DoctorWho said:I'm trying to figure out how to print screen with my Mac keyboard. God damned mac always having to be different with no print screen button...![]()
Shouta said:Uh why? do /screenshot_jpg and it'll make a screenshot for you. If you want the UI, do /screenshot_ui (though I think that comes out as a tga).
DangerousDave said:It's me or the game is easier (the enemies, but also leveling) than the beta?
I'm level 9, and I made only story missions, patrol, a delta cluster exploration and starfleet 24, and I leveled more than the missions that I accomplished. I have still some level 7-8 missions left (and the fight enemy vessels of level 4 and 7).
It's like I'm leveling much faster than in beta...
Shouta said:Uh why? do /screenshot_jpg and it'll make a screenshot for you. If you want the UI, do /screenshot_ui (though I think that comes out as a tga).
DangerousDave said:It's me or the game is easier (the enemies, but also leveling) than the beta?
I'm level 9, and I made only story missions, patrol, a delta cluster exploration and starfleet 24, and I leveled more than the missions that I accomplished. I have still some level 7-8 missions left (and the fight enemy vessels of level 4 and 7).
It's like I'm leveling much faster than in beta...
DoctorWho said:I've been thinking the same thing. Does this game get challenging at some point?
Sinatar said:
Game is just a joy when you're in space. They really need to patch out the ground combat though, it's abhorrent.
Zzoram said:They made the first 10 levels easier so people could hit lvl 11 faster and get a real ship. The slow progression in the first 10 levels was one of the major complaints to come out of the beta.
point nail, meet CoH hammer. CoH applied the EQ system of leveling (grinding with grouping almost REQUIRED after 20) about 7 months before WoW hit. The problem is that, unlike EQ, CoH had NO itemization whatsoever. Once WoW hit where you could hit the 60 level cap probably in half the time it took you to do it in CoH AND got all sorts of stats/visual loot to boot, it changed the entire playing field.. STO's itemization is ok, and the level advancement so far is decent.. if they lowered either one I agree that the game would be much worse for it. If they did slow down advancement they would definitely haev to raise itemization quite a bit.Zzoram said:Progression is very important to RPGs. Whether it's level ups or new items or both, there always needs to be some progression just within reach to entice players to keep going. Slowing down leveling in a game with fairly mediocre item progression would be a death sentence.
both retcon (respec) and renaming are offered up in the c-store for champions online, but both are available using in-game currency as well. So far the only non-cosmetic thing offered up on CO's c-store with no in-game currency equivalent is character slots. I don't see why Trek would be different. We'll see, but I would actually be surprised if they forced you to pay real money for respeccing vs. just offering a real money option for it.kyo_daikun said:I think one of the Dev's confirmed a week ago that respeccing will cost real monies through the c-store![]()
borghe said:both retcon (respec) and renaming are offered up in the c-store for champions online, but both are available using in-game currency as well. So far the only non-cosmetic thing offered up on CO's c-store with no in-game currency equivalent is character slots. I don't see why Trek would be different. We'll see, but I would actually be surprised if they forced you to pay real money for respeccing vs. just offering a real money option for it.
yeah.... crafting is really just multiple types of currency needed... which I guess is all crafting ever is. The problem with itemization in this game is, instead of like wow where it comes down to specific class items almost all the way up through the levels, here they have even MORE stats available for items making many more lateral upgrades and the whole upgrade process much more confusing. There have been many cases so far where I've gotten an item and instead of "worse or better" I had to figure out "ok, does this fit in with my play style, is this a more efficient play style, etc". They wanted so hard I think to hit EVERY sort of play style in the game that the end result is a very murky area for itemization where you really have to know ahead of time what items you want and to just ignore the rest.. of course in these early days that's death for item advancement.DangerousDave said:Yep, i found the same bug. If there are several space "scenes" in a mission, the number of anomalies is wrong, and it points you out of the map.
The problem of the ground missions is that they are so easy that tactics are not necessary. You can aim, you can dodge, you can flank, you can order targets or trigger special attacks of your crew, you can even pause the game and give exact instructions to each guy, so you have much more tactics than in other MMO... but in the end, you only need to press 1 each 2 seconds to attack, and 2 each 10 seconds for the special attack. If you have a science guy with a medical tricorder and an engineer with a shield regen, is very difficult to die if you don't go kamikaze, your crew will do much of the work.
I'm very interested in the post-end content. If there is any importance in "crafting", in order to get better equipment, rewards from lairs, etc... but, right now, "crafting" is a total deception.
some of it will show up automatically, some of it will have to be claimed under special features under the c-store tab.firehawk12 said:Have they said how all the pre-order/DDE stuff will show up on your character(s)? Will they just show up when you enter the retail key?
firehawk12 said:Have they said how all the pre-order/DDE stuff will show up on your character(s)? Will they just show up when you enter the retail key?
yeah there is.. you have to check in the description and look for the rank.. :\ If you look at the ferengi stuff for like 200 credits you'll see the MkX stuff is for Admirals. It isn't at all uniform and you just have to scan the info box (usually on the upper right side) for the rank info. but yeah, they should DEFINITELY indicate if you can't use something and on the info box or somewhere indicate WHY you can't use it before you try buying it.DangerousDave said:BTW... the weapons have any kind of "rank" limit in the equipment? I saw a ferengi that sold ground weapons up to Mk X, and quite cheap. And there wasn't any indicative about that i couldn't use that object, in the store.
Its either Ctrl-Shift-3 or Command-Shift-3, one of the two.DoctorWho said:I'm trying to figure out how to print screen with my Mac keyboard. God damned mac always having to be different with no print screen button...![]()
firehawk12 said:Ah, cool. I must say I'm kind of pissed that I can't have an all female crew this time around unless I'm willing to buy another boff. I was looking forward to having the all mini-skirt away team. :lol
boffs are dirt cheap (sort of). You can buy a new Ensign boff for 100 credits and have a pretty good selection to pick from as far races/sex and abilities. at least it seemed like it. of course then you come down to that you have an ensign boff way behind your other crew...firehawk12 said:Ah, cool. I must say I'm kind of pissed that I can't have an all female crew this time around unless I'm willing to buy another boff. I was looking forward to having the all mini-skirt away team. :lol
I can just imagine the insanity that'll be tomorrow when people start doing that everywhere.kyo_daikun said:Im just waiting to be able to scream Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn everywhere, god help earth space dock tomorrow...
JdFoX187 said:I can just imagine the insanity that'll be tomorrow when people start doing that everywhere.
/PowerHue x y
JdFoX187 said:What do we do with all the alien artifacts, radiation and mineral samples? I've got a stockpile that won't quit, but can't find anywhere to dump them off at.
shift+cmd+3 = fullscreenDoctorWho said:I'm trying to figure out how to print screen with my Mac keyboard. God damned mac always having to be different with no print screen button...![]()
It's not the messiah, it's a very naughty starship!Digital-Hero said:
what price? The price of $47 from Amazon with a $10 gaming credit for 30 days of MMO gaming? I would say definitely yes. Is there longevity there (or potentially there) to keep you playing 3 years from now or buying a lifetime subscription? Who knows. What I CAN tell you is that most of us feel the game is comprised of an exceptional space combat game with a relatively fresh take on the subject and loads of depth to spare, combined with an average by the numbers ground game that hopefully Cryptic will show some love to in the near future but for the time being is at least enough to provide nice variety to the space missions. Take all of that and throw it in the included 30 day game time and add $15 or $30 to the price for a month or two and I would definitely say Cryptic launched with a game that's "worth the price". Beyond that will all matter on what they do with it after a month or two out.rezuth said:Is the game worth the price?
currently this is pretty much all you can do with klingons aside from some minor PvE story missions and the usual research missions. As for how it is... umm.. I did one zone yesterday (kill the borg in a PvP zone) and there weren't a lot of Kilngons which meant Federation destroying them quickly. But I could see this being very interesting.Bamelin said:I haven't been following the game at all and have a couple questions.
Any player versus player/faction vs faction options?
both ground and space PvP.. and actually space is probably where more of the PvP will take place just because the space system is so much more fleshed out than the ground system.Space combat is supposed to be really good I've heard -- is this only PvE or does it include PvP?
very much needed. So far PvP is basically like LotR. There is no reason to make a Klingon aside from novelty, and no real reason to level them up. Even if you did put the dedication right now into making a Rear Admiral Klingon, you are going to get destroyed in a war zone thanks to probably being the only one.kyo_daikun said:Just a little note, apparently some of the Dev's are hinting that there will be a full Klingon story in the near future as the story writers are doing overtime on the weekends laying it all out, when/if they get a full klingon story and a decent amount of PVE for them I will actually make a klingon character :lol
This is exactly why the House of Gaf needs to be formed. I've decided to spend 1/3rd of my time playing as a Klingon character, and it'd be pretty good if we could co-ordinate for effectiveness. Would certainly be more fun to fight an uphill battle!borghe said:very much needed. So far PvP is basically like LotR. There is no reason to make a Klingon aside from novelty, and no real reason to level them up. Even if you did put the dedication right now into making a Rear Admiral Klingon, you are going to get destroyed in a war zone thanks to probably being the only one.![]()
I'm up for the House of GAF, but only after I hit max level on the Fed side.JdFoX187 said:If we get the House of GAF started, definitely count me in. I have a Klingon character made, just haven't used him for anything yet.