So who's gonna invite me to Empire GaF on Kellers Void tomorrow?
Or should I take my chances on Swiftsure?
Have a teammate cleanse the dot off of you if you can't do it yourself? There's 3 different classes that can cleanse dots.
Another day, another 2/2 bm comms; first time I've ever been lucky in an MMO--feels good.
good riddance I sayWtf at "Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. "
So Illum has become even more useless? lol They are basically turning off Illum it seems, assume they are going to try doing something different with the zone in a future update to give it some kind of meaning.
good riddance I say
the money spend on developing Ilum could have been spent on a new WZ or FP, less problems and less people whining about it
I'm all for that change too. Annoying as hell being the only one around, but being stuck unable to cap due to a dot. It's all very well saying just bring a cleanser, but what if your team doesn't even have one of the 3 advanced classes which can do that, never mind having to have them with you at all times.
As for dots being worthless, what are you on about? They do damage, that alone makes them useful in PVP.
Lol, you can't be serious. I've played a good amount of pug Warzones, and I don't think a random teammate has ever cleansed anything off me.
There's your issue. Pugs always suck. You can't develop your game around pugs. Half the people in pugs probably don't know what their skills even do.
I don't mostly pug and it still would be useless since very few builds can cleanse DoT's, and again getting someone to you to actually do it is not as easy as it seems. One person dies, the group becomes disjointed as you wait for them to respawn and get back to wherever you are on the battlefield. Suddenly a group of 3 players can't cap an objective because their one cleanser is respawning on the other side of the map, but they all got hit by a suicide DoT?
I'm all for it, and really would also like to see a similar nerf on AOEs... at least if anything make it that only the initial damage on an AOE breaks capping an objective, or make it work like pushback on abilities when taking damage.
Wait, KV is a PvE server? ):
nah it's just the republic side of things is buggier/shitty because the devs favor empire.
Ilum patch notes /facepalm said:Lead Designer: "Welp, team, we can't fix Ilum in a reasonable, timely fashion like a "AAA" MMO should be able to, what do we do to mitigate this fail?"
Desinger 1:"Uhhhhh."
Desinger 2: "Duhhhh. Hero Engine is hard!"
Desinger 3:"I know! Make WZ's also count towards your Ilum daily!"
Lead Designer:"Brilliant! So world PvP will basically slowly die out as people would rather play Huttball!"
Desinger 1:"Huttbaaaaaaaall!"
Desinger 2: "HUTTBALL!"
Desinger 3:"DuuuuuuhhhhhHUTTBALL!"
Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.
Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.
Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.
Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available.
Valor gained from Warzones has been increased.
Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match.
Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.
Wait, so there won't be a reason to get more than 4 medals in a WZ? Why would they make a change like that?
That means players won't try as hard after their fourth medal.
Wait, so there won't be a reason to get more than 4 medals in a WZ? Why would they make a change like that?
That means players won't try as hard after their fourth medal.
To get most you have to win the WZ, so instead of hoarding up medals you will want to help you team win as it gives the most valor rewards. That seems to be the intent
Na I like the medal cap. Some classes had an unfair advantage with medals (assassins/juggs) and for the grind to battlemaster--medal farming > winning. This correctly places the emphasis on winning over farming damage, kills, or playing "dodgeball".
Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available.
I've read it's 1000/1000 wz/merc comms to trade in for a BM comm. If that is the case, that's something like 40 games per token in current rewards, maybe less with the new reward system. That will be awesome if it's an alternative method to the bags...a guaranteed method I guess you could say. But I'm really doubting anyone is playing 40 games a day, so if they removed the BM bags we go from at least 2 (rare) chances a day to...sometime this week you can get one out of two comms for a piece of gear?
I mean at the absolute peak of our PVPing (myself, Treythalomew, Quelana, Gatti-man, Max-rogan, Rexos, etc) we would play literally all night and only hover around 20 games. Someone talk me off the ledge here.
Has Bioware given any new information about when they will be adding in more story-related elements to the game (same-sex companion relationships, more story for each class, etc.)?
On my server Krayt Dragon, from 630 to 715 pm I have already did my ilum daily and got 83 towards my weekly. Its like this every night around this time. Usually both sides have around 2 ops groups going. I will have my weekly done tomorrow.
Na I like the medal cap. Some classes had an unfair advantage with medals (assassins/juggs) and for the grind to battlemaster--medal farming > winning. This correctly places the emphasis on winning over farming damage, kills, or playing "dodgeball".
No it really doesnt. 4 medals means even the most attrocious players get comms and valor. It places the emphasis on the grind. if it was gradiated up to 8 i could see your argument. This wont help anyone. It will only encourage afking and crap play.
Then the entire medal system is the problem if that's what ends up happening. But 8 or 12 or whatever number you make up over about 6-7 is not going to do anything but encourage medal farming. For many classes it's a lot of work to get more than half a dozen, requiring them to basically ignore objectives and go medal hunting. This is what that's intended to fix. I'm sure you realize that, but your choices are that either
A) medals are capped, you can easily cap and afk or push for a win.
B)Medals are uncapped, it is superior to not afk at all, but you should be self serving and completely ignore team objectives.
Yeah i agree my point is i think this makes it worse not better. It would be better if they made medals more thoughtful then they do. Like make kills and heals only count when close to the ball carrier etc. Im sure half thw people in this thread could devise a better system imo.
Remove medals, reward wins (or only give medals for damage/objectives/healing/protection, and at much more frequent breakpoints, so that losing isn't as painful). Done. But this is Bioware.
good riddance I say
the money spend on developing Ilum could have been spent on a new WZ or FP, less problems and less people whining about it
Remove medals, reward wins (or only give medals for damage/objectives/healing/protection, and at much more frequent breakpoints, so that losing isn't as painful). Done. But this is Bioware.
Losing should be painful, people should try to win and it should reward the actual winning. Making losing not painful goes around in the circle of just making it just any other grind and if losing doesn't matter that much, then people are going to play half heartedly.
It's the same thing on pub side. In non-primetime, I'm looking at 20 minute queues to join a half-full team of noobs. We get behind, more people join so the WZ doesn't close, but it's too late.Shit just wzing in a non premade is painful. The lvl of play between individuals is like a chasm wide. Some people will do 400k damage while others (non healers) barely do 80k. I play a lot of wz and to me something is way off atleast on the imp side on kv.
lol so dot's don't interrupt interactions?
So guardian vig tree is completely useless in pvp... yay!
So guardian vig only job ever was to put up dots to protect nodes? Come on, the dot thing affects every class with any sort of dot and makes pvp better overall. It's ridiculous than you play perfect and wipe out the enemy team only to find that an operative used 2-3 global cooldowns to put a 15 second dot on your remaining guys, thus starting from block 0 again.
p.s. i play an annhilation marauder, so everything I do is based on DoTs.
lol so dot's don't interrupt interactions?
So guardian vig tree is completely useless in pvp... yay!
well the only real benefit to use vig over sweep bombing in wz is gone =/
Honestly dots interupting cap is incredibly cheap. Its a good change.
Change I'm all for, nothing is more annoying to be free and clear on an objective but a stupid DoT stops you from claiming it even if no one is around you anymore, forcing you to stand around like an idiot for the effect to wear off.
Or you can get a healer to cleanse you like they should be doing.
What's the point of dots anymore? Dots should break shit like this.
The frequency of capping is too damn high as it is most times.
The frequency of capping is too damn high as it is most times.
Honestly dots interupting cap is incredibly cheap. Its a good change.
The frequency of capping is too damn high as it is most times.
The frequency of capping is too damn high as it is most times.