Game obviously launched unfinished, especially noticeable at end game early on when the 2nd operation was missing parts, npcs had no names, etc. The PVP planet Illum didn't even get "finished" till late in the beta and even then it wasn't done and got almost no testing, they even admitted it wasn't really done yet and that more work had to be done on it.
The game has lot of neat things going for it, but it's obvious that alot of the MMO features got left out and that it wasn't really finished (no MMO is to an extent....). Lot of features are basically in the works now while they still have lot of bug crushing to do. They obviously concentrated on the storyline (single player) aspects while other stuff kind of got ignored. If anything I would recommend ppl wait till at leat the big March udpate to check out the game now since a bunch of stuff is coming in that.
This and ff14 have zero in common. This is a finely cooked meal to ff14s dirty sock. I was in both betas and both retail launches. Ff14 was a hindenburgh, swtor just needs fine tuning and a few features.
Is there a GAF Republic guild on the Swiftsure? Just got in the game about 20 days ago.
Heh, fixed the /stuck illum exploit. Hopefully it can help get rid of the trading nonsense.
which social vendor do you go to to customize SCORPIOs appearance?
How significant is the population issue on the servers? Is it just that people are leaving the game in general? Or sides are so unbalanced that if you are on the wrong side the server is pretty much dead? Or a combination of both?
yeah, not everyone likes lfg tools, so I'd say that was more of a decision to not put it in than "omg we have no time"Wow.I don't understand how any MMO can be designed without any type of LFG system and other key systems.
So why are they already talking about adding it?yeah, not everyone likes lfg tools, so I'd say that was more of a decision to not put it in than "omg we have no time"
yeah, not everyone likes lfg tools, so I'd say that was more of a decision to not put it in than "omg we have no time"
yeah, not everyone likes lfg tools, so I'd say that was more of a decision to not put it in than "omg we have no time"
last I heard they were just talking about expanding the current system and not doing one that groups you up by itself with other peopleExcept Bioware is already talking about adding LFG tools.
So that completely debunks your theory.
some bullshit about communityWTH? Who doesn't like lfg tools, and why?
last I heard they were just talking about expanding the current system and not doing one that groups you up by itself with other people
might have changed, idk not following what the devs say all that much
some bullshit about community
last I heard they were just talking about expanding the current system and not doing one that groups you up by itself with other people
might have changed, idk not following what the devs say all that much
some bullshit about community
yeah, not everyone likes lfg tools, so I'd say that was more of a decision to not put it in than "omg we have no time"
I'm pretty sure you can find people who are against that, too.How can anyone be against that?
So amazing how much more fun I have PvP'ing 10-49 than at 50.
Yeah, I am dread getting to 50 with my Operative. She's at 49.5. Some guy already send me tell for me to just reroll now because it's a waste of time to play Operative PVP at 50. *sigh* He said he had one and reroll to Sorceror.
In the meantime, what I find fun is hutball game with no Sith Sorceror in it. What a difference that was, the game was exciting back and forth. Also nice not to just see stream of purple everywhere.
Yeah, I am dread getting to 50 with my Operative. She's at 49.5. Some guy already send me tell for me to just reroll now because it's a waste of time to play Operative PVP at 50. *sigh* He said he had one and reroll to Sorceror.
In the meantime, what I find fun is hutball game with no Sith Sorceror in it. What a difference that was, the game was exciting back and forth. Also nice not to just see stream of purple everywhere.
Operatives are still very good, you just have to work a little bit to excel with classes like the marauder and the operative. You gotta manage cooldowns efficiently and pay attention to positioning as a melee; as a sorc you have a little room for error since you have over 9000 escape mechanisms. But concealment ops with decent gear can still instagib people and healer ops are pretty damn good.
+1 to this. Everyone rolling sorc just to be flavor of the month is weak. Avg sorc play isnt very good. Ive run into a few good sorc players in pvp but most dont pose any problem. Ops can win a huttball game for a team by taking out key players. Just figure out how to make yourself useful. You just cant faceroll like sorcs do.
+1 to this. Everyone rolling sorc just to be flavor of the month is weak. Avg sorc play isnt very good. Ive run into a few good sorc players in pvp but most dont pose any problem. Ops can win a huttball game for a team by taking out key players. Just figure out how to make yourself useful. You just cant faceroll like sorcs do.
yeah but that fucks up people from low populated serversThey said already that cross server pvp is eventually coming, can assume they will try to do cross server LFG tools as well. I'm fine with cross server pvp, I never found community in instanced pvp so whatever, but yea I'm not a fan of cross server dungeon tools. Keep it on the same server for now or at least make sure to give us the option of choosing to do either cross server or same server when you queue up
yeah but that fucks up people from low populated servers
an idea might be to pair servers up, a low pop one with a high pop one
I agree
but in the MMO business server merges are seen as "game is failing" from what I understand, so I think cross server lfg will come sooner and server merges as a last resort
Yea, EA is not going to want to have merges going on anytime soon, it looks bad even though really it is often needed. MMOs tend to always open too many servers to meet launch demand and as players calm down in the amount of play, the servers aren't really needed anymore, so a merge should be done. But it is always seen as doom and gloom but really it's just how it should be done. You have 1mil + joining a game day 1, people are going to taper off the game and your not going to be picking up players that fast anymore. Even if a game has player growth, it's going to eventually need some mergers after a big launch. People have been asking for merges in RIFT for a while too before anything was done as the servers were largely all light pop even at prime time.
It should eventually happen but again, they are going to resist doing it. Lot of players want merges too, but it's the outside appearance to those not playing that the publishers are scared of.
Yeah, I am dread getting to 50 with my Operative. She's at 49.5. Some guy already send me tell for me to just reroll now because it's a waste of time to play Operative PVP at 50. *sigh* He said he had one and reroll to Sorceror.
In the meantime, what I find fun is hutball game with no Sith Sorceror in it. What a difference that was, the game was exciting back and forth. Also nice not to just see stream of purple everywhere.
One thing I've always wondered. I'm on Taris with a couple of my level 35 imperial characters. I'm on a PvP server, however I leveled a jedi sentinel to 17 and was on Taris at level 17. It's pretty much a mirrored zone.
Anyway, I'm guessing I'm not going to see any republic players here right, or are they sent back to the planet at higher levels? How does that work?
My OP was my very first level 50. Rerolled an Assassin to 50 and now working on a Juggernaut. Level 50 PvP for an OP(concealment) sucks.
Thats why instead of "merges" you do voluntary free transfers. Youll be left with some dead servers, which you can then close
One thing I've always wondered. I'm on Taris with a couple of my level 35 imperial characters. I'm on a PvP server, however I leveled a jedi sentinel to 17 and was on Taris at level 17. It's pretty much a mirrored zone.
Anyway, I'm guessing I'm not going to see any republic players here right, or are they sent back to the planet at higher levels? How does that work?
Are all the healing classes still considered equal or has one become the standout?
Sorc/Consulars are considered the best still. They are supposed to be buffing the other healers abilities in 1.2 along with a nerf for the Sorc/Cons it seems.
Is it a significant difference? Will I be looked down upon if I continue with my low level commando? I suppose I can just ride it out until the patch either way...
I did the reverse... my first was my shadow, and my op was my second to 50. Instead of continuing with these characters, I just cancelled my account.
Is it a significant difference? Will I be looked down upon if I continue with my low level commando? I suppose I can just ride it out until the patch either way...