The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician
Damnit, it figures that when I finally want to get back into this game no-one sells the subscription cards anymore.
Well, they still need to do a few more passes of the interior and then put the exterior up for testing. I'd guess mid February along with the UGC stuff going live.Effect said:Looks great. Been planning on going back to STO. When will this likely go live?
Sir Fragula said:Well, they still need to do a few more passes of the interior and then put the exterior up for testing. I'd guess mid February along with the UGC stuff going live.
Regarding the repetitive content - can definitely understand that. That said, I just tried the 'remastered' version of the Stranded in Space mission on the SS Azure. Very, very good. Functionally more to do, along with better presentation. Eventually all old episodes will be remade like that, which will make the game a lot better. I don't blame you for not sticking around until they're out though, but don't worry - I tend to keep this thread updated with the big changes.
I don't know, I fun playing that one mission again on the test server. Yeah it was "old" content, but the mission played a lot better and it's gratifying to know that all the old missions will get the same upgrades in time.BattleMonkey said:Updating content is nice and all, but if it's content already played through I'm not so inclined to go back to it, really more interested in more new content to be put in, as well as them perhaps improving the variety of random missions found in exploration and other things like patrols where you often just get the same mission over and over again with a new skin. I can see some improvements in this when they added some diplomacy stuff here and there into the mix a while back, but really more of this would go a long way to me. Redoing the old stuff is nice and all, but really not something that is high on my priority list.
Looking at their future plans, theres some nice things but alot of it looks like simply them trying to redo current features and content, with only real interest to me is to see how the new ground combat is going to turn out.
I think I will wait for that to come out, then suck up my neuroses and subscribe. I didn't play much past beta, but I did most of the intro missions, it'll be interesting to see how they changed it.Sir Fragula said:I don't know, I fun playing that one mission again on the test server. Yeah it was "old" content, but the mission played a lot better and it's gratifying to know that all the old missions will get the same upgrades in time.
I guess you're mostly involved in exploration content and the sector defences? Sector defence missions [i.e. destroy the enemy squadrons in allied space] are being removed and replaced with an entirely new mechanic in the Series 4 update. So might interest you! Exploration content could definitely use some love now that the tech is better, though I think a lot of people are likely going to be using UGC more. Providing the rating system holds up on live like it has on test, it should be pretty easy to get to some really fun user made missions when that gets released. Haven't played a bad 5-star rated mission yet on test.
But yeah, if the game concept tempts you but not enough to sub just yet, definitely wait for UGC to come out.
Man, I'm perpetually tempted by Eve... but my day job is as an Analyst and I just *know* I'll end up burning out between work and Eve.BattleMonkey said:Once my EVE online runs out for the month I will possibly come back to this as I might want to take a break from it. There is some good stuff here and it's a solid game outside of the lack of content. But with user content growing once foundry is complete, I can see things being much better. I just can't justify paying for 3 separate MMO's right now as I'm also playing EVE and DC Universe Online.
Sir Fragula said:Man, I'm perpetually tempted by Eve... but my day job is as an Analyst and I just *know* I'll end up burning out between work and Eve.
"Season four" is a more a feature release - the content release [weekly series 3] starts next Saturday I believe.The_Technomancer said:Ugh, Season four isn't until like June? I'm struck with a strong urge to dive back into the game, but I'd be restarting a new character, and I really don't like the idea of playing through old intro content only to have it be revamped a few months later.
How populated or empty does it usually seem?
Well when does the revamp of the early game content that someone mentioned go into effect?Sir Fragula said:"Season four" is a more a feature release - the content release [weekly series 3] starts next Saturday I believe.
First episode on the Azure goes live in a few days time. Then the developer assigned to the revamps is moving on the the P'jem mission.The_Technomancer said:Well when does the revamp of the early game content that someone mentioned go into effect?
Alright, think I'll give it two weeks then and then renew my subscription. I really enjoyed my time with this game, and I've been pining for it lately.Sir Fragula said:First episode on the Azure goes live in a few days time. Then the developer assigned to the revamps is moving on the the P'jem mission.
It seems to be doing quite well. The last Weekly Episode series saw a tonne of people in sector space at least, and the Foundry is doing the same.The_Technomancer said:Are there any stats on how this game is doing? They're still providing free content, so it can't be losing them money, right? I'd hate to get into this this summer, only to have it shut down in the fall.
Dr Jurana - a controversial scientist from the Federation protectorate of Beranave - has disappeared after being implicated in the theft of medical replicators from the Starfleet hospital ship Yuris in the Risa sector.
Beranave has ambitions to full Federation membership, however this has been complicated by the emergence of evidence painting elements of the Beranavian Navy as complicit in the theft. A swift resolution is essential to prevent further delays to the planet's accession.
Well;firehawk12 said:I tried to play it a bit a few weeks ago and after an hour, I just couldn't do it. How do I get out of these "visit 4 planets and collect the artefacts" or "visit 4 sectors and fight Klingons" missions and into all this presumably better content?
Its a very satisfying game in some respects. Having your own fully customized ship and crew just feels good. The content was lacking back when I played, but I hear its a lot better now.sk3tch said:I have the CE coming from Amazon. I always wanted to try this game and for $9.50 it's worth a risk. I'm a fickle MMO guy (just bought and gave up on Rift) but I love space games (Star Control II, anyone?) and Star Trek so hopefully the two can link up.![]()
Definitely yes to the latter. They've been rolling out major updates every six months or so from what I've heard.Zzoram said:How much has this game improved since launch? How many subscribers do they still have? New content from the developers still coming?
Yup - GAFfleet for Federation players. We *were* going to start the House of GAF for Klingons, but we never got the five players together at the same time. Luckily they'll soon be changing the Fleet rules to allow one person to start them.DurielBlack said:Is there a GAF guild for this? I played the first month at launch and enjoyed it quite a bit, I'm bored with WoW and will be freeing up that monthly fee to put into something else. From reading the last few pages it seems the game has improved a lot, and if UGC stuff turns out to be as cool as it sounds then even better.
Sir Fragula said:Yup - GAFfleet for Federation players. We *were* going to start the House of GAF for Klingons, but we never got the five players together at the same time. Luckily they'll soon be changing the Fleet rules to allow one person to start them.
Would be nice if we got a bit more active on the fleet front, especially now there's a tonne of Foundry content to play through cooperatively.
Post your full username and I'll invite you. Might even be able to request a join off of me:DurielBlack said:I don't see GAFleet on the list of fleets.
Only thing stopping EU and US play is the timezone difference. If you can find a mutually acceptable time to play, there's no issue.Ponti said:Can folk from the EU play with those from the US? Would be good to run some of the Special Task Force(? or whatever the high end raid stuff was called) missions with GAFleet assuming it has the numbers. Been a good few months since I last played, back when the Foundry was supposed to be released, may resub and check it out along with those new Reman episodes.
I'd say do it. At they very least its not lock-worthy, if people aren't interested the thread will just die.Sir Fragula said:EDIT: Is it worth making a new thread for STO's Foundry in the gaming section? It's pretty big news for the game, and a lot of people probably don't know about it.
You have been added! If anyone here is able to make my character E'Sel@Walshicus an Admin in the fleet, would be very much appreciated. I think I'm probably one of the more active members, so just thought it made sense!DurielBlack said:Got it, if someone wants to add Saska@Moofaa to the GaFleet it would be much appreciated.
Yeah, pretty sizeable now that the User Generated Content mechanic is up and running.InsertNameHere said:I took part in the Beta and was somewhat impressed, though with most MMOs I never really could get into any sort of grouping or working together with other people.
Anyway, is now a good time to get back into the game? Is there still a decent userbase?
Haven't really seen any specific guides. But again the forum probably has a tonne of them. I just use the below for reference mainly!InsertNameHere said:Another question, are there any guides on character builds or anything online? I'd like to be able to see what I could do if I got back into it.
Hmm, well there's probably enough Foundry content out that you can pace the main-game content, so it might not be an issue. Was just thinking that the new tutorials might be worth a run through!InsertNameHere said:Back with some more questions!
Is it really worth waiting for Season 4 updates to come out to play, considering I can start in a week or so with a decent amount of free time?
Ship and career classes are somewhat separate. For instance I've got a Science captain in a Cruiser. Depends on preference really, though min-maxers might find some combinations better than others. In space, science captains get a scan passive [detects cloaked ships] and the holographic fleet ability - don't know too much about other classes. Captain class makes more difference on the ground really, where it controls which kits you can use.Also could someone explain the best captain career + ship types, or at least how those dynamics work? I realize that in the higher ranks the ships seem to be a little more diverse (being able to get a science ship that either has more tactical or engineering options as a secondary for instance). Are all combinations valid? If so what takes priority in your role, the career of your captain or the ship you're flying?
I'd possibly go with an Engineer captain flying a Science Vessel. You get some shield buffs with the captain which sync up pretty well with the massive benefits to the science vessels' innate shield strengths.I'm leaning towards science right now, and was thinking that perhaps a science officer in a reconnaissance science vessel would work well for debuffs and DPS, though could this be flipped on it's head and say that a tactical officer could do that better and maybe a science officer in a science-secondary escort would be better for this playstyle?
Just interested in the dynamics between careers and ship types, especially when they open up and have more variety in the higher ranks.
Thanks so much!