I am glad they went away from the Vader look.
Agreed. I thought Ren should have put the Mask back on for that fight at the end.
Cool art though.
I am glad they went away from the Vader look.
I love this meme.
Some of those designs are awesome, but...
I lol'd.
Does anyone else think Luke knew everything that was happening prior to Rey finding him?
I think his face at the end showed all the suffering from having "sensed" Han's death and Kylo further throwing himself deeper into the dark side. You can also see apprehension on whether he should even train this new Jedi.
I love this meme.
First one is Scorpion combined with Darth Vader. Horrible
The reason why it's different though is because we never saw a Force user train in the Dark side of the Force.
In the beginning, they wanted to show you a glimpse of what that looks like, as well as setup and explain the difference between Kylo when killing the Old man versus killing his father and his mindset and aftermath of both those actions.
The beginning is Kylo at his most confident and powerful.
Like I've said multiple times, Kylo killed someone that was close to him and his family (listen to the whole dialogue of their conversation on your next viewing), someone that knew Ben before he called himself Kylo Ren. Killing off someone who was "like family" allowed him to not only kill off a piece of his former self so he could fall deeper into the dark side, but it gave him the power that comes with that, which allowed him to stop the blast that Poe fired in retaliation. We assumed he was a Sith Lord at that point, but we later learn he is still transitioning from Light to Dark.
Throughout the movie, after failing to capture the droid and hearing his Father is now involved, he slowly starts losing confidence in his path and is afraid of the choice he will eventually have to make when he comes face to face with his father.
Fast forward to Han's death and the same scenario from the beginning is shown, with Kylo killing someone from his past, but this time it's his own father, Someone he loved dearly. He was hoping he would become even stronger, by rejecting his former self, but that wasn't the case. He wasn't able to fully let go of his past and become stronger sharper, faster like he had in the beginning. He became weighed down by the realization and possible guilt of that moment which allowed for Chewie's blaster to hit him.
That power boost showed us the seductive and easier to gain power of the Dark Side. Yoda tells Luke in ESB that the Dark Side's power is easier to gain versus trying to control the Force. We see how difficult it is for a semi trained Luke and other Jedi's in the saga to control objects while it's easier for Darth Vader to force push multiple objects at Luke in Bespin. Kylo not receiving the same power boost in the beginning confirms the obvious, that Han's death did effect him and that it wasn't simply them forcing Kylo to be (what some considered to be "deus ex machine weak") so that Ren could defeat him.
Obviously the wound helped, but it was more of a trial for Kylo's journey and was setup the moment he was introduced on screen, not something they added at the last minute without any thought put into it.
Quick question: Why does 3P0 have his gold arm back at the end of the film? Noticed it on my third showing ha and don't understand why. What's the running thought in it?
dope as fuck, imo
Quick question: Why does 3P0 have his gold arm back at the end of the film? Noticed it on my third showing ha and don't understand why. What's the running thought in it?
look at C-3PO and Venom Snake's left arm.
The Knights of Ren concept art
Yeah I'm thinking it was glossed over completely, I can't think of where it would have been mentioned/hinted at.Yea I noticed that today.
I bet they only explain it in some 3P0 related book.
Not to mention the amount of additional threads made about the movie. It's insane.Has any movie ever gotten 3 OTs here on GAF? I may be wrong, but I don't believe so. Crazy amount of replies these threads got.
Because it's energy and I'd like to think that even the most powerful (non-broken) Force users would have to obey the laws of the universe. You can't just stop energy. Light sabers and blasters get a pass since they are supposed to be analogs for swords and guns, and that just wouldn't work if they were actual lasers. But maybe that's just me not wanting to think "why didn't every Sith/Jedi "Magneto" every blaster bolt in every Star Wars movie ever if they could just stop the shit with no effort?"
The stupidity of the Jedi in this gif suddenly skyrockets
I don't think the idea that I accept some outrageous things by real world standards must mean that logically I must accept something else outrageous. I'm sure if in a future movie they decide to show a lightsaber "shooting" it's blade like a blaster, I'd have a problem with that depiction as well and there would probably be people defending it like, "if you accepted that there were things like lightsabers in the first place, you can't complain."
Its a galaxy far, far away...
Has any movie ever gotten 3 OTs here on GAF? I may be wrong, but I don't believe so. Crazy amount of replies these threads got.
Just saw my third showing. William's score is definitely beginning to grow on me. It's not the best by any means, but now that I can associate songs and themes with characters it's so much better. And every time I see Rey pull the lightsaber I'm an inch away from jumping up and cheering. It's such a hype moment.
The Knights of Ren concept art
I said passing thought
And every time I see Rey pull the lightsaber I'm an inch away from jumping up and cheering. It's such a hype moment.
This is surprisingly fashionable.
The Knights of Ren concept art
I think the problem is when things break the established laws of the universe. Not that anyone ever said you CANT stop a laser blast, but the physics that's been used with the force have established that it's probably not a thing that people can do.
(cough you might want to put this on cough cough ahem)
How about this?
Kylo Ren, playing "The Final Countdown" on the bagpipes, while balancing on BB-8
Kylo Ren, playing "The Final Countdown" on the bagpipes, while balancing on BB-8
Has any movie ever gotten 3 OTs here on GAF?
This is surprisingly fashionable.
Agreed. I thought Ren should have put the Mask back on for that fight at the end.
FWIW OT is 3 movies so it balances out.
Not sure I really am in agreement with your interpretation of the film events but if that is what makes it all make sense for you, that's cool.
The Knights of Ren concept art
7 evil space samurais? I can dig that