If I buy a boxed copy, can I input the code and download the game? I don't have a optical drive on my rig. Also they give you a month when you buy like most mmo's correct.
No dvd drive on my computer. I can get a box copy cheaper then origin.I believe so, yes, but I'd you buy a boxed copy wouldn't you install from disc so you can bypass the 20GB download?
Also, yes you do get 1 month free?
No dvd drive on my computer. I can get a box copy cheaper then origin.
You can download the client even if you purchase a physical copy
Alight, Thanks guys. Not looking forward to a 27GB download, but at least I download at about 4Mbs. Anyone know how well this runs on a i3-2120 and a 6870?
The game client is mostly CPU bound, as well as being a massive memory hog. Even still, turn off shadows and you'll probably be fine.
It's not GREAT on any configuration because most of the problems do not seem (to me anyway) like client / rendering bottlenecks but rather server bottlenecks.
Hopefully there will be continued improvements with server performance though. Don't get me wrong, it's not awful or anything, but just don't go expecting BF3 type graphics and performance.
Yo can ferny or the current empire guild master please transfer <The Gaf Empire> leadership to Gyrs or Trevin (these 2 have led raids and organized events for the last month or so--they are basically acting guild masters -_-). At this point, it's just selfish to hold the title when you're never online. Right now it doesn't matter much, but as the game gets more and more guild features (i.e. guild bank), we're going to need an active guild master that's probably involved in raids. Please, for the continued awesomeness of <The Gaf Empire>, pass off lead.
You can download the client without having a CD key to enter, so you could start the download now.Alight, Thanks guys. Not looking forward to a 27GB download, but at least I download at about 4Mbs. Anyone know how well this runs on a i3-2120 and a 6870?
Hit Battlemaster last night. What a grind.
All hail our new Lord and Master of the The GAF Empire, Lord Sciion!
If the conditions are right, Ilum is the best place to get valor quick. Did the jump from 59 to 60 in 2 nights.I'm halfway to level 55 and it's going sooo slow! I can't believe there are people who have hit War Hero...
I hope we chose our new leader through an epic duel.
Why does the game run worse in doors? I can get upwards to 100+ FPS outdoors, but in doors, I'm usually around 40-50 and sometimes dipping to 30, makes no sense to me.
Reminder to BEST GAF, we're doing a raid in 45 minutes!
What happened to Gyrs or Trevin, yo? I see Sciion like twice a week and I'm on every single night.
I heard it's because the engine automatically turns on ambient occlusion at High settings, which can be killer on framerates. Indoors/buildings would be affected more.
If this is actually true, they really need to make ambient occlusion an option you can turn off.
What exactly does ambient occlusion do?
What happened to Gyrs or Trevin, yo? I see Sciion like twice a week and I'm on every single night.
I'm getting back into this game after a hiatus. How do I join Gaf guild?
I'm getting back into this game after a hiatus. How do I join Gaf guild?
Sciion is on like every night...
Sciion gave Gyrs all the Guildmaster powers anyway so I don't think it's a problem at all.Assuming you are right, the point still stands though. Those two are instrumental in everything that is GAF Empire at this point. Just seems like a strange decision to make from you.
Been out of game for awhile. Going to give it another shot. I rolled a Smuggler on KV named CAW (original, I know).
Jinx has SWTOR shirts...
I will be picking up that Imperial emblem shirt. I might have to represent "OP" inquisitors too.
Jinx has SWTOR shirts...
I will be picking up that Imperial emblem shirt. I might have to represent "OP" inquisitors too.
I stopped around lvl 30 on my Marauder, just wasn't feeling it.
I'm thinking of trying BH next. But the thought of going back to the beginning is torture.
No one on at night during weekends on best gaf?
Did all jp gaf quit the game?
Maybe I should get on earlier now =(