I feel like this movie is a gigantic sham in that they showing you the same shit you saw in the Original Trilogy on such a rapid fire basis that they have no basis for charging you full price. It's literally every five minutes there's some shoehorned throwback, that by the time they throw in the fucking Trench Run I was about ready to walk out of the theater. Really, you can go down the list here:
-There's another shadowy Emperor type
-There's another "Rebellion"
-There's another Boba Fett esque character
-An extended throwback to the ROTJ scene where Wedge & Lando fly through the Death Star II
-A throwback to the Trench Run
-The throwback to the weird space chess game on the Millennium Falcon
-Look! Luke's helmet!
-They made a new X-Wing and it just looks bad
-Rey is another Luke with half the character development and none of the arc that made Luke so endearing as he outgrew his brattyness
-They fucked up a perfectly good Star Destroyer just to make it bigger, badder, and lame
-Starkiller is a bigger, badder, and infinitely lamer Death Star even though this makes thematically zero sense, especially after the scenes in Return of the Jedi between the Emperor, Vader, and the Imperial Leadership that show the Empire on the fritz
-Is it ever explained the significance of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber? Is it something like "nobody knows how to make lightsabers hence why Kylo's is all shitty" or is this just a cheesy ass macguffin.
-Countless other throwbacks to the Original Trilogy which feels way too much like a fan film, that it overshadows the quality of the actually original material i.e. Finn, or old man Han.
-Worst of all, all of the gains of the Original Trilogy are immediately wiped by obliterating Coruscant and the New Republic that it makes them entirely pointless
It was really depressing, because I had just shown the Despecialized Editions to my friend who had never seen Star Wars before, and it pretty much ruined Force Awakens for them. It's a competent film in a vacuum, but as a direct sequel to Return of the Jedi, it's just so weak in so many of the same ways Abrams shit all over Star Trek in Into Darkness, with the butchering of Khan as a character and the bigger, badder, and infinitely lamer USS Enterprise that was a stealth military ship that could operate on a skeleton crew blah blah blah.
Really depressing to see people outright lap it up because it has a huge marketing push behind it and the playing off of nostalgia. When the years go by and we get some real distance from this film, people will be a hell of a lot more soured on this movie. Not to the degree of the Prequels, as this was actually a competent film, but this one is just so fucking afraid of getting away from the Original Trilogy that it's goddamn cowardice. So much is being told through external "official canon" approved by a corporate entity in the "Lucasfilm Story Group" that it just feels dry and creatively dead.
This is just Star Wars for the sake of more Star Wars.