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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Where are the theories that Rey is a time traveler or something "other" originating from?

I'm guessing the time traveler theories are just jokes, since Rey does resemble Shmi a fair bit. However, in regards to "other," there's just a myriad of reasons. Depends on which theory you want to look into. I think most of 'em are pretty damn unlikely (some folks think she's Palpatine's granddaughter for some reason).

Then again... I'm someone who is currently considering the possibility of Rey being a reincarnation of Anakin/or that something A:TLA/LoK-ish is going on between her and Anakin, so go figure. *shrug*

At the very least, John Williams has pretty much spelled it out in Rey's Theme that she's connected to 'ol Vader one way or another, be it as his granddaughter or something else entirely. The video below does a good job at showing what I mean and how Williams has done that sort of thing before in the series.



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.


“I’m proud of what you’re about to do,” she told the girl. Rey replied in all seriousness. “But you’re also afraid. In sending me away, you’re—reminded.” Leia straightened. “You won’t share the fate of our son.” “I know what we’re doing is right. This is how it has to be. This is how it should be.” Leia smiled gently, reassuringly. “I know it, too. May the Force be with you.”

Told ya!

Told what? Leia knows Rey uses the force, but she doesn't believe she'll fall to the dark side. Not that she is Leia's daughter lol.

edit: Oh you mean she won't fall to the dark side, haha. If Rey falls to the dark side, it won't be forever.
At the very least, John Williams has pretty much spelled it out in Rey's Theme that she's connected to 'ol Vader one way or another, be it as his granddaughter or something else entirely. The video below does a good job at showing what I mean and how Williams has done that sort of thing before in the series.


There's pretty much no way she's not Vader's granddaughter. She's being set up as a foil to both Kylo Ren and Anakin. That's clearly intentional, even without getting into music cues!

Another moment I felt the dialogue was awful was the opening scene between Kylo and Tekka. It didn't feel like two people talking. Everything Kylo said was spot on. Tekka felt like the writers feeding him lines for the sake of intrigue:

Eh, literally every line there is Tekka trying to remind Kylo that he wasn't always Kylo and doesn't have to be doing what he's doing.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I always thought the light saber in space thing was dumb

however, the movie probably could have used that political exposition. I'd love to see a directors cut one day

It definitely needed at least a line or two to explain that in the film, as a SW superfan, I was irritated by this whilst watching the film. Now that I know the setup, I'm even more pissed they didn't include it. I really like how they have set things up in the galaxy.

So over the top action film that prior to the reveal was a simple spy mission by spies.

Still baffles me they are making a movie about a story nobody cares about

Speak for yourself mate, I'm dying to finally see the Rebellions first major victory over the empire. ANH's crawl mentions that it was rebel spaceships striking from the hidden base, and says that spies stole the plans during a battle. If the last shot is the Tantive IV escaping into hyperspace, I'll cream myself.


And I'm probably just being picky, but it really felt odd she'd tell him what he just told her....

Another moment I felt the dialogue was awful was the opening scene between Kylo and Tekka. It didn't feel like two people talking. Everything Kylo said was spot on. Tekka felt like the writers feeding him lines for the sake of intrigue:

Kylo Ren: Look how old you've become.
Lor San Tekka: Something far worse has happened to you.
Good so far.

Kylo Ren: You know what I've come for.
Lor San Tekka: I know where you come from, before you called yourself "Kylo Ren".
That's a bit forceful....just trying to set up this intrigue and make us go "Ooooh. Who is he?" But not transition well. Not god awful.

Kylo Ren: The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order.
Lor San Tekka: The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not.
OK. What?! What the shit are you talking about, Tekka? That has NOTHING to do with what he said. This isn't a word association game.

Kylo Ren: I'll show you the Dark Side.
Lor San Tekka: You may try. But you cannot hide the truth that is your family.
Did he say he was hiding it? Who brought up his family? WHY ARE YOU JUST SPITTING OUT LINES FOR EXPOSITION? Just plain awful.

Kylo Ren: You're so right.
Thank God. Shut this terrible Tekka up.

Ha! That never occurred to me. Reading the dialogue like that certainly make it seem off, but I'll counter...I'll play devil's advocate here.

I think Tekka was trying to remind Kylo Ren of his lineage. I think he was saying, hey, your name is Ben Solo, not Kylo Ren, you family Han and Leia are good people and you should come back to that. I think he was trying to reach out to Ren, because the scene makes it clear they know each other. They have history. So why not try to reach out to Ren? Of course being the wannabe bad boy that is Kylo Ren, he ain't having any of it. It's Vader or bust for him.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Starkiller base is just a perplexing construct.
If you can install a (hyper)drive into a planet, you would have all kinds of artifical star systems across the galaxy. A cold desert planet? Just move it closer to its sun!
Also what happens to starkiller base's flora, fauna and atmosphere when it travels through (hyper)space? All those trees would be killed instantly by lack of sun.
The thing really feels inline with transwarp-beaming, communicating across the galaxy and other shit JJ did with StarTrek. Sure StarWars is way more fantasy than it is sci-fi but starkiller base is just a dumb idea no matter if fantasy or sci-fi.

If you can install hyperdrive on a planet then why build a huge weapon on it? The planet is the weapon.

Damn, there WAS a scene with Leia and the New Republic. He shouldn't have cut that out.

I wonder how bad Fisher's acting was there. lol

I think a big reason that got cut is they wanted the first time in possibly decades that Han sees Leia be the first time in decades that we see Leia and all that happened after the Hosnian system was wiped out.

I'm not sure that scene which frankly reads like really forced exposition is worth losing that great first time
She almost had nothing to do before that too. The whole Maz castle section felt weird.
With Finn changing motivation, disappearing for a couple of minutes then being back more eager than ever.
That location without any prior history felt like it "didn't deserve" Luke's saber and the vision that Rey got. Could have been really cool if that ESB cave style vision would have been triggered when Rey was alone inside a dark abandoned Star destroyer wreck where Vader was once present or something.
Also how Leia and troops arrived like 5 minutes after the spy phoned in made the universe seem small when Han went to Maz to find the Resistance in the first place.

Isnt that the whole point of a hyper drive? If "light speed" were actually light sped, it would still take 100s or 1000s of years to get places.

I know nothing of the actual tech in the star wars universe, but I thought the hyper drive trivialized distances.


Maybe I'm just trying to satiate my thirst for knowing Rey's origin, but I really do feel like that is the look you'd give your daughter in a situation you would hope never happened (she found his saber, and shit is obviously hitting the fan, and she is going to be involved with it like he was), especially after it seems he had to abandon her to keep her safe from the FO tracking him down.

There is so much we can speculate on that last scene. Was Luke looking at the Saber and that's why he feels apprehension, sadness, and maybe a hint of anger? Does he know Rey?(I think it's this one)

Or is he simply looking like this because someone found him and he knows shit is serious.
Can't Rey just be someone who is significantly strong in the Force?

Why's everybody gotta be somebody's kid?

Because it raises the stakes of the conflicts between characters.

When they're all unrelated, characters could be clashing over pure differences in ideals, or simply as part of a galactic pissing contest. When they're family, their battles are personal, they carry inherent undertones of betrayal and inner conflict.
There is so much we can speculate on that last scene. Was Luke looking at the Saber and that's why he feels apprehension, sadness, and maybe a hint of anger? Does he know Rey?(I think it's this one)

Or is he simply looking like this because someone found him and he knows shit is serious.
Luke's primary expression is guilt.


Isnt that the whole point of a hyper drive? If "light speed" were actually light sped, it would still take 100s or 1000s of years to get places.

I know nothing of the actual tech in the star wars universe, but I thought the hyper drive trivialized distances.

If it does to that amount, why are there still poor people living on POS worlds like Tatooine and Jakku if all it takes is a freighter and 5 minutes and you are on a lush jungle world with lots of culture? Are tickets on rusty freighters that expensive?
ANH, ESB and ROTJ at least felt like they tried to show SOME travel time is still needed even with hyperdrive and it is not instant.
It also felt that not every ship would be capable of making jumps like that. X-wings could jump but probably only shorter distances etc. The universe feels another bit smaller after TFA instead of bigger.


And I'm probably just being picky, but it really felt odd she'd tell him what he just told her....

Another moment I felt the dialogue was awful was the opening scene between Kylo and Tekka. It didn't feel like two people talking. Everything Kylo said was spot on. Tekka felt like the writers feeding him lines for the sake of intrigue:

Kylo Ren: Look how old you've become.
Lor San Tekka: Something far worse has happened to you.
Good so far.

Kylo Ren: You know what I've come for.
Lor San Tekka: I know where you come from, before you called yourself "Kylo Ren".
That's a bit forceful....just trying to set up this intrigue and make us go "Ooooh. Who is he?" But not transition well. Not god awful.

Kylo Ren: The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order.
Lor San Tekka: The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not.
OK. What?! What the shit are you talking about, Tekka? That has NOTHING to do with what he said. This isn't a word association game.

Kylo Ren: I'll show you the Dark Side.
Lor San Tekka: You may try. But you cannot hide the truth that is your family.
Did he say he was hiding it? Who brought up his family? WHY ARE YOU JUST SPITTING OUT LINES FOR EXPOSITION? Just plain awful.

Kylo Ren: You're so right.
Thank God. Shut this terrible Tekka up.

Got the sense that he was just ignoring what Kylo was saying, trying to get through to the Ben he once knew. But yeah, can see your point.
Can't Rey just be someone who is significantly strong in the Force?

Why's everybody gotta be somebody's kid?

Then going through all the trouble to conceal her ancestry in this movie becomes a bit silly. Why hide who she is if that doesn't have any real significance to the viewer?

Also why does Anakin's lightsaber trigger a vision in her and why does Maz say it calls to her if she had no connection to the Skywalker bloodline?
Then going through all the trouble to conceal her ancestry in this movie becomes a bit silly. Why hide who she is if that doesn't have any real significance to the viewer?

Also why does Luke's lightsaber trigger a vision in her and why does Maz say it calls to her if she had no connection to the Skywalker bloodline?

It can call to her because maybe it's her destiny to wield it.

I dunno, I just feel like we already did the whole "lost son/father/sibling" thing...but almost everything in TFA feels like a retread so why stop now.


I think a big reason that got cut is they wanted the first time in possibly decades that Han sees Leia be the first time in decades that we see Leia and all that happened after the Hosnian system was wiped out.

I'm not sure that scene which frankly reads like really forced exposition is worth losing that great first time

I can see that. It's something I'd still like to see added in a Blu Ray release or something. Just to see how it would fit.

It shrinks the universe. Sloppy writing, IMO

Well to be fair the main episodes focus on the Skywalker lineage. Not saying Rey is one, but it does focus on a particular set of characters. She many not be a Skywalker but I find it hard to believe he doesn't know her.


Another moment I felt the dialogue was awful was the opening scene between Kylo and Tekka. It didn't feel like two people talking. Everything Kylo said was spot on. Tekka felt like the writers feeding him lines for the sake of intrigue:

I think Tekka purposefully steers the conversation away from the topic at hand to plant seeds of doubt in Kylo so that he could potentially be turned back to the light side. He can also be stalling so that Poe could have time to escape.

I admit I'm biased because I love Max von Sydow's part in the movie, but hey, to each his own.



Looking at that list of removed shots, it seems to me the one that really impacted the movie is the Leia one, which would've explained the state of the universe more clearly, but having Leia's reveal be with some nobody would've hurt her scene we got, so I can see why it was gone.

The other stuff was neat (except the falling light saber flashback seems pretty lame for an opener) and will make good deleted scenes and/or an extended cut, but isn't too necessary.

Presumably there's a missing scene or two with Phasma as well, right? Particularly the one where this Lego set comes from. In fact there's a couple of lego sets with Resistance troops - do we think they had more battles at one point or is it just Lego padding out their sets with some generic dudes so kids have some good guys and bad guys?


Tragic villains are usually likeable.

That's EXACTLY how Kylo Ren came across. Whiny and annoying with zero likeable qualities.

I liked Kylo Ren and didn't find him whiny at all.

If you watched the movie you will understand there is a conflict going on inside of Ren. He is a wannbe Sith being seduced by the light side of the force. This is a running theme for him throughout the movie. If that is whiny, well there is no pleasing you.

Frankly, I knew this would happen. People say they want villains with a little depth and when they get it they say he is not badass enough. I knew the moment Ren shed a tear there will be backlash because no one wants to see a villain cry.
I think Tekka purposefully steers the conversation away from the topic at hand to plant seeds of doubt in Kylo so that he could potentially be turned back to the light side. He can also be stalling so that Poe could have time to escape.

I admit I'm biased because I love Max von Sydow's part in the movie, but hey, to each his own.
I just took it as him almost taunting Ren. Like "yeah, I know what you've come for, but you can fuck right off for what you did."
I liked Kylo Ren and didn't find him whiny at all.

I don't think he's whiny, either, but I can see how some people would think the line "I just wanna be free of this pain" (dunno what the exact line is) comes off as a bit emo.

Devils advocate and all, but that doesn't really excuse the issue.

It doesn't.

But then Star Wars isn't going to suddenly stop being Star Wars when people already loved Star Wars.


Definitely felt like Tekka was stalling for time on that one. But, ironically, it reminded me of Darth Vader and Leia's chat in A New Hope. Expository dialogue that ultimately goes beyond what the characters should already know. It's purely for the audience. "You are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor! Take her away!" We're establishing the lines in the sand.


I liked Kylo Ren and didn't find him whiny at all.

If you watched the movie you will understand there is a conflict going on inside of Ren. He is a wannbe Sith being seduced by the light side of the force. This is a running theme for him throughout the movie. If that is whiny, well there is no pleasing you.

Frankly, I knew this would happen. People say they want villains with a little depth and when they get it they say he is not badass enough. I knew the moment Ren shed a tear there will be backlash because no one wants to see a villain cry.
I mean people can understand what they are going for and still dislike the character. I
Like him well enough but eh.

I don't think he's whiny, either, but I can see how some people would think the line "I just wanna be free of this pain" (dunno what the exact line is) comes off as a bit emo.

It doesn't.

But then Star Wars isn't going to suddenly stop being Star Wars when people already loved Star Wars.
True and she was clearly going to have some connection with the Skywalker clan basically from the get go.


Definitely felt like Tekka was stalling for time on that one. But, ironically, it reminded me of Darth Vader and Leia's chat in A New Hope. Expository dialogue that ultimately goes beyond what the characters should already know. It's purely for the audience. "You are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor! Take her away!" We're establishing the lines in the sand.

The Tekka scenes felt fine to me, of course exposition for Kylo's heritage but it worked good.
The exposition between Han and Leia felt more forced when they mentioned Snoke and all that.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Why didn't Traitor Trooper shock himself repeatedly when he was trying to show off with baton? It kept hitting his body.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Second viewing will be starting soon, let's see if I can pick up all the small details I missed the first time.

There's so much I barely remember, but I'm gonna wait for the Blu Ray.

Actually have Disney announced anything on when they will start releasing 4K Blu's?


Unconfirmed Member
Saw it again on Sunday. Noticed Kylo leaves his mask behind when confronting Rey and Finn. I wonder if that is intentional and he won't use it next episode or if it will just get ¯_(ツ)_/¯'d back off of star killer with him phasma Hux and whomever else.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Saw it again on Sunday. Noticed Kylo leaves his mask behind when confronting Rey and Finn. I wonder if that is intentional and he won't use it next episode or if it will just get ¯_(ツ)_/¯'d back off of star killer with him phasma Hux and whomever else.

I feel like he's gonna go full-blown Darth Vader imitator via replica mask by Ep IX for some reason.
I still need a second viewing, but why does everyone think R2 taking a bit to boot up is such a stretch? My timeline may be off, but if it took R2 an hour or so (not out of the question since him being a robot would require a pretty long diagnostics phase to test all of his actuators and junk before sending them full power) the rest of command was balls deep in an assault by that point. It would make sense for him to play dead until some trusted people (Liea/Chewy/BB-8) were back in the room. It's not out of character for R2 to play dumb until he's sure shit is secure.


sealed with a kiss
Finished watching this and 2 negatives really stood out:

Death star 3.0? seriously? fuck off disney


Captain Phasma was so incredibly wasted, the fuck was that? introduced as a menacing leader and then waffles off in 2 scenes and is presumably disposed of off screen, gg


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Saw it again on Sunday. Noticed Kylo leaves his mask behind when confronting Rey and Finn. I wonder if that is intentional and he won't use it next episode or if it will just get ¯_(ツ)_/¯'d back off of star killer with him phasma Hux and whomever else.

It seems to be a part of the Uniform of The Knights of Ren, so I'd say we will be seeing it again. Outside of that, he's becoming quite a famous character now, and the mask is a big part of that. I reckon he will be taking it off for the final scenes in Ep 8 and 9 (so a Sam Raimi Spiderman type situation).

I feel like he's gonna go full-blown Darth Vader imitator via replica mask by Ep IX for some reason.

I'd be fine with this. The only thing I want from Kylo Ren is that he isn't redeemed. He killed Han Solo, as far as I am concerned he can fuck right off.
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