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SprawlGAF | Neo City One is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.


The moves are not phase specific, but think of it like this: legwork is you're still able to pull out easily, action means you're committed. You can assess, like, stake the place out or cruise on by or whatever and that won't trigger the action phase.

You could totally still research or hit the street in the action phase for example if you could justify it
Just a reminder of the general game flow -

What we are going to do is something like this:
  1. I will post a starting point, a situation.
  2. After linking your name and other relevant info at the top of your post, you tell me what your character wants to do in the fiction.
  3. Normally, at this point I would make some judgement calls and narrow that down to a move, but since we're doing PbP, I want you guys to look at your own move lists and see whether whatever it is you want to do triggers either a basic move or a class move. More on those later.
  4. If your actions trigger a move, roll for the move and report your results.
  5. At this point, your turn ends, and you wait for me to decide how your situation resolves and bring up a new situation, or offer, or whatever.
That's pretty much the basics. Obviously there will be a lot of OOC talk, asking how to resolve things and so on, but this formula will probably be alright

Basically applying moves comes after what your character does. Obviously we often decide to do certain things based on what moves are beneficial to trigger, but it doesn't have to be the case. In the end moves are just a way of "gamifying" your choices with the fiction. Any move works if it makes sense with the action and situation (Ignoring the moves that have defined trigger times - like the hunter move that triggers at mission start). Just like your character can have an action that triggers no move.


The glowing sign of the noodle shops shine off the puddles in the street as I make my way towards the section of Offtop that Deckson indicated. Between the lights, the bustling foot traffic, and all the general din of the area, I can definitely imagine how a simple little Routing Centre could get lost in the shuffle and none would be the wiser. I'm also betting it means that whoever FRKLyft is paying to protect their interests is very quick to shut shit down so as to not cause a commotion. I'll have to be careful and not let the crowd dull my senses. Doubling back through an alley, I find a ladder and leading up to a billboard. "Seems as good a spot as any to assess the situation," I mutter before climbing up. From my perch, I can see the life pumping through the streets like blood through the arteries. Herds of foot traffic going this way and that, with various people breaking off and going into the buildings. Cars and other vehicles whizzing by, with trucks and commercial vehicles going a bit slower. The lights of signs and businesses glowing and flickering, drawing the eye naturally in certain directions. But it's where the eye isn't drawn that interests me.



What do I notice, despite an effort to conceal it?


Posting from phone

Xam has been forced to drop out by unavoidable circumstances. For expedience we'll continue with 4 and grab a new fifth when this run is over.

Update to come tonight

Troseph, a certain teahouse is oddly situated for your liking - nobody seems to actually go in and out even though it's in the most crowded part of this little food district, all the pricing is ridiculously high for this sector, and it just doesn't have the same level of wear and tear as anything else around. It'd escape casual inspection, but not from anyone actively looking for it. Zhao's VAScES Herbal Remedy Wholesalers is likely more than it seems.

(More details on layout etc when not on phone. My vision at the moment is a doorway off a crowded techno-bazaar that leads downwards. You get the feeling going down the stairs would invite immediate... scrutiny.)
Let's run.

I should specify what gear I'm taking as well. I think there might be some missions where I don't bring my big guns with me, this isn't one of them.


So how do you guys want to approach this? Where are you now?

Just to give you more room to move - I'll give a brief description of what you'll find inside Zhao's Wholesalers if you step inside. The door itself is not locked, and leads down a dingey set of stairs into a battered and terrible-looking reception area - it's pretty small. A bored-looking clerk sits behind a counter checking her smartphone and picking her nose. The appearance is of a small-scale office just for sales and inquiries purposes; the 'reception area' is tiny. A set of doors, keypad locked, lead into what you imagine might be further offices. Another set of doors lead to the toilets. A Herring. Co Guard is leaning against a wall next to a distressed-looking potted plant.

Not a lot to go on, perhaps... and maybe you didn't even enter this door at all. Maybe you're outside trying to see if there's another way in? But in any case... What do you do?


Covert Entry: (5+6)+1 = 12 (+1 with Stealth Suit for being alone and hidden = 13)

Gain 3 hold

I tell the others to wait for a few seconds for my ping and bashfully open the front door. Climbing down the stairs with my head close to the steps, in a frog-like position, I stop when I see the room's ceiling.
With my lenses, I zoom my field of view to see a run-down room, with a wooden counter, purple flowered wallpaper and a yellow phosphorescent lamp. There is also a heat signature, immobile, on the wall closest to me.

Spend 1 hold to disable a guard

I take from my suit a PlumBeta and my whip, one hand holding each, and get ready to run. The knife is thrown at the lamp, breaking it and letting the room in complete darkness - except for the smartphone's light on the receptionist's puzzled face. I rush through the final steps of the staircase; when I enter the room, I turn right towards that heat signature looking for any furniture I can jump onto, and I see a plant pot on the floor.

I do so, obviously breaking the pot with my weight, using it as impulse to get higher and land on the guard's (I can see he's a guard now) chest, holding and balancing myself with the whip hand as I use the free hand to strike his carotid sinus, raising his blood pressure so much that he ends up fainting and bringing us both to the floor.

I get up and aim at the lady, ready to hit her with the whip.

Mix it Up: (2+6)+0 = 8 (+1 with Stealth Suit for being alone and hidden = 9)
  • I take harm as established by the fiction
  • something of value breaks

My cybereyes have +light amplification, that's why I was able to see. And if the knife throw requires a roll, it was (5+3)


You don't need to mix it up with the lady, she's not actively attacking you - actually she yelps and startles backwards out of her chair, throwing her hands up. She can't see you but she can hear the scuffle and thud of the guard collapsing. "I - don't hurt me!" she whimpers.

The rest of you hear a series of thuds, shattering glass, and a scuffle at the foot of the stairs. The light flooding out of the room goes dark. What do you do?


As the others assemble outside the building, I'm clambering up a fire escape on a nearby building with a perfect view into the windows to set up a better perch to watch from. I'm assembling my rifle and screwing the barrel on as I see the lights go dark. Over the communicator, I mutter over the open channel to my cohorts, "We good?"

Sniper: Roll + Cool


-Site is well-hidden
-Site has excellent cover
-Site has excellent field of view

My rifle fully assembled, I kneel behind a low wall to prop my tripod onto. My focus shifts from window to window, looking for signs of life. Or trouble.

Assess: Roll+ Edge


I don't know if this is how it works since the question is not on the list, but:

From my perch, what potential threats can I see inside the building that the others may not?
The rest of you hear a series of thuds, shattering glass, and a scuffle at the foot of the stairs. The light flooding out of the room goes dark. What do you do?

Sipping tea at a noodle bar next door to the target location, I hear the sound of the crash and thuds over our comm channel. Shielding my microphone to drown out the din of music and people, I mutter over comms, "NAn, Let us know when the gate is open, we'll be right behind you. Troseph let us know if there's any activity sparked by our entrance."


Spend 1 hold to disable a "guard"

I halt when I hear the girl flinching, and we together spend seconds of silence before I say:

Don't worry, it's not you I want to hurt.
and go at her with the whip again.

I reach behind her back, tie her limbs with the whip, and push her towards the bathroom, finally putting her inside the furthest stall, with its door long missing. The lights here are also turned off.

Be right back.

I move to the main room and drag the guard's body back to the bathroom. Once inside, I shut the door, strip him of his uniform and gear, leaving all that on the sink, and move him to the only vacant stall left, laying his head on the toilet.

After a few slaps and splashes of water, I wake him up and say:

Good evening. I need every access code you know of, especially to that keypad at the reception.
and flush his head down for a few seconds. I repeat this process a few times.

Play Hardball: (5+5)+2 = 12


Sorry, I'm starting to get sick and it's making it hard to concentrate.

I'm flying above with Jinny, ready to drop in when I'm needed bro.

I'll also use this opportunity to take a look around to scan the building and the surrounding area. Being able to see heat signatures is pretty handy bro.

Assess:(5+3)+1=9. My cybereyes have thermographic and lowlight vision

What do I notice despite an effort to conceal it?


What potential complication do I need to be aware of?

The building is a miserable derelict of a tenament, an ancient relic of plaster and steel beams barely holding it together. You flip from window to window, trying to guess and predict, senses splayed out like a man trying to reach in every direction at once. You see another few clerks, heads bowed, one jacked in the what you assume is the building's internal Feed with copper plug and thick, coiled wire. Another two guards chatting idly by a balcony, one flicking a fading cigarette to the ground and stamping it out.

A tell-tale whine as a motorcycle pulls up out the front of the steps to Zhao's, crowd scattering, a helmeted, leather-clad body swinging off it with practiced ease. Even from here, you can read everything in that stance. Trouble. Troseph, what do you do?

I move to the main room and drag the guard's body back to the bathroom. Once inside, I shut the door, strip him of his uniform and gear, leaving all that on the sink, and move him to the only vacant stall left, laying his head on the toilet.

After a few slaps and splashes of water, I wake him up and say:

and flush his head down for a few seconds. I repeat this process a few times.

Play Hardball: (5+5)+2 = 12

You probably shouldn't put your words in quotes, it auto-deletes them when I quote your post and makes it a bit hard to track

"0451! 045- glurkknlh! It's all I kn- glrurkrkhklk-"

The girl is making all kinds of muffled noises in the far stall and you've got a half-drowned guard in your hands, but you've got the code for the offices. What do you do?

Sorry, I'm starting to get sick and it's making it hard to concentrate.

I'm flying above with Jinny, ready to drop in when I'm needed bro.

I'll also use this opportunity to take a look around to scan the building and the surrounding area. Being able to see heat signatures is pretty handy bro.

Assess:(5+3)+1=9. My cybereyes have thermographic and lowlight vision

What do I notice despite an effort to conceal it?

You can't be completely certain, but you think there just might be some kind of vehicle parked right at the back of the building, like right up against the wall. It blends into the usual junk of the streets, but this one seems... a bit more... corporate than something you'd expect in this particular district. Sleeker. Sharper.

A bit more heavy in the firepower department, you might say.

Goro, there's a fucking tank parked against the wall. What do you do?


"0451! 045- glurkknlh! It's all I kn- glrurkrkhklk-"

Should have tried that.
And I am sorry about the quotes, I won't do them anymore.


I leave the half-naked, half-drowned man resting his face on the toilet and free the woman from my own whip.

"I advise you and him to stay inside this bathroom for the next few minutes."

The guard's accessories are carried outside and put next to the broken plant pot. After that, I message the group:

reception has no lights. code to the door to the rest of the building is 0451
a disoriented naked guard and a receptionist are in the wc
a guard uniform and his stuff are up for grabs near the foot of the stairs

and I input the code on the keypad.
If everything goes right, I enter the corridor and send another message:

going in


0451... I see what you did there

I train my sights on the biker's head, tracking him as he moves. First sign of interference and he's done for. In a low mutter I communicate to the others, "Big biker type, coming up the steps to Zhao's. I got a bead a bead on him, but he looks like trouble. We need to do this fast."

Since I'd be acting on an answer to my question, I'd gain a +1 if I were to shoot this guy, right? Does that stack with my +1 to firefight combat given by my cybernetics?
0451... I see what you did there

I train my sights on the biker's head, tracking him as he moves. First sign of interference and he's done for. In a low mutter I communicate to the others, "Big biker type, coming up the steps to Zhao's. I got a bead a bead on him, but he looks like trouble. We need to do this fast."

Since I'd be acting on an answer to my question, I'd gain a +1 if I were to shoot this guy, right? Does that stack with my +1 to firefight combat given by my cybernetics?

"No-Go on the shot Tros, no need to spook the NC1PD yet, I got this."

I stride out of the Tenma Co. Noodles and spot the motorcyclist entering Zhou's. I walk up behind the figure and grab them from behind by the collar and base of the leather jacket and attempt to throw them down the flight of stairs leading down into Zhou's.

Assuming mix it up - 2+6+2=10; +1 harm for Muscle Grafts.


"Uh Bros?" I say over our comms, "They've got a tank parked in the back. I think Jinny's got something in this flyboy that can handle that geek, but we' ever got to split after it gets hit."

I start looking through the various compartments in the back of Jinny's craft when I notice the look that's been on her face since I said "tank".

"I know you said you didn't want to get any heat on you bro, but come on, they haven't even noticed us yet. And it's not like we're doing anything illegal. Yet. We just need to stick around until they can get the goods. And if the tank give us any trouble you know old Goro can handle it dude."

Fast Talk: (5+6)+2=13

Would some sort of EMP smoke grenade exist in this world? That could mess up the tanks sensors long enough for us to get everyone aboard and out when it's time.
Jinny might have them to use for her illegal underground cyberpunk future street racing. If so do I need to spend gear now, or do I wait till I actually need to use them?


and I input the code on the keypad.
If everything goes right, I enter the corridor and send another message:

going in

The door slides aside smoothly, metal sheets unfolding themselves sideways, a bare-minimum consideration for the slick corporate try-hard import-export this place is supposed to be disguised as. The inside, however, betrays itself; a cubical farm crammed into a heritage house, long forgotten. Flurescent lights cast an unearthly glow over wall after wall of eye-height dividers. Below a desk you can see a tangle of legs, two employees hitting the OT so hard they haven't even noticed the scuffle outside.

But you, you see something different. A blinking red light in the darkness, directly above the door. A camera. Even a place this shitty has a security network. NanICo, what do you do?

"No-Go on the shot Tros, no need to spook the NC1PD yet, I got this."

I stride out of the Tenma Co. Noodles and spot the motorcyclist entering Zhou's. I walk up behind the figure and grab them from behind by the collar and base of the leather jacket and attempt to throw them down the flight of stairs leading down into Zhou's.

Assuming mix it up - 2+6+2=10; +1 harm for Muscle Grafts.

The man goes flying, motorcycle helmet saving his skull as he bounces impressively down the stairs to land in a crumpled heap at the foot of the stairs. The crowd scattered when a crazy dumbass with a bike decided to swerve up through the streets, but there's no-one here to see you stride purposefully down the steps towards him - to meet the barrel of a pistol pointed right at you. You can't see a face behind the motorcycle glare, but you don't need to; the gun does all the talking you need to see. Duchess, what do you do (and what's the make and model of the gun?)?

"Uh Bros?" I say over our comms, "They've got a tank parked in the back. I think Jinny's got something in this flyboy that can handle that geek, but we' ever got to split after it gets hit."

I start looking through the various compartments in the back of Jinny's craft when I notice the look that's been on her face since I said "tank".

"I know you said you didn't want to get any heat on you bro, but come on, they haven't even noticed us yet. And it's not like we're doing anything illegal. Yet. We just need to stick around until they can get the goods. And if the tank give us any trouble you know old Goro can handle it dude."

Fast Talk: (5+6)+2=13

Would some sort of EMP smoke grenade exist in this world? That could mess up the tanks sensors long enough for us to get everyone aboard and out when it's time.
Jinny might have them to use for her illegal underground cyberpunk future street racing. If so do I need to spend gear now, or do I wait till I actually need to use them?

I would spend the gear now and get the items.

"I... aight," she says, turning her attention back to the skies, chewing something nervously as her vision unfocuses, then focuses. You feel the surge through the craft as Jinny's very being extends into the hulking crossbreed metal beast. A locker nearby winks green, pops open and produces an EZ-EMP ball.

Jinny's body is slack in her pilot's harness, but you hear her voice over your private comm network. I was saving that for Election Night, she grumbles, But if it's that or getting my bird scratched up, I guess I'll have to go without.

Goro, what did Jinny name her VTOL?

And for Goro and Troseph: You see Duchess stride down the stairs and stop suddenly. Troseph, from your position, you see why clearly - the gun pointed at her - but Goro, as the man raises the firearm, you see something else as well - the tank is powering up. What do you do?


"Duchess... don't move a muscle..." I whisper into the communicator as I line up a shot directly at the bastard's head. Before taking the shot, I say "After this, we gotta move quick."

Would this be Mix it Up?

If so, (Roll)+Meat+Skillwires+bonus from Assess


Choose 2:
-Make too much noise, advance the mission clock
-An ally takes harm as established by the fiction

Do I roll for damage, or did I just get him?


The door slides aside smoothly, metal sheets unfolding themselves sideways, a bare-minimum consideration for the slick corporate try-hard import-export this place is supposed to be disguised as. The inside, however, betrays itself; a cubical farm crammed into a heritage house, long forgotten. Flurescent lights cast an unearthly glow over wall after wall of eye-height dividers. Below a desk you can see a tangle of legs, two employees hitting the OT so hard they haven't even noticed the scuffle outside.

But you, you see something different. A blinking red light in the darkness, directly above the door. A camera. Even a place this shitty has a security network. NanICo, what do you do?

the camera is above the door I just entered, or a door on the opposite wall from the entrance? Also, how big is the room: are we talking a few desks or dozens?
"Duchess... don't move a muscle..." I whisper into the communicator as I line up a shot directly at the bastard's head. Before taking the shot, I say "After this, we gotta move quick."
I don't
The man goes flying, motorcycle helmet saving his skull as he bounces impressively down the stairs to land in a crumpled heap at the foot of the stairs. The crowd scattered when a crazy dumbass with a bike decided to swerve up through the streets, but there's no-one here to see you stride purposefully down the steps towards him - to meet the barrel of a pistol pointed right at you. You can't see a face behind the motorcycle glare, but you don't need to; the gun does all the talking you need to see. Duchess, what do you do (and what's the make and model of the gun?)?
It's a Hinkes Ronin, stock by the look of it. A real showy piece, the kind of gun someone carries if they want everyone to know they're packing


Jinny calls her VTOL The Neon Angel

"This tank is starting to do something bros! Bro, what do,I do Bro? Broooooooooooooo?!?!?"

I get ready to throw the EMP as soon as someone gives me a signal or if it looks like the tank is aiming at The Neon Angel. I don't know how long these things last for bro.

Wpuld I need to roll to throw it? Based on the description it doesn't really seem to be Mix it up as it doesn't involve physical violence.


Do I roll for damage, or did I just get him?[/I]

We don't roll for enemy damage in this system, you just inflict harm from your weapon modified by any armour.

I'll update in a bit, need to de-zombify from work

Wpuld I need to roll to throw it? Based on the description it doesn't really seem to be Mix it up as it doesn't involve physical violence.

dude you just throw it

the camera is above the door I just entered, or a door on the opposite wall from the entrance? Also, how big is the room: are we talking a few desks or dozens?

Opposite wall, but it doesn't seem to have registered you yet for whatever reason


"Duchess... don't move a muscle..." I whisper into the communicator as I line up a shot directly at the bastard's head. Before taking the shot, I say "After this, we gotta move quick."

Would this be Mix it Up?

If so, (Roll)+Meat+Skillwires+bonus from Assess


Choose 2:
-Make too much noise, advance the mission clock
-An ally takes harm as established by the fiction

Do I roll for damage, or did I just get him?

Finger squeezes. A silent bullet flies like a buzzing, righteous lance, exploding, puncturing into the helmet with a sickening crunch. Plastic and visiglass flies through the air, but the gun comes up too, a Hinkes Ronin, loud and brutal and oh-so-very bad for one's health. Duchess, take (2 harm - 2 armour = 0) damage and roll harm as the shot plugs you in one armoured shoulder. .

"This tank is starting to do something bros! Bro, what do,I do Bro? Broooooooooooooo?!?!?"

Goro's tinny voice crackles in your ear. The local Feed is going nuts. People have guns, sure, but nobody actually shoots the damn things unless something hot is coming down. The crowd, already spooked by a fist-fight in the streets, is scattering.

Duchess, the helmeted figure flies sideways through the door and you've just been shot at extreme close range. What do you do?

Troseph, from what you see curious employees are craning out the windows of the building, the guards included - 2 guards and 4 employees, all trying to see if the sudden newsflashes are accurate or it's just more Feeder bullshit. What do you do?

NanICo, how big is the room you've just walked into and why do you think you could cross it without anyone even knowing you were there?

Goro, you can see the tank's lower chassis is online, but the upper torso is pretty normal Herring quality - which is to say, it's broke as fuck, designed to look good on company brochures and not much else. You're in the air with an EMP at your side. What do you do?
Finger squeezes. A silent bullet flies like a buzzing, righteous lance, exploding, puncturing into the helmet with a sickening crunch. Plastic and visiglass flies through the air, but the gun comes up too, a Hinkes Ronin, loud and brutal and oh-so-very bad for one's health. Duchess, take (2 harm - 2 armour = 0) damage and roll harm as the shot plugs you in one armoured shoulder. .
5+3+2=10. Lost body part - Arm/Nervous System

Getting shot usually hurts right? It has in the past, but not so much right now. This was the hardest punch I'd ever been on the receiving end of, but I'm not experiencing the tearing and burning feeling typical of a GSW, actually I'm feeling nothing at all in my left (organic) arm. That's when I notice it is completely limp, and am feeling no sensation.
Goro's tinny voice crackles in your ear. The local Feed is going nuts. People have guns, sure, but nobody actually shoots the damn things unless something hot is coming down. The crowd, already spooked by a fist-fight in the streets, is scattering.

Duchess, the helmeted figure flies sideways through the door and you've just been shot at extreme close range. What do you do?

Shock rolls into anger as I look at the arm. With little delicacy, I stuff the hand of the dead arm into a pocket so that it is not flailing around too much as I move. With that settled, I pull my OMI Canon Auto-Shotgun from its side holster. I follow the falling figure through the door and flip the safety off.

"Nan, this is going to have to be quick, gotta get out before NC1PD or a prisec backup team arrives. Or that fucking tank"

where am I in relation to Nanlco? He's gone into the complex itself - so what door did the moto badguy fall through?

I'll probably stay outside the complex for the time being and cover the entrance, let NanlCo do his thing until we know more about the data we need to secure


The message "Nan, this is going to have to be quick, gotta get out before NC1PD or a prisec backup team arrives. Or that fucking tank" comes in my ears after a loud gun noise. That plus the mention of a tank means time is very much a precious variable now.

This is an office big enough to accomodate 20, 30 people. For some reason, there are only two people working tonight. Maybe it's because it's so late, maybe it's because of that unforeseen problem. One way or the other, fortunately there are enough desks and shadows to let me move safely towards the opposite door.

Act Under Pressure: (4+5)+1 = 10

After hearing the bang, those two employees stand up and move to the windows, anxiously talking to each other: "What is going on?", "Should we leave?", "I want to go home". I just need to move quickly and silently forward, hiding from the camera whenever it turns in my direction.


Spend my third and last hold to disable a security system I have bypassed
Cat Burglar: gain 1 gear

After reaching the other side, I start moving towards the door as close to the wall as possible until I'm below the camera. Fuck, too tall. I take another look at the employees, they are still busy with what is happening outside...

Not having another solution in mind, I start climbing the door frame with my feet, getting closer and closer to the camera. Once I can reach it with my arms, I take another PlumBeta from my coat and cut the cables.
I drop down, send another message, and enter the next room.

<<atomAnt>> 2 workers on the left side of the room
<<atomAnt>> move along the right desks, camera is turned off

For convenience, I assume that such messaging app has a TTS feature. Also, pls throw this EMP grenade so all the cameras are turned off thx
i really like the idea of your character using tts. That's a nice little personality trait that helps me imagine nanlco.

Also if anyone is looking for some hot cyberpunk tunes to get in the right headspace check this album on bandcamp out. Tin Soldiers is a jam.


NaNIco, there's a man sitting behind a desk in the next room anxiously checking his phone. He looks up when you enter. "About time you got here, something's - hey, who the fuck ar-" What do you do?


I realized something, but also Goro is an idiot so I think I have to do it anyway.
After getting the signal from NanIco I turn to Jinny.

'Bro, take us above the range of this thing' before throwing the EMP.

As it's in the air I say out loud.

"Hey our comms are shielded against this right?"


I was talking with sproutella earlier and:

what do you think of us having some kind of chat (discord would be easier since almost all of us already use it) for off-topic talk? It'd help to have a better understanding of the scenario and, i dunno, talk more about the campaign.
duchess, why aren't your comms shielded against emp?

I prefer more vintage styles in general - my favorite periods being the 2050's, early 2000's, 1960's, and of course the majority of the 1600's. I found a wonderful remake of a classic mid 2000's BlueTooth&#8482; ear mounted headset and just had to have it. Unfortunately it was not crafted with paramilitary operations in mind.


Troseph, from what you see curious employees are craning out the windows of the building, the guards included - 2 guards and 4 employees, all trying to see if the sudden newsflashes are accurate or it's just more Feeder bullshit. What do you do?

I assume you mean people looking out of of the building I'm in, since I chose that my shot would make noise?

The buildings are a bit further apart here than in the poorer districts, so hopping to another rooftop is out of the question. But on my way up the fire escape, I saw an abandoned space with boarded up windows. With a bit of quickness and persuasion, I ought to be able to rip the board down and hop into the place to set up another sniping spot.

Sniper: (Roll)+Cool+breaking and entering bonus from my skillwires


-Site is well hidden
-Site is well secured

I walk to the door to make sure it's locked, stepping over overturned furniture and strewn-out garbage. As I set up my rifle on the windowsill, I take a moment to survey my new perspective on the scene.

Assess: (Roll)+Cool


-How is the tank vulnerable to me?


I tried to send this yesterday, but my internet wouldn't cooperate.


NaNIco, there's a man sitting behind a desk in the next room anxiously checking his phone. He looks up when you enter. "About time you got here, something's - hey, who the fuck ar-" What do you do?

"Oh, come on, give me a break!", I think to myself. I just want to get out of here...

I turn around, make sure the door I just entered is closed and locked, and turn back to face him.

I step forward as I say this, hastily:
"Quiet! I just shot a guard outside, and if you had a way to check the reception you would see that the guard there is also quiet. I really don't mind making you my third victim tonight. Now I'm making the questions:

One. Who the fuck are you?
Two. Where are the servers located in this building?"

I grab another PlumBeta with my left hand, pointing it at the phone.
"And you better not touch that."


Is this Play Hardball, Act Under Pressure or Psychological Warfare? I don't know. I don't exactly want you, Jintor, to answer these questions, they are just what he wanted to say to the NPC. Maybe NanICo suffers from anxiety.

The roll is (3+6). My Edge is +2 and my Cool is +1.


Duchess, you're standing over the fallen figure, arm limp at your side, one-handing a giant fucking shotgun, when you hear in your ear -

"Hey our comms are shielded against this right?"

It's the last thing you hear before your ear practically explodes, hissing static and the gibbering, howling madness of random frequency electrons shorting out in your ear. You wince instinctively, just for a second, and then the fallen guy is just gone. You whip around -

He's diving behind a pillar, yellow jumpsuit trailing blood - your blood, you realise, through the slight endorphin haze - what little light there is is flickering, dying as screens burst, staticing, winking out of existance - until it's just you and an auto-shotgun and no arm and a darkened reception room. What do you do?

-How is the tank vulnerable to me?

Don't forget to take a +1 when acting on this information

The neon glow pulses, fades; sparks fly, flitter, fade. The entire neighbourhood you can see is just shutting down as Goro's illegal EZ-EMP goes to work. This sort of shit is going to attract attention.

Trospeh, you can see the tank unfurling itself into combat form just as the EMP wave hits it. It staggers - obviously shielded, as any CorpSec job would be, but... well, it is Herring quality. It looks sleek and shiny and beautiful in normal form, but getting hit by a wave mid-conversion, as well as its corporate brochure design, means that it's structural garbage here... here... there... If you can damage three particular areas on this tank, it will definitely cease to function. Where are the three areas?

You see the Angel zoom backwards; the turret stutters, haphazardly, but swings around, upwards, tracking it as it moves. Troseph, what do you do?

I step forward as I say this, hastily:
"Quiet! I just shot a guard outside, and if you had a way to check the reception you would see that the guard there is also quiet. I really don't mind making you my third victim tonight. Now I'm making the questions:

One. Who the fuck are you?
Two. Where are the servers located in this building?"

I grab another PlumBeta with my left hand, pointing it at the phone.
"And you better not touch that."

He sees that hard-edge look your eye and throws his hands up, gulps. "I just work here! I'm just - there's a courier, he's supposed to -"

The lights flicker and short out; the man's phone glows ephemerally in the sudden darkness, then it too fades like fire. The man is still babbling. "I gotta give him - I gotta - thumb drive? - Servers are, uh, you're standing in it - you're standing on it, I-"

NanICo, if you look down, you'll see you're standing on a glass floor, pulsing streams of neon and green below you, circuitry and chipware crammed and hacked into a room that clearly wasn't designed for it. You look around the room, lit only by the ambient glow of the data farm beneath your feet; the desk is an interface, designed for a dedicated employee or a skilled hacker.

The man has fallen on his knees now, almost sobbing with fear. "Please! I have a husband, and a kid- I just... I'm just supposed to - oh gods, Greg, did you kill- and Janice-"

He's dropped his phone - and a small thumbstick drive. But you can hear running footsteps in the distance - in the event of an attack, you know most CorpSec plans are to secure the most valuable object in the building. You've got an inkling you're probably standing right on top of it. You've probably got time to make one good move. NanICo, what do you do?


Goro, you feel your stomach churn as Jinny flings the Angel almost completely vertical, lights winking out beneath you as you watch the tank stutter, but nonetheless pivot its turret to track you. Shit, says Jinny in your ear, her body swaying. You strapped in, right, Goro?


Goro, what barely stops you falling out of the Angel? and What do you do?

Only Duchess's communications go down, by the way.
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