impossible, otherwsie there would be no point, just very, very, very, very difficult. Like Rey's flying.