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SprawlGAF | Neo City One is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.


Dude, you said you were having a busy week, but it's been more than 3 days since Jintor asked a simple question.

And I see you posted in other threads, so it's not like you were away from internet or something.
What kinda place are you all meeting in, and what's the deal with this place if you know the right people?
We meet in an old abandoned warehouse that used to be a major shipping center for FRKLyft, until a group of hackers essentially wiped their system and all of the connected buildings had to be disconnected from the shipping network for fear of letting the hackers get back in quite some time ago. However, this place has a lot of computer infrastructure already, which means it's a great place to plan a job as stuff like a dedicated power setup has already been made.


OOC: Some ground advice. What I found worked best in the last game was that if you just do the thing and not wait to ask stuff like, what's the layout of this room, what's the that, what's the that, blah. Ask forgiveness, not permission - we're playing by post and things will take time in any case, so we don't really have the ability to do a lot of rapid-fire back and forth.

So, when it's your turn: describe what you do, determine if that triggers a move, and roll the move. If the move triggers a prescribed list of questions, please remember to ask the questions from the list as well.



If you need your fix, you come here. Formerly Logistics Warehouse Zero-Seven-Five, now another in a squallid, wretched chain of low-humming RNBangs where comatose bodies lie rigged up to writhing snakes of wires and electronics. You guys gingerly step over a few clients who are having perhaps too-good a time at the annual ReNew VirtuGala (if you tap into the local Feed you could probably keep a browser window open and see what they're up to, if you care) and advance further into the shrouded, dimly-lit haze.

You surrendered your pieces at the door, where surly-looking guards desultorily tagged and numbered them and gave you a cardkey in return, but look on the bright side; your contact can't possibly be armed in here, either. And he isn't. You follow your directions to headset 324, which is not currently being worn, because it is in the hands of a quiet man in a quiet suit, standing in the midst of a field of sleeping, twitching dreamers. He is turning the thing over and over in his hands, which are prosthetic, obviously mechanical. Ugly, and clearly artificial, but built to last. He looks up as you approach, and smiles a quiet smile.

"Mr Goro, Mr Crowley. Pleased to meet you and your associates. You may call me Joey. My backers have a simple but rather pressing need of your expertise. Data retrieval from a FRKLyft routing centre. It must be done within 48 hours. Do you have any questions?"


Someone who wishes to place themselves as the lead negotiator please roll Get the Job (+Edge) and refer to your choices on a success. Others, remember you can help a roll by rolling +Links. (I know this kind of requires you know who is the lead but just roll two dice and we'll just add links manually once we figure out who is the lead negotiator)


Hmm, it is a corporate net café so I think they'd have taken it off you. I assume then neither of you wish you assist or get the job than?

I think duchess has a specific power about getting weapons past security, is that right or am I confusing that with backstory
Hmm, it is a corporate net café so I think they'd have taken it off you. I assume then neither of you wish you assist or get the job than?

I think duchess has a specific power about getting weapons past security, is that right or am I confusing that with backstory

her implant hand gun has the +discreet tag which has some language in the handbook. I was asking more for future reference if certain points will require a roll to get through unnoticed. Like if guards are just eyeing me up and down then I'm assuming its a 0 percent thing that we dont have to worry about. But if they have more advanced screening procedures there would be some sort of roll?

Also no roll, only here to step in if shit goes bad


yeah man it's discreet so it goes through w/o checks at least at this level. you might not get into something higher security tho


Troseph and NanICo have higher edge than me so I'll be ready to assist one of them on the roll. Something along the lines of "He's one of Goro's pal so you know he's cool bro".

Assist Roll: (6+3)=9 if Troseph, (6+3)+1=10 if NanICo.


"Mr Goro, Mr Crowley. Pleased to meet you and your associates. You may call me Joey..."

What is he doing in a ReNew event with a name as rare as "Joey"? Does he want to attract attention before this even begins?

"...Data retrieval from a FRKLyft routing centre. It must be done within 48 hours. Do you have any questions?"

"Hello, Mr. Joey. My name is NanICo, an acquaitance of Goro here, and probably the one that will get his hands on your data."

I wait until he lowers his neck from talking to Goro to look at my eyes.

"Due to that, I do have some questions if you may. Anything that you could answer would help:
What kind of data is it, and do you have any idea of where it might be inside this centre? Maybe within the network, maybe stored in a physical location...

Where is the centre located, and it is manned or is it another one of those self-operated with clanks?

The time limit is on your end, or something that could complicate us in the facilty?

Some of us already have bad blood with FRKLyft, how can we know this information", and by that I actually mean you, dear employer, "is trustworthy?

And", I narrow my eyes and let out a childish smile, "the most important of them all: how much will we receive for this run?"


Get The Job: (4+4)+2 = 10 (+1 with Goro's roll = 11)

  • the employer provides useful information [intel]
  • the employer provides useful assets [gear]
  • the employer is identifiable


Joey nods, and places the helmet down. He tells you this:

The target data is a simple set of shipping manifest records through the local routing node. Information is routinely backed up into the primary FRKLyft mainframe on scheduled intervals and scrubbed from local copies, but there is a narrow window of opportunity at present due to an unforeseen problem with the Routing Centre's ultra-secure mainframe link. (You sense the hidden quotation marks around 'unforeseen problem' as Joey spins the words through the air). The precise nature of how the data is stored and will be transferred is for you to discover, but it seems unlikely that it would exist on anything you could conceivably hack into from outside the facility.

The centre's precise location is unknown; that's one of the reasons a team of troubleshooters is required. It is somewhere in the Offtop sector, that much is known.

After forty-eight hours it is anticipated that the data will have been successfully transferred into the FRKLyft mainframe and deleted from the vulnerable Routing Centre.

the employer provides useful information [intel]
the employer provides useful assets [gear]

Joey hands NanICo a small flashdrive. "I expect you'll do your due diligence on this, though I can assure you at the outset it contains no tracers, bugs, or any of that sort of thing. My backers have conducted some preliminary research for... external contractors to use. There is also some limited room for requisitions, if desired - if you can get your requests in before you begin your operations."

the employer is identifiable

Duchess, it occurs to you that 'Joey' is playing his part straight out of the Structuro external contractor protocol corporate handbook (revision 4.3).

OOC: Congratulations, you've got the job! Now for some nitty gritty.

how much will we receive for this run?

In The Sprawl, you all stake cred on the success of the mission. You can each put down 1, 2, or 3 points of cred. If the mission goes well, you'll get back twice the cred you stake. If it goes really well, you'll get back three times.

Since there's a time limit on this mission, Structuro is willing to throw in 3 extra cred for the group as a whole, should the mission succeed.

Here's also a good time to talk about clocks again. Missions have a legwork or action clock. To put it simply, they measure the response the opposition will give in response to player actions. Legwork increases during the investigation phase and is mostly about how prepared they'll be for you in the action phase. Action increases during the Action phase and determines the actual response as well as serving as your mission-fail clock.

If you stake 3 cred on the mission, I will advance a segment on one of the clocks per 3-cred staked. I won't show you the clocks, but you can get a general feel for where they are at based on what I'm telling you.

Legwork Clocks go from: (generally)
0 - Everything's cool
1- Made a bit of noise
2 - Rumours
3 - Clear but unconfirmed rumours - action clock set to 1
4 - Reliable information about timing - action clock set to 2
5 - Reliable info about the team - action clock set to 3
6 - Everything is known - corporate clock advances

Action Clocks go from:
0 - Everything's cool
1 - Target is wary
2 - Target is in a state of high alert
3 - Target is reinforced
4 - Target is more heavily reinforced
5 - Target is reinforced with Elites
6 - Target bugs out or escapes. Mission fails, corporate clock advances twice.

Mission Directives
When you get the job, mark XP.
When you determine when and how to get the data, mark XP.
When you have the data in hand, mark XP.
When the mission ends, mark XP.

OOC: Legwork
We are entering the legwork phase of the mission. In this phase we prep to run the mission, but risk generating noise and alerting the target. Each player may chose to do one 'action', though this may involve multiple rolls possibly.

Moves you may find useful: Research, Assess, Hit the Street, Play Hardball/Fast Talk, and Declare Contact. The last deserves some explanation.

You can each declare a contact once per mission (except Goro who can introduce one more because of one of his moves). When you do so, to expedite play, assume that I always want to know these things:
  • Who they are (Name and describe them)
  • How you know them and how you get in touch with them usually
  • Why do they owe you a favour, or why do you owe them a favour

After that declare what you want off of them and roll the appropriate move.


Nanico, what do you look like to Joey? What's your appearance? In words plz

A 1,50m tall man, with a bowl haircut, relaxed face and wool clothes because it's hard to maintain body heat. They are simple, but not ragged like some of the attendees are wearing.


OOC: Sorry guys, been a rather busy few days. Still kinda confused as to how this game plays vs. Dungeon World, but I think I'll understand better just by doing.

As Joey talks, my eyes dart around to all the bodies hanging off of furniture like mannequins. Is this fun? Is this a good time? After a few moments, I snap out of my old man mode and return my focus to the business at hand. I would've preferred to negotiate myself, but NanICo handled things swimmingly.

I'll stake 2 cred on this mission.

As we head out of the club to go about our prep, I make my way towards the Offtop sector to try and pick up a trail and see how it all fits together.

Rolling is 2d6, right? I can barely recall.


Gain 1 hold.

Now it says I can ask a question from the research list. Where is that?
OOC: Starting to get into the swing of things, I think
As our motley crew leaves the warehouse, I get to work doing some research on where the centre could be located.
I'll stake 2 cred on this mission.
It says on a roll of 10+ that I take [intel] and then can ask a question from the research list as well


OOC: Sorry guys, been a rather busy few days. Still kinda confused as to how this game plays vs. Dungeon World, but I think I'll understand better just by doing.

As Joey talks, my eyes dart around to all the bodies hanging off of furniture like mannequins. Is this fun? Is this a good time? After a few moments, I snap out of my old man mode and return my focus to the business at hand. I would've preferred to negotiate myself, but NanICo handled things swimmingly.

I'll stake 2 cred on this mission.

As we head out of the club to go about our prep, I make my way towards the Offtop sector to try and pick up a trail and see how it all fits together.

Rolling is 2d6, right? I can barely recall.


Gain 1 hold.

Now it says I can ask a question from the research list. Where is that?

Check the research move in the book. since this is an explicit power of yours you can do another move if possible.

Both of you, give me more fictionally - troseph, what kind of info are you stringing together? Crowley, what kinds of databases or info trails would lead you to find a routing centre in offtop? Are you talking to specific people? If so, declare a contract as well.
The research list is the follow up questions you can ask for a 10+ on the research move.
10+: take [intel]; the MC will answer your question & answer a
follow-up question from this list as well:
Ђ Where would I find ______?
Ђ How secure is ______?
Ђ Who or what is related to ______?
Ђ Who owned or employed ______?
Ђ Who or what is ______ most valuable to?
Ђ What is the relationship between ______ and


Everyone, remember to mark XP in your sheets because we got the job.

edit: oh yeah, I stake 2 cred too.


Unlike the others, I just go home, make myself some guaraná juice, and spend the following hours combing the flashdrive Mr. Joey gave me.

He said it was a preliminary research, but hopefully i can find something about the number of guards, their equipment, armor or chrome, security systems, blueprints, etc.

Research: (2+2)+1 = 5 // ouch
  • How secure are FRKLyft routing centres?
I also message the others saying that if they need any gear, I can share with them the contact in this flashdrive.
staking 2 cred
As we walk out of the warehouse, I nudge Goro and let em know that we're dealing with a structuro agent. The guy seemed to think obtaining the manifests wouldn't be a simple Ctrl c Ctrl v kinda job, so I told the team I'm going to hit up a friend of mine who might be able to help.

I head uptown to the posh luxpartments in the Hicksdam neighborhood. After ringing up I enter the apartment and am greeted by a lounging Steve Winwood hard at work. Looking over at me, one of his eyes looking through a transparent monocular display pulsing with scrolling numbers and charts, he utters in a scratchy baritone, "If it isn't my favorite cyborg! What can Stevey do for you?

Steve reads the data flow of the net like an EKG. Every pulse of information that crosses the through the public nets can be seen in an encoded form, most don't give a crap about it because of that reason. Steve was a sysop for a TOR subsidiary involved in laying net infrastructure for years, he knows more about the pipes than anyone else I could think of. Using his specialized knowledge he is able to translate the raw movement of data into valuable Intel, the most lucrative of which has been applied to the stock market (N1SX). He bounced from his menial position and started making big cash with his skills, but TOR got hint of his newfound freelancing, and got him banned from the exchange. I helped him procure a new ID thanks to some critical servers coming down with lead poisoning. Nowadays he manages the portfolios of lowlife gang bosses to celeb streamers. He gives me a ring if he expects a meeting with a client has him sweating a bit. I'll come by his pad if I need his netsec knowledge to help me track down some tricky to find marks.

After some pleasantries, and explaining how Joey described the data, I ask a question, "Can you help me move data treated with this type of security?"

Hit the street: 5+4+1=10. Get what I want and +intel


Wait I'm confused about something. I thought we could only do one action unless it is a specific power. Is Declare a Contact not part of that? Basically can I declare a contact because of my I know people move, declare another as part of the standard move, and then still Hit the Streets?

I'm going to stake 2 creds as well, but I was holding off on making my actual move because I was waiting for the results of the research rolls so I know what I should Hit the Streets for.
Wait I'm confused about something. I thought we could only do one action unless it is a specific power. Is Declare a Contact not part of that? Basically can I declare a contact because of my I know people move, declare another as part of the standard move, and then still Hit the Streets?

I believe you can do the procedure you described. Declare a Contact is a basic move that can be used once per mission - you then roll Hit the streets to determine if you get what you want from them. It is two separate moves in a sense (Hit the streets can be used without Declare a Contact, but only once we have contacts that we can hit up) but to me the two seemed so intertwined I just did them both at the same time, especially because Declare Contact doesn't have any rolls. Theoretically Jintor would to ask me follow up questions about the contact to better flesh them out before the Hit the Streets is rolled.


My breath is turning frosty as I turn down an alley in the backstreets of Offtop. Sure enough, further down the alley and around a corner I see the familiar glow of a trash-can fire. It's cold tonight, and inside my coat I'm gripping my pistol tentatively. Things pop off really quick around these parts, but when you need intel, you turn to the ones people don't even notice as they pass. Deckson nods as he sees me, a wry smile on his face. For a guy warming his hands over a burning trash can, he acts as though I'd just stepped into his high-rise office. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Real pleasure, Deck," I chuckle at him. "It's a bitter cold night and the smell of burning trash is in the air, why do you think I'm here?"

"Alright, alright. So is this question of where or a question of who?"

"It's where," I reply. "Myself and some cohorts are in search of a FRKLyft Routing Centre." I release my gun in my pocket and warm my own hands over the flame. "Now I know you and your various hands across the city may not know specifically where it is, but I'm betting you can help me set the pieces up. I'm looking for where the FRKLyft trucks go around here. Where their routes sync up. Where the pigs get a little more antsy and defensive. Where the power never goes out, even in the craziest weather. Can you point me in that direction, pal?"

"Hmph." He grunts, not even looking up from the flames. "I may have something for you."

OOC: Would this fit more into declaring a contact? I just figure if my move is to ask a question I ought to have a fictional justification for who I'm asking and how.


Research: (2+2)+1 = 5 // ouch
  • How secure are FRKLyft routing centres?

You pour over the files and easily extract the following information: FRKLyft routing centres are on the lower-end of corp-sec jobs, at least out on the contract markets, and have a fairly standard job profile. Structuro's team at least managed to get the name of the firm that security has been subcontracted out to. NanICo, you know the security corpcontracted out on this deal quite well; why is their reputation so garbage?

As a low-paying job, it has the lowest-tier security you can buy; 3-4 units of manpower assisted by up to 2 drones, probably landbound. Maybe external counter-intelligence support if they sprung for one above basic. A standard complement of hired guns, given a badge and just enough def-caf to keep awake through the long nights.

Unfortunately, it seems Structuro's team wasn't as careful as you might have been. Looking at the way they collected the data, posing as interested parties, asking all the wrong questions... you get the feeling that any reasonable MegaCorp division chief might have become somewhat... suspicious.


After some pleasantries, and explaining how Joey described the data, I ask a question, "Can you help me move data treated with this type of security?"

Hit the street: 5+4+1=10. Get what I want and +intel

Steve peers one eye at you, the other lost in a blur of data, and smiles. "Well, now... from what you're describing... I think I can help you. But you've got some work to do first."

One hand pounds a digital keyboard of light and force-feedback solidity, the other twists, flings a virtual command out into the aether. "It sounds like what you've got here is a good old-fashioned courier job. If their mainframe link is down, there's no way they'd entrust that data to anything wireless, so that means - of course - they're gonna just pick it up and move it."

"My friend, if you can get me the physical thing they're moving - datachip, USB, diamond-encrusted LP, whatever it is - then I can break the coding, real easy. FRKLyft base-level encryption was cracked two weeks ago, but they've been shutting down anyone who tries to spill it." His glowing monocle shuts down for a split second, a cybernetic eye socket staring at you with pearly sheen, and then reactivates. "But, lucky you. Stevey's already got it."

He leans back in his leather chair, almost carelessly pulling something out of the writhing datastreams around him, casting it in your direction. You pull it smoothly out of the air with practiced ease. "Just a little something you might also be interested in," he grins. "FRKLyft making the headlines these days."

Gain +Intel.


"Hmph." He grunts, not even looking up from the flames. "I may have something for you."

OOC: Would this fit more into declaring a contact? I just figure if my move is to ask a question I ought to have a fictional justification for who I'm asking and how.

Yes, this is also declaring a contact.

Decker sighs and rubs his hands together. "You've not done me wrong, cobber, and I see no reason not to answer a few simple questions," he says. He points... east, says your internal GPS. "The actual warehouse, they don't even bother hiding that, as I bet you know. No point when all the FRKLyft shipping from the whole eastern seaboard ends up going through at some point or the other. But you wouldn't be asking me about something you could just get off the Feed, would you?"

He smiles bitterly, and spits - away from the can. Troseph, what was Decker before he was this? "Mate, if you're looking for where their brass goes to talk shop, Jambo told me he saw one of those scarpin' Lyft-execs walk into an alley and not walk out - at least, not out the same alley. There's a place a few blocks from the warehouse proper... I'd mark it on your map, but I don't..." he gestures to his head, sadly. Turns, grabs a stick, thrusts it into the ground. A rough map - New OffTop. The highways, thick and bold; alleys, spidery cracks in the ground. He stabs the stick in, leaves it there.

"Around here. I'd start looking... around here."

You cross-reference the crude drawing with your onboard systems. The area he is talking about is a set of noodle restaurants and teahouses... an odd choice for routing administration.


Im assuming that all this information is being shared what with us being in the future and able to communicate over long distances.

"Whoa bro, if we need to scout out the area to know where the building might be without getting into trouble I know just the dude."

Declare Contact: Jinny Jann: VTOL pilot.
-Jinny is a regular customer of Goro's, usually looking for not quite legal mods for her Titan X-6N "Flyboy". Goro usually uses a series of coded net messages in order to alert her when he has parts she might be interested in and as such can contact her quite easily.

"Ok bro, so I contacted Jinny in the usual way. You know posting "Gr00vy br0 looking for sky high🛩 🐤" in missed connections and what not. Real coded spy shit my man. And then she responds to me and she's like 'Goro, you have my number we don't have to go through this every single time.' And I'm like what would be the point in that?!?!

Anyway bro, I tell her all she needs to do is take me and some buddies flying over an area to scope out some old tea houses and noodle places for something that don't look right.. Maybe hang around to get us back out of there if she can. I mean it's not like it's illegal to go flying with your bros bro. And when the cops where hassling her about not having the licenses for certain "not for civilian use" mods, didn't Ol' Goro get them to her just in time?

'C'mon bro you practically owe me.'"

Hit the Streets:(5+3)+2=10, +[gear]


I feel like I'm missing something... I'm sure I'm supposed to charge you for stuff even in hit the street, otherwise what are you gonna use creds for? Someone take a look at the book for me, I won't be able to for a bit


I feel like I'm missing something... I'm sure I'm supposed to charge you for stuff even in hit the street, otherwise what are you gonna use creds for? Someone take a look at the book for me, I won't be able to for a bit

Your contacts aren’t running charities. They’ll charge for their services, and for any gear you need from them. Fair prices for gear are listed in Chapter 6: Assets. Their services may also take time to organise and alert curious or unfriendly attention which can complicate the mission."

Would it be reasonable to say that the hit the streets roll is for her to help us scout out the area to find the place, but to have her act as a getaway driver would cost creds?


Hit the street is more like how complicated is getting this going to be. She'd probably charge separately for each

I'll be back with prices in like five hours I think - got an event tonight


Duchess, Steve won't charge you for that info but when you recover the data he'll need another cred off you to unencrypt it. Deal?

Troseph, Decker doesn't want anything now but he might call on you in future.


Anyway bro, I tell her all she needs to do is take me and some buddies flying over an area to scope out some old tea houses and noodle places for something that don't look right.. Maybe hang around to get us back out of there if she can. I mean it's not like it's illegal to go flying with your bros bro. And when the cops where hassling her about not having the licenses for certain "not for civilian use" mods, didn't Ol' Goro get them to her just in time?

'C'mon bro you practically owe me.'"

Hit the Streets:(5+3)+2=10, +[gear]

>>Flygirl23EZ: ffs g
>>Flygirl23EZ: okay i'll do it but
>>Flygirl23EZ: you're paying for fuel k like 1 cred
>>Flygirl23EZ: and im bugging out if anyone even pings my ride
>>Flygirl23EZ: how do u know abo- fine, christ

She'll act as a getaway driver and let you assess from the skies if need be, but she's not gonna hang around if it gets too noisy

Duchess, this thing's the ugliest piece of shit you've ever seen, but hell - it flies. Tell me about it (keeping in mind the Sprawl's basic ethos of keep it corporate)
Duchess, Steve won't charge you for that info but when you recover the data he'll need another cred off you to unencrypt it. Deal?
Duchess, this thing's the ugliest piece of shit you've ever seen, but hell - it flies. Tell me about it (keeping in mind the Sprawl's basic ethos of keep it corporate)
There's lots of clanking and a few high pitched whines as the VTOL takes off. From the outside it didn't look like it was sky worthy - a menagerie of branded parts thrown together, some in inexplicable locations. I point at a fin protruding from the body at an upward angle, "What's that about?" I say to Jinny.
She briefly grimaces, then answers professionally, "Oh it's a modified counterbalance to compensate for engine mass differential. You see typically a Structuro reVMax and a Millenium x380 aren't strictly.... compatible especially since I'm running a last-gen Jijaro avionics in the brain." Now pointing at the fin with some form of pride she says, "But that right there, it makes them compatible."

Troseph, Decker
Deckson nods as he sees me
you are doing it again!!!


Decker sighs and rubs his hands together. "You've not done me wrong, cobber, and I see no reason not to answer a few simple questions," he says. He points... east, says your internal GPS. "The actual warehouse, they don't even bother hiding that, as I bet you know. No point when all the FRKLyft shipping from the whole eastern seaboard ends up going through at some point or the other. But you wouldn't be asking me about something you could just get off the Feed, would you?"

He smiles bitterly, and spits - away from the can. Troseph, what was Decker before he was this? "Mate, if you're looking for where their brass goes to talk shop, Jambo told me he saw one of those scarpin' Lyft-execs walk into an alley and not walk out - at least, not out the same alley. There's a place a few blocks from the warehouse proper... I'd mark it on your map, but I don't..." he gestures to his head, sadly. Turns, grabs a stick, thrusts it into the ground. A rough map - New OffTop. The highways, thick and bold; alleys, spidery cracks in the ground. He stabs the stick in, leaves it there.

"Around here. I'd start looking... around here."

You cross-reference the crude drawing with your onboard systems. The area he is talking about is a set of noodle restaurants and teahouses... an odd choice for routing administration.

Decker was an executive at WBN long before he was the king of the back alleys. He got the job when he was 18 as an intern and slowly climbed the corporate ladder. Worked his way up from the mailroom to the boardroom in about 10 years, and was in the process of spending another decade getting to the head of the table. Then something happened. The official documentation is too stuffy to really decipher anything meaningful out of them. "gross misconduct," "criminal negligence," "irresponsible and reckless behavior," and the like. He doesn't like to talk about it and I don't push, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious. Either way, he seems to take a certain pride as the center of his own network, and over the years he's proven to be an indispensable asset.

Taking a look at the map, I internalize it and make note of the area. "This is good, Deck. It would've taken me a week of snooping to figure this out myself. Thank you, my friend. Next time you need me, it's on the house."

I send an appreciative nod and a pat on the shoulder his way before turning back down the alley to the streets. This job got more interesting.

If there's one thing I do know about cyberpunk, it's that there has to be one guy with "deck" in his name, right?

Also, do I mark XP for getting the information?


You pour over the files and easily extract the following information: FRKLyft routing centres are on the lower-end of corp-sec jobs, at least out on the contract markets, and have a fairly standard job profile. Structuro's team at least managed to get the name of the firm that security has been subcontracted out to. NanICo, you know the security corpcontracted out on this deal quite well; why is their reputation so garbage?

As a low-paying job, it has the lowest-tier security you can buy; 3-4 units of manpower assisted by up to 2 drones, probably landbound. Maybe external counter-intelligence support if they sprung for one above basic. A standard complement of hired guns, given a badge and just enough def-caf to keep awake through the long nights.

Unfortunately, it seems Structuro's team wasn't as careful as you might have been. Looking at the way they collected the data, posing as interested parties, asking all the wrong questions... you get the feeling that any reasonable MegaCorp division chief might have become somewhat... suspicious.

They're from Herring, a cheap security company composed of non-chromed thugs picked up from the streets; they are undisciplined, lack smarts and adhere to violence easily, giving trouble to their employers. I even almost worked under them once, but saw that the security business is not my thing.
They only have people with no cyberwares because once any of them installs some, they obviously move to other corporation that could pay them better, leaving Herring with leftovers.


It was a short reading: after I'm done, it is still night, and I'm done for the night. I curse Joey for treating this research so unprofessionally. Intimidating FRKLyft employers, like that "unforeseen problem" wasn't enough!

you are doing it again!!!

i was called nanic already ��


u can call a bum on the street whatev you want hombre

waiting on crowley and goro has opportunity for one more move

troseph mission directives are for the group so all will mark it. however you haven't quite determined when yet - are you doing it now? If you are I will begin the action phase


The I know people move is basically just to establish another contact right? It's not someone who is immediately useful for this mission? Since I can't hit the streets on them


hmmmmmmmmmmmm i can't think of the use of it if it doesn't let you also take another move during the legwork phase. Since the only use of contacts is story stuff and making a legwork move, Fixers being able to make additional contacts is otherwise kinda useless, so i'm interpreting it as letting you move twice during the legwork phase

i think move restrictions in legwork is also kinda a house rule since the theoretical limited is that you might attract more attention, but realistically i want to keep this game moving as well
I think you could use the I know people move during action as long as it works within the fiction - ex calling in someone you know to give you information or execute a minor hack away from the facility you are in, something with pretty limited effect. Up to Jintor obv about when it could be used.


I think you could use the I know people move during action as long as it works within the fiction - ex calling in someone you know to give you information or execute a minor hack away from the facility you are in, something with pretty limited effect. Up to Jintor obv about when it could be used.
That's what I was planning at first but I wasn't sure if that was allowed. To use it in the same non specific way as gear or intel.

So if I can hold off and use it during the action phase I'd like to do that but if I have to do it while we're still in legwork I'll do that.


troseph mission directives are for the group so all will mark it. however you haven't quite determined when yet - are you doing it now? If you are I will begin the action phase

I suppose it would be more pertinent to look in the location and actually find something before telling the others. Let me look at the move list and try and figure out how to do that. Still kinda learning about the mechanics of this game.
Well, in order to find where the damn facility is, you have to take a few things into account. For one, while it has to be hidden somewhat, it also has to be recognizable so you don't accidentally deliver packages to the wrong location, especially in this neighborhood. It doesn't need to be the logo straight up, but it has to be some sort of distinguishing image. For another thing, there will likely be people on the streets who notice vehicles coming to a certain location routinely, and with a bit of a bribe, could give out that information.
As this isn't a contact straight up because I don't know any one homeless person specifically, can I owe a favor to one of them in exchange for more information?
OOC: Sorry for the delay, some shit came up and I'll be a bit more frequent in the future.


I suppose it would be more pertinent to look in the location and actually find something before telling the others. Let me look at the move list and try and figure out how to do that. Still kinda learning about the mechanics of this game.

Well, in order to find where the damn facility is, you have to take a few things into account. For one, while it has to be hidden somewhat, it also has to be recognizable so you don't accidentally deliver packages to the wrong location, especially in this neighborhood. It doesn't need to be the logo straight up, but it has to be some sort of distinguishing image. For another thing, there will likely be people on the streets who notice vehicles coming to a certain location routinely, and with a bit of a bribe, could give out that information.
As this isn't a contact straight up because I don't know any one homeless person specifically, can I owe a favor to one of them in exchange for more information?
OOC: Sorry for the delay, some shit came up and I'll be a bit more frequent in the future.

You kind of know where it is generally. An on the ground assess might be better. Or a hacker say could start sniffing around network traffic? Crowley troseph already basically did that legwork, you don't need to do it again
You kind of know where it is generally. An on the ground assess might be better. Or a hacker say could start sniffing around network traffic? Crowley troseph already basically did that legwork, you don't need to do it again
I'll assess the situation, then.
(5+6) +1 = 12
I gain 3 hold
So, have we found the location? Should I just start spending some hold and asking questions?


Do the fiction then the roll please - use others as your guide or look at the previous thread

* World games hang on the fiction, without the fiction there is nothing

It's not like dnd or tactics games, it's more like a conversation, how are you assessing, as well as the mechanical actual questions you are asking
OOC: Sorry, got to get used to world building and then action.
I "go to ground" and start sniffing about for information, literally. Shipping trucks actually give off a smell from their exhaust that is noticeable, and if many trucks are in one certain area, it'll hang in the air like clothing from a laundry line. I ask people on the street and find my way to one specific section of town and start to narrow it down from there.


Ask your questions as part of the move to expidite gameplay

Are you on the chopper with the team, or going solo for the moment?

Why does Crowley know this trivia about trucks? Is he an outdoors kinda hacker? Does he work from a mobile station, avoiding trackers by staying on the move?
Wait I'm confused about something. I thought we could only do one action unless it is a specific power. Is Declare a Contact not part of that? Basically can I declare a contact because of my I know people move, declare another as part of the standard move, and then still Hit the Streets?

I just realized I missed Jintor's legwork instructions about only one action, now I get why there was confusion.

Regarding that - Won't that affect our Get Paid roll later?


probably. i'm in an experimentation phase right now, we'll see how it handles.

the other deal is since this is a first run there's not that much legwork to do
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