Your Star Trek movie would have been really boring.
*Kirk travels across the country, which takes him days, to go see the Enterprise being built. This scene takes 30 minutes to properly show the lore behind traveling.*
Yes that is what I demand. Everything in real-time. /s
You know editing? You can cut to it being built in orbit?
Anyway don't want to derail this further, it was just a quick example how cool moments and convenient coincidences take priority in Abrams movies. Just like Spock in the first cave on the ice planet, transwarp beaming, communicating across the galaxy or any other of the long list of scenes that people feel hurts their suspension of disbelief or violates prior rules of the universe he is trying to reinvent/reinvigorate/imitate.
I don't mind stuff like that when it feels the plot is solid, the script has had lots and lots of polish and this is the only way to do it really without sacrificing something valueable, but most of the time it feels lazy or they ran out of time with the script process.