ONLY 13 TIMES lol....6, that's how many time I can cast my heal with regen taken into consideration.
And remember after you cast yours 13 times, geuss what you are getting force back at your normal rate. IF I CAST MINE 6 times like that I will be regenning at 1 heat, AKA 20% of my normal regen.
Let me put it this way, if you run out of power. You can cast your most expensive single target heal in 6 secs. 46 talented cost, 8 force per second regen at 0 force. If I am out of power it would take TWENTY-FIVE seconds before I could cast my most expensive single target heal. 25 heat, 1 heat per second at 100 heat.
Do you even know how the BH AE heal works? IT hits 3 targets in the circle you place, which is about 1/2 the size of your healing circle. And it PICKS 3 TARGETS AT RANDOM. meaning it mostly heals the people who are already full. I have literally cast my AE heal and had it heal for 0 cause it choose to heal the 3 people out of 16 who were full health at the time instead of healing the people who were dieing.
And our heals are cast time to, we have 1 instant 22sec CD, one AE 6sec CD, and two cast time, 1.5sec 9sec CD, and OUR ONLY NON CD heal is 2.5sec cast.
Sorcs have no idea how much worse healing is for the other two classes.
I recently levelled up Slicing to 400 just to see if it was worth it for making money. What a fucking gimped money-making crew skill. I'm just crazy OCD like that, so i decided to record every single mission I did in a google spreadsheet and keep track of exactly how many credits it returned and how much it cost to do each mission. After close to 100 missions, My Total Profit Per Hour (total value of any crit items, schematics, mission discoveries, etc that I've gotten + credit reward divided by total mission time) is 2,847.43. That's per hour that your companion is actually deployed on a mission. That is FUCKING GARBAGE. Even if you deploy every single one of your companions that's still only 15k credits / hour. For something whose sole purpose is to make money, that is really terrible. I would honestly expect at least 25k credits / hour, probably even 30k. I could bump it up from 15k to 16.5k by getting all my companions' affections to 10k/10k since that gives a 10% reduction in mission time, but that's nothing.
In other news, the crit rate seems to be almost exactly 10%. I have 10 crits on 95 missions.
Ironically, the Level 41-48 missions are, on average, more profitable than the level 49-50 missions (even ignoring crits, just the base lockbox reward - mission cost)
I recently levelled up Slicing to 400 just to see if it was worth it for making money. What a fucking gimped money-making crew skill. I'm just crazy OCD like that, so i decided to record every single mission I did in a google spreadsheet and keep track of exactly how many credits it returned and how much it cost to do each mission. After close to 100 missions, My Total Profit Per Hour (total value of any crit items, schematics, mission discoveries, etc that I've gotten + credit reward divided by total mission time) is 2,847.43. That's per hour that your companion is actually deployed on a mission. That is FUCKING GARBAGE. Even if you deploy every single one of your companions that's still only 15k credits / hour. For something whose sole purpose is to make money, that is really terrible. I would honestly expect at least 25k credits / hour, probably even 30k. I could bump it up from 15k to 16.5k by getting all my companions' affections to 10k/10k since that gives a 10% reduction in mission time, but that's nothing.
In other news, the crit rate seems to be almost exactly 10%. I have 10 crits on 95 missions.
Ironically, the Level 41-48 missions are, on average, more profitable than the level 49-50 missions (even ignoring crits, just the base lockbox reward - mission cost)
So I never wound up subscribing to this game, but I'm a bit bored and I'm thinking of picking up another month of game time to mess around with the PvP a bit more. Never did much of it in my first month.
I'm curious, did they really get around to addressing general issues with the responsiveness/stiffness of the controls? Some people claim they did and others say they couldn't tell any difference. Also, and this is kind of a specific question, but did they ever change Dirty Kick so it doesn't root you during the animation?
I think I have made everything worth making with Cybertech on my Level 50 Marauder - a crit earpiece, all my purple level 22 might armors, blue might equivalent augments, the wyz-tec fire grenade, and a speeder.
How long does it take to level up biochem using biochem, diplomacy, and bioanalysis for a level 50 toon having the max number of characters out at a time?
Diplomacy will be your bottle neck. has a good guide for level crafting skills leveling biochem can be done using the GTN if you'd like and bioanalysis is easy to level up because you can go back to lower lvl planets and just kill a bunch of mobs. Diplomacy takes a while to ramp up because of the number of available missions but all in all you should be done in less than a week
Nope. I'd rather have the 10% damage reduction, because increasing armor rating is fucking useless.Resurgence, the main combo skill of a sorc healer, allows you to stack 10% armor on a tank. Supercharged Gas, which is roughly the equivalent mercenary skill, allows you to prevent 10% of damage. Which would you rather have on the tank? Me, I'd rather prevent straight damage.
that is what i figured. GTN on my server is not the greatest option - one of the lower pop servers (the courageous). thanks for the link.
Nope. I'd rather have the 10% damage reduction, because increasing armor rating is fucking useless.
Nope. I'd rather have the 10% damage reduction, because increasing armor rating is fucking useless.
I wouldn't mind both on me![]()
If you pvp a lot, money is never an issue. I have close to 2 mil and its all from pvp.
I thought I was rich with 4 million, but there were a few guys in my guild with 9-15.
Makes me feel like chump change.
Also dead server is dead. Nobody is bothering to log in anymore for Nightmare stuff. Guess it's time for GW2 beta = /
Yea at lvl 50 it doesn't really do anything anymore, but it still makes money if your running dailies. On average on one daily run slicing the various safes all over the place I am pulling in an extra 20k. Though once you stop doing dailies and not really leave the fleet, slicing becomes useless.
Slicing does make good money while leveling in large part due to all the free money laying around in the quest areas you slice, but at end game it's useless.... course everyone seems to feel that way about almost all the skills at end game. It's also not just a slicing nerf, but was a nerf on lockboxes in general. Treasure hunting and any missions involving lockboxes was nerfed to hell with you often losing money.
As for other stuff...your AE heal is instant cast, Gyrs. Sure, it's targeting sucks, but it also hits instantly unless I'm mistaken...meaning it can't be moved out of. Ours has a 15 second cooldown to your 6. If they fixed the targetting, they'd be almost equivalent after 30 seconds assuming full uptime of both. I would assume they will be fixing that sooner or later.
althrough I don't get why you have to go to a planet to level up biochem, can't you just buy stuff from the AH you need? Or get it through bioanalasys
Man I thought I hated the endless staging screens before
Now that I dropped cyber and salage for biomed/chem it is starting to really piss me off
(cap skill for planet)
planet-->space station-->airlock-->space statioin-->Fleet (purchase skills)-->ship-->airlock-->spacestation-->planet
AAARRRG!!! what the f@ck was the point of these stages?
for classes only, not for crafting
for classes only, not for crafting
Err... almost every planet has a trainer where you can learn new skills.
I'd say my server is fine. Population has certainly dropped, but it's not as barren as other's I'd imagine. It's only saving grace is its former high pop status during early access.
There's just quite literally nothing appealing at end-game anymore. At least nothing productive. Most of not all the top-tier guild's have quit or are waiting for 1.2
All anybody wants to do is kill Soa or Karraga on Nightmare. The problem is finding the motivation, and then dealing with the bugs. Two weeks ago was our last Soa kill, and he was still spawning balls like crazy even after the 2nd phase push. Quite a bit of rage.
Likewise after Valor 60, I'd rather stare at my dick all day then grind RNG bags (again) in hopes of getting BM loot.
Err... almost every planet has a trainer where you can learn new skills.
For some reason, the early planets don't have profession trainers (Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine). They used to, but Bioware took them out.
Yet they left the profession trainers in on some of the later planets (Corellia, Voss, but not Belsavis). There's really no rhyme or reason to which ones remained and which ones were removed.
For some reason, the early planets don't have profession trainers (Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine). They used to, but Bioware took them out.
Yet they left the profession trainers in on some of the later planets (Corellia, Voss, but not Belsavis). There's really no rhyme or reason to which ones remained and which ones were removed.
For some reason, the early planets don't have profession trainers (Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine). They used to, but Bioware took them out.
Yet they left the profession trainers in on some of the later planets (Corellia, Voss, but not Belsavis). There's really no rhyme or reason to which ones remained and which ones were removed.
All of the people complaining about being done with end game have valid complaints. My group is almost done with everything on hard mode and are mostly geared up. However, this game was never fully focused on endgame in the way that WoW is. This game doesn't begin at 50 so to speak. If you are maxed out on your main, work on alts. There are 8 unique class stories, surely the people complaining of having "nothing to do" have not played through all of the class stories yet.
Valid, but I sure as fuck loathe going back through planets I've already been through a few times over.
All of the people complaining about being done with end game have valid complaints. My group is almost done with everything on hard mode and are mostly geared up. However, this game was never fully focused on endgame in the way that WoW is. This game doesn't begin at 50 so to speak. If you are maxed out on your main, work on alts. There are 8 unique class stories, surely the people complaining of having "nothing to do" have not played through all of the class stories yet.
I'm pretty sure I can youtube all those class stories in an hr or so. Which is pretty depressing.
It was fun the first time... until you realize none of your decisions really have any impact and always seems to end with you fighting an elite + assorted combo of mobs.
You can say the same thing about youtube'ing a summary of movies or books.
Doesn't make it the same thing as experiencing it yourself. I enjoy playing all the different class stories and hearing all the dialog options.
You might want to look again, I swear I just saw the Trainer yesterday when I was messing around on Nar Shaddaa and the I can't imagine they removed the entire bank of trainers on Taris
I wondered where you'd disappeared off to! My guild could still use a Scoundrel healer. We're 9/10 HM now (working on 3rd stage Soa, probably get him next week).So I never wound up subscribing to this game, but I'm a bit bored and I'm thinking of picking up another month of game time to mess around with the PvP a bit more. Never did much of it in my first month.
I'm curious, did they really get around to addressing general issues with the responsiveness/stiffness of the controls? Some people claim they did and others say they couldn't tell any difference. Also, and this is kind of a specific question, but did they ever change Dirty Kick so it doesn't root you during the animation?
Players can now use the command /roll or /random to generate a random number between 1 and 100. This command will also accept a range (example: /roll 20-40) or a die value (example: 2d6).
Whats up with the cystals and preorder vendors. I didnt even know there was a preorder vendor.
The pre-order vendor has been there on the fleet 90% of the time since before launch (there were a couple weeks in the early days where he'd disappear or Bioware would pull him down b/c of a bug). It just let you buy the +4 Endurance Black-Yellow crystals that you got from pre-ordering so that you could have a matching pair for Sentinels or whatever. Now you'll be able to buy high level versions so you can conitnue to rock the Black-Yellow if that's your thing. I think it's hideous personally.
Now the other crystal vendor - Bioware's finally recognizing that there's a MASSIVE hole in the game right now. There's no way to obtain some types of color crystals (+Power namely) other than by ripping them out of weapons. They're also catering to the masses that screamed about not being able to get a Purple Lightsaber without being a) Imperial, b) a Raider, or c) a PvPer. So Level 47 and 50 White, Cyan, Purple, and Yellow lightsaber crystals are being sold for 125k - 2mil credits on this vendor (as well as the Magenta patterns that only drop from World Bosses currently) that's supposed to only exist until 1.2 hits. At that time, Bioware seems like they're going to make these types all craftable by Artifice. Way to go knee-capping your Artifice crafting market, eh?