They should have kept The Raid guys for this.
Still could.
Not sure I really am in agreement with your interpretation of the film events but if that is what makes it all make sense for you, that's cool.
Not stating all of it is fact mind you, but there was a definite purpose behind showing Kylo killing the old man (who knew him) and stopping a laser blast afterword versus killing his father and getting hit with Chewie's crossbow.
Have we seen any other Force (dark or light) user freeze and entire person into place?
If Yoda can absorb and redirect energy, why can't Kylo, at the very least hold energy temporarily in its place?
The Force itself is "energy" that flows thru everything so it wouldn't be a stretch for him to hold energy in place, regardless if it's a person or a blaster. He's only holding it in place, not actually moving it around as if its a rock floating thru the air. The farther he descends into the dark side the more power he would gain. And him gaining power quickly through the dark side remains consistent with what Yoda told Luke about the DS being easier in ESB.
If someone thru a rock at him he would be able to stop it. If you were Luke and believed you couldn't stop a blaster and then Yoda stops a blaster he would say, "..and that is why you had failed."
Her "awakening" could not only represent her awakening as a Force user, but awakening as an incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. She pretty much becomes a near master Jedi in the movie for this very reason, cause she's tapping into latent memories she inherited from a previous life.
If true, it's destiny...

Can't keep away from it.