Oh christ, now OT Princess Leia is suddenly a bad character. She's not perfect but you're not giving Carrie Fisher enough credit here, she really broke the mold.
Rey's poorly delivered thematically and her arc is so depressingly derivative of Luke's that this is just pathetic.
Name another good female character in the OT (and PT) besides Princess Leia.
Tell me how many women appeared on screen in each of the three OT movies.
Then, tell me how many of those women who did appear on screen actually spoke.
Next, tell me how many times, across all three movies, Leia was the only women in a scene.
Explain to me how Leia having to be rescued in IV puts her in a position of empowerment.
Point out to me how Leia *wasnt* harassed in Empire. Note how often Han tells her one thing even though Leia is telling him another.
What's the first thing Lando says to Leia in Empire?
Who was put in a gold bikini in RotJ?
In TMP, who was given a boring personality? And shoved to the side for a little boy even though she was more relevant to the plot?
In AotC, how many times was Padme the only woman in a scene? How many women spoke besides her? Ask these same questions for TMP and RotS.
Who spent the majority of RotS sitting around and being pregnant?
I said *treated* like shit. The first six Star Wars films often pretended like women didn't exist. Which is shitty.