Katanagatari ep.6
What is this maddness, more relationship development between Shichika and Togame? For once, I actually appreciate how understated their "romantic" relationship is and how they are approaching its development. The moments they spend together in peace conversating about each other and their outlooks are by far the best part of the show. They are both clueless in trust, love and how to be intimate with someone, bit they are managing to continually build a bond both with their current business, and beyond?? Attack boy Shichika, be her sword for life. That hammock scene was great....
Of course, there is some good action
for the first time in the show this episode and by a little Eskimo girl at that, some good comedy, "cheerio," and the general sense of adventure is pretty good as well. Oh, and the "bad guys" in this show are halfway tolerable antagonists for once.

What is this maddness, more relationship development between Shichika and Togame? For once, I actually appreciate how understated their "romantic" relationship is and how they are approaching its development. The moments they spend together in peace conversating about each other and their outlooks are by far the best part of the show. They are both clueless in trust, love and how to be intimate with someone, bit they are managing to continually build a bond both with their current business, and beyond?? Attack boy Shichika, be her sword for life. That hammock scene was great....
Of course, there is some good action
Shichika got rekt