Bunch of peeps were on earlier![]()
really? was on from 12 to about 3. see no1 ;(
What time of the day is gaf guild most active?
Bunch of peeps were on earlier![]()
And is there a summary of what's planned in the near future somewhere?
Oh and will there be better textures?
Here is some of the content planned for 1.2-1.5
The texture issue I think they addressed saying eventually we will have access to the textures we see in cutscenes but I could be wrong
really? was on from 12 to about 3. see no1 ;(
What time of the day is gaf guild most active?
Beep Beep
It starts dying down alot at about 10p central, and by 12a central there's usually not more than 4 ppl, but sometimes none i guess.
7p central seems like primetime on weekdays, although yesterday there was a raid at like noon and there were like 14 lvl 50s on. What time zone are you in?
The textures you see in the cutscenes is the best it's going to get. Somewhere down the line in a content patch they're going to have those textures available to use in the texture options.Oh and will there be better textures?
If your companion character dies, are they dead for good?
If your companion character dies, are they dead for good?
So I'm for sure getting this game Tuesday. Now I'm trying to narrow down what class to play. I was looking at Jedi Knight sentinel but ever thing I've been reading says it's pretty broken right now. They are rather under-powered for pure dps, other classes do better, and need heavy gear to even come close to par.
The other class was the sage since I like to heal and dps, but I also hear a ton of people play them. I played a Rogue in WoW when it first came out and so did like 40% of my server. This made it a pain to ever get groups and I really don't want a repeat of that. I mainly PvE with some PvP mixed in so I don't know what to pick.
The Smuggler is the last class I'm looking at and seems to fit my heal/dps and it's not broken
from what I can tell. So GAF let me know some insights too better pick. I'm going to go Republic also, but not totally locked in stone.
Had a blast pvping with emp gaf tonight. Didnt lose a match.
And finally, Battlemaster #3 for the GAF Empire. (Kruul)
Also, those bus shots are nice. Except for the fact I don't have a bus yet. I was in both of those pics but you can't even see me cause you guys covered me up!
So I'm for sure getting this game Tuesday. Now I'm trying to narrow down what class to play. I was looking at Jedi Knight sentinel but ever thing I've been reading says it's pretty broken right now. They are rather under-powered for pure dps, other classes do better, and need heavy gear to even come close to par.
The other class was the sage since I like to heal and dps, but I also hear a ton of people play them. I played a Rogue in WoW when it first came out and so did like 40% of my server. This made it a pain to ever get groups and I really don't want a repeat of that. I mainly PvE with some PvP mixed in so I don't know what to pick.
The Smuggler is the last class I'm looking at and seems to fit my heal/dps and it's not broken
from what I can tell. So GAF let me know some insights too better pick. I'm going to go Republic also, but not totally locked in stone.
So I'm for sure getting this game Tuesday. Now I'm trying to narrow down what class to play. I was looking at Jedi Knight sentinel but ever thing I've been reading says it's pretty broken right now. They are rather under-powered for pure dps, other classes do better, and need heavy gear to even come close to par.
The other class was the sage since I like to heal and dps, but I also hear a ton of people play them. I played a Rogue in WoW when it first came out and so did like 40% of my server. This made it a pain to ever get groups and I really don't want a repeat of that. I mainly PvE with some PvP mixed in so I don't know what to pick.
The Smuggler is the last class I'm looking at and seems to fit my heal/dps and it's not broken
from what I can tell. So GAF let me know some insights too better pick. I'm going to go Republic also, but not totally locked in stone.
Hit 50 on my alt.Now I have a Commando DPS and a Sage Healer. Just gotta get him geared up.
How was Qyzen those last few levels?Hit 50 on my alt.Now I have a Commando DPS and a Sage Healer. Just gotta get him geared up.
They're not a "Bus" it's a Cadillac get it right! The rectangle ones are BuicksAnd finally, Battlemaster #3 for the GAF Empire. (Kruul)
Also, those bus shots are nice. Except for the fact I don't have a bus yet. I was in both of those pics but you can't even see me cause you guys covered me up!
How was Qyzen those last few levels?
Arg. Killing this lord holed up in his estate on the second planet is proving very difficult. Died several times now... any tips?
What class/faction are you playing?
Congrats! Anbokr should be there anytime now, I'm still a week away at least.
Arg. Killing this lord holed up in his estate on the second planet is proving very difficult. Died several times now... any tips?
Sith Warrior.
Sith Warrior.
Due to the support in this thread, in combination with my cousin getting the game the other day, I got on last night. First time playing it for more than 30 minutes in about three weeks.
I had a blast!
Went from level 39 to 40, and am about halfway to 41; doing nothing but PvP. I figured playing as JK Sent frustrates me, so I'd "overlevel" a bit. I'm still early in Act 2, and so once I hit41 tomorrow, I'll continue with my story.
Also, I feel like an idiot. I haven't even looked into anything to do with PvP gear, and didn't know there was a 1000 max for Warzone commendations. Derp. So I've probably been chilling at 1000 for the last fifty PvP matches. Arg. Though I did get my first set of PvP gear. I don't know what it was called, but it was better than anything I could find on the GTN for my character.
I actually won about 1/3 of my Warzone matches, which is A LOT better than my W:L ratio from earlier. That said, my two friends playing empire side say they win about 80% of their PvP matches. Which seems incredibly unfair. But alas.
It's amazing how quality communication and good team work can overcome the odds. There were a few games where I was all but sure we were gonna lose, but everyone was helpful, healers were good, and we were calling out stuff constantly and managed to win. Playing "Civil War" with a good team that communicates well is an *awesome* experience. It's just a shame that doesn't happen too often.
QUESTION: Just to help settle my nerves, can anyone comment on the amount of Hit Points I should have as a Jedi Knight Sent at level 40? I have 7,870HP right now. Obviously, it's going to be dependent on your gear and whatnot, but I just want to make sure I'm in the right ballpark and I'm not missing something.
I feel awful that I haven't been playing this, but it doesn't run so well on my laptop and it hasn't grabbed my interest so much that I feel compelled to play in spite of my technical issues. With Mass Effect 3 coming up, I'm probably going to cancel at the end of my current time, and come back whenever I finally get around to building a gaming PC (which would handle it with ease.)
Just hit it today. Got my first commendation as well.
I just finished Balmorra + the bonus series on my BH, but I still have like 4 or 5 heroics that I haven't done. I know I can just skip them, but the OCD is kicking in!
I just finished Balmorra + the bonus series on my BH, but I still have like 4 or 5 heroics that I haven't done. I know I can just skip them, but the OCD is kicking in!
Just skip them. I only ever did 2 man heroic quests with my buddy (not many) and I was never disadvantaged with exp or commendations.
No shit lol.Most people finish act 2 at around 32-33. You'll probably be able to do just your class storyline the rest of your way until the planets catch up to you.
Yeah, Republic has gotten much better at Warzones at around when the 50 brackets hit. Once the 50s with a bunch of Expertise were in their own brackets, it seems like the Republic flourished. I win around 50% of my matches now. During Republic peak hours, win percentage easily goes up to 75%.
I think you should be fine. Your health doesn't really start jumping by much until you start getting end game PVE/PVP gear.
cpp_is_king said:Are you Triss on rep gaf? If so, was good to see you on![]()
Just skip them. I only ever did 2 man heroic quests with my buddy (not many) and I was never disadvantaged with exp or commendations.
Trying to run a friend through Cademimu and as soon as we take the really long elevator down to the bottom the game client instantly crashes on both of us at the same time. Happened twice now at the same spot, and the game client has never crashed on me for any other reason before. Has this happened to anyone else? Has anyone successfully cleared this recently? Wondering if the FP is bugged.
I ran through Cademimu with a friend recently but have not encountered that elevator bug. We did have a bug with the final boss though.