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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


It is? I admit I cancelled a few weeks ago but I found it trivial with even a couple competent players to prevent a bomb from ever coming near a void star door, fixing long ass dots will help with it for sure (Far too easy to just tag one person and then jump to anotehr for the next 10-15 seconds knowing the first has no prayer of capping).

Wrong again.

I only played the first month, but this statement doesn't seem right to me at all. Offense does have a slight advantage in Voidstar - it's intended to - but if anything it always felt like it was too easy to prevent caps while on defense. The DoT change is a pretty "common sense" type fix that I was surprised to even see wasn't implemented at launch.

Valor looks like it will be flowing much faster, and people going to be getting their ranks and gear faster it seems.... well guess it's better than the full random nature previously. If WZ kills count for the Illum daily/weekly, will they make it at leat require you to get kills from opposite faction players?

Rarely, so many games are locked down in the first couple mins. Defense is way too easy as is.

Not really.

Alderann capping could be a bit faster. Voidstar it's too high.
Not really.

Alderann capping could be a bit faster. Voidstar it's too high.

Voidstar is a mess as it is, but generally one team steam rolls or the game is a never ending clusterfuck of no one capping a single door and then random team wins.

Defense was way too easy before, game should be much more offensive now. Still think they should also do something about the AOE spam on objectives, like add pushback to capping instead of just instant breaks but that might be over the top. Defense is easy mode, just AOE spam and quick tab targetting DOTs on opposing team. One defender able to hold back a horde from an objective... meh to that


Created a new character (Jedi Guardian) named Grecs. FYI, if you're online and wondering who the heck Grecs is in the <GAF> republic guild.

Hope to have a bit more motivation to keep leveling.


My former raiding anal retentiveness is kicking in. We had 2 groups running HM Eternity Vault.

Every boss up until SOA is not really hard, we wiped a bunch times on SOA and called it a night. No big deal as we made progress but as we swapped notes with the other group who had progressed farther on him, part of their strat was stacking their aoe's (2 sorc healers in that group).

They explained it was actually their strat for every boss and they explained how they just flew through every boss that way.

This guild is not a hardcore raiding guild so they would never pick groups according to this, but it is bothering me that I these raid runs would be better served by just taking sorcs or more so that Bioware has made it this way. Stacking aoe's on a 17 second timer that will heal most parties to full with the ability to throw shields on 2 second timer is too f-cking OP.

Like I said, raiding anal retentiveness but I like to feel that when I am in a raid I an bringing something useful to the table

In our 16 man we throw circles on Annihilation Droid (Missle Salvo phase), Gharj during platform swaps, and the platform dropping phase of Soa. Most other times I've found it mostly inefficient because of one mechanic or the other. No need on 3rd boss and 4th is the 1v1 champs.

I can appreciate your never-ending vendetta against my class, and again hopefully you get buffed...but why would they stack two sorcs on one team to begin with? I doubt that is the sole and only reason they are progressing farther. Pylons are going down on the way down? Lightning balls are being picked up properly? Mind traps going down? No pillars missed on 3rd phase?

Other than platform dropping and the occasional lightning ball mistake I haven't found it to be an intense damage dealing fight to be honest. What I have found though is one or two person's mistakes is death for the rest of the group. For the longest time (until bug fixes + outgearing) even losing one person (and definitely two) on 16M hardmode Soa was potentially enough to cause us to be unable to down him.


CzarTim you should see the late night Starsiders/Prime Defense crowd from your side (11pm-3am EST). They can basically queue in as two groups, 6-8 folks with 3 heals. Good times let me tell you, lol. Actually to be honest it seems like some of them play all day. /shrug.

I'm sure there are pre-mades on our end, but I never see them unless it's playing against them in Huttball.

My bad luck with getting shitty groups has been well documented though.


I can appreciate your never-ending vendetta against my class, and again hopefully you get buffed...but why would they stack two sorcs on one team to begin with? I doubt that is the sole and only reason they are progressing farther.

Your misunderstanding my "vendetta", the current content that I have played so far outside of HM SOA (which I only played with for about 30 mins) is pretty easy. It is definately doable by a BH and Agents, but you are hurting your group if you were to choose this combo if you have sorcs available. I'm in a raid with buddies so not really an issue, but I can imagine there are agents and BH being left on the sideline because of this

My biggest gripe is the game breaking stackable AOE heals that are an incredibly short timer that will heal the entire 8 man raid. You should never be allowed to stack these heals (stagger one after the other, sure). It allows you to avoid some boss mechanics by just having the group huddled in a cluster while the tank/OT is shielded and the aoe heal is constantly recast. I'm firewalled at work but there are youtube links of guilds using this strat on nightmare level bosses (with 3 or 4 sorcs).

Bioware is new at this, but usually raid bosses will try to mix things up and certain bosses will be easier with a certain raid makeup (melee/range dps, tank healer, raid healer), there should be fight where sorcs are invaluable, BH are invaluable, agents are invaluable. Everything I have played so far having 2 sorcs greatly outwieghs any other 2 healer combination.
They really need to overhaul Ilum. It's completely dead on my server despite having been very active the past few weeks. I think the next patch is going to make it even worse, how exactly will WZes give credit to Ilum objectives?

Honestly I feel like all of these WZ changes should've just been implemented in Ilum somehow. Higher WZ valor bonus and a commendations bonus for capturing Ilum objectives. Surpassing the 4 medal cap. Maybe even special WZ buffs/items like objective alacrity, movement speed, or ball carrier speed... SOMETHING. I'm not saying make Ilum a crutch for WZ progress, but give people a reason to be there, especially on servers they don't have as large of a PVP community.

Making Ilum a grind is not how you do things.


I've said this before, but Ilum needs an incentive outside of PVP. Make crew skills take less time when you control more bases, and people will have a reason to fight without trading kills/caps.
Seems from recent dev post about stuff going on with the Oceanic launch, that character transfers for general players is targetted for some time in April

They really need to overhaul Ilum. It's completely dead on my server despite having been very active the past few weeks. I think the next patch is going to make it even worse, how exactly will WZes give credit to Ilum objectives?

Honestly I feel like all of these WZ changes should've just been implemented in Ilum somehow. Higher WZ valor bonus and a commendations bonus for capturing Ilum objectives. Surpassing the 4 medal cap. Maybe even special WZ buffs/items like objective alacrity, movement speed, or ball carrier speed... SOMETHING. I'm not saying make Ilum a crutch for WZ progress, but give people a reason to be there, especially on servers they don't have as large of a PVP community.

Making Ilum a grind is not how you do things.

Illum is always going to be a problem, in large part due to server faction imbalances. They can improve Illum by making it a unique rewarding system that players will want to do for some reason over WZ's, but again the pop balance is going to always screw it up in the end.

There is no bandaide fix for Illum, it needs an overhaul that is going to take alot more work, and even then I doubt it's going to work. Warhammer had same issues with the open world pvp end game that no matter what they did, the pop inbalance always screwed it up. They had to come up with all kinds of buffs and such to try and help the unbalanced sides but it was a balance act that went on for a long time to get it "right", and many still didn't believe it was the right way to do it.

WZ's work, so they are going to probably focus on that and hopefully they come up with something for Illum in the future, but I doubt I will work out. They also need a system that promotes actual fighting instead of people exploiting for maximum gain with trade groups. They need to understand that players in MMOs need a carrot on a stick, and one that is unique that seperates it from just doing WZs.


Seems from recent dev post about stuff going on with the Oceanic launch, that character transfers for general players is targetted for some time in April

Illum is always going to be a problem, in large part due to server faction imbalances. They can improve Illum by making it a unique rewarding system that players will want to do for some reason over WZ's, but again the pop balance is going to always screw it up in the end.

There is no bandaide fix for Illum, it needs an overhaul that is going to take alot more work, and even then I doubt it's going to work. Warhammer had same issues with the open world pvp end game that no matter what they did, the pop inbalance always screwed it up. They had to come up with all kinds of buffs and such to try and help the unbalanced sides but it was a balance act that went on for a long time to get it "right", and many still didn't believe it was the right way to do it.

WZ's work, so they are going to probably focus on that and hopefully they come up with something for Illum in the future, but I doubt I will work out. They also need a system that promotes actual fighting instead of people exploiting for maximum gain with trade groups. They need to understand that players in MMOs need a carrot on a stick, and one that is unique that seperates it from just doing WZs.

The whole '2 faction world pvp' system is inherantly broken in every game it's employed in. It would be broken in WoW as well if WoW actually had world pvp (Let's be real, it doesn't). There's a reason they still have you queue for battles for the 'world' objectives like Wintergrasp and Tol Barad and it's because faction balance makes servers idiotic for that. WZs work. Ilum is poorly conceived in every way, incentivizing it doesn't help the problems with the design. There's a reason that DAoC was the primary 'world pvp' game that worked, and it was due to three factions. That's the same reason it will work in guild wars.

Throwing resources at it in a 2 faction game is just a waste of everyone's time: Either you let imbalances remain as they are and only certain servers can enjoy the content as intended (since if it's actually desirable the dominant faction WILL own it), or they can make it a queued system or something to try and 'balance' the sides in that area, at which point it might as well not even be open world PVP, it's effectively become just another warzone. I've never seen a 'buff' to the weaker faction that worked. Numbers will always trump it unless they just make it something absurd, which is not particularly fun either (20 v 1 and that 1 has 500x hp and damage and can't be CC'ed or something stupid? nty).


I've said this before, but Ilum needs an incentive outside of PVP. Make crew skills take less time when you control more bases, and people will have a reason to fight without trading kills/caps.

Controlling more bases gives a buff that grants extra valor at the end of a WZ. It's not a lot, but it's enough for me to spend 5 minutes going there and stealth capping a few points before I run warzones. This BM grind is killing me.
The whole '2 faction world pvp' system is inherantly broken in every game it's employed in. It would be broken in WoW as well if WoW actually had world pvp (Let's be real, it doesn't). There's a reason they still have you queue for battles for the 'world' objectives like Wintergrasp and Tol Barad and it's because faction balance makes servers idiotic for that. WZs work. Ilum is poorly conceived in every way, incentivizing it doesn't help the problems with the design. There's a reason that DAoC was the primary 'world pvp' game that worked, and it was due to three factions. That's the same reason it will work in guild wars.

Throwing resources at it in a 2 faction game is just a waste of everyone's time: Either you let imbalances remain as they are and only certain servers can enjoy the content as intended (since if it's actually desirable the dominant faction WILL own it), or they can make it a queued system or something to try and 'balance' the sides in that area, at which point it might as well not even be open world PVP, it's effectively become just another warzone. I've never seen a 'buff' to the weaker faction that worked. Numbers will always trump it unless they just make it something absurd, which is not particularly fun either (20 v 1 and that 1 has 500x hp and damage and can't be CC'ed or something stupid? nty).

Oh I agree, it takes basically luck to get 2 factions to be somewhat balanced in a world pvp situation, but generally most servers are going to be borked in some ways. I do think they should just turn Illum into a large scale battleground that you queue for instead of trying to have an open pvp area that is always going to be headache for develoment and customer complaints.


Controlling more bases gives a buff that grants extra valor at the end of a WZ. It's not a lot, but it's enough for me to spend 5 minutes going there and stealth capping a few points before I run warzones. This BM grind is killing me.

Im about to make BM and its feels so good for BW to easy mode BM just as soon as i get there...


The whole '2 faction world pvp' system is inherantly broken in every game it's employed in. It would be broken in WoW as well if WoW actually had world pvp (Let's be real, it doesn't). There's a reason they still have you queue for battles for the 'world' objectives like Wintergrasp and Tol Barad and it's because faction balance makes servers idiotic for that. WZs work. Ilum is poorly conceived in every way, incentivizing it doesn't help the problems with the design. There's a reason that DAoC was the primary 'world pvp' game that worked, and it was due to three factions. That's the same reason it will work in guild wars.
I still don't see how 3 factions fix anything
it will work in GW2 because the factions don't have any difference at all in them, hell there are no factions in the first place, so there are no differences that would make people gravitate towards one side or the other (lighting, red sabers, the whole darth vader and boba fett thing)


Games here. Downloading patch. :D

Here I come Empire GAF. This is my first (real) MMO, be kind. ):

Edit: On Kellers Void, name is Isaccard. Learning how to move around right now. =/


Got my gigabyte OC 7970 in today. Runs swtor at max very smoothly. I would say just a bit smoother than my 480gtx's in sli but the thing im really pleased about is no fan noise. I cant hear my gpu over my case fans anymore and it puts out a fraction of the heat. Very very pleased.
BioWare needs guilds to help test the upcoming content in 1.2. While cool I wish they still had an actual character copy service running for the PTS.


Hello everyone! We are very excited to announce that Game Update 1.2 will be hitting our Public Test Server soon.

As you know, Game Update 1.2 is packed with new content, including a new Flashpoint, Operation, and Warzone. To that end, we&#8217;re looking for some end-game guilds to test this new content and to provide feedback before the update goes out to our live servers.

While we don&#8217;t have the technology for mass character transfers yet, we do have a manual process to copy characters from our Live servers to our Public Test Server that we will be offering for Guilds that are accepted for testing.

If you and your Guild would like to help us out in testing Game Update 1.2 content, please do the following:

1. Gather a strike team from your Guild of no more than 16-20 players (8 works too, of course) who have ready-to-raid (or PVP) level 50 characters in the game. These must be players who are willing to put the live game aside for a while and help us out on the Public Test Server.

2. Ensure that each player patches to the Public Test Server and logs into it before submitting your team list via email.

3. Ensure that each player has an empty character slot (that is, they must have 7 or fewer characters) on the Public Test Server.

4. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject &#8220;[Your Guild Name] Game Update 1.2 Testing&#8221; and include the following information:

The server that your Guild is currently on.

A very brief summary of your Guild&#8217;s end-game accomplishments. (No more than 50 words, please.)

For each participating member of your Guild, please list their:
Account name (the name that shows up when you post on the SWTOR forums)
Account e-mail address
Character name of the level 50 they wish to have copied to the Public Test Server.

Spaces are limited, so we can&#8217;t guarantee that your Guild will be accepted for testing. Please get your emails in as soon as you can. We are looking to begin the copying process soon. Accepted Guilds will be notified via email, at which point more information will be given.

Thanks in advance!


These MMO companies need to start managing their MMO servers better if they wish for the actual gaming content to actually be better. I'm sorry but faction specific login lockouts are needed even if only on a couple servers to even test it.

Its appalling how badly pvp zones were designed in this game though, I'm convinced the people at Bioware dislike player PvP in general with the way this game was made with zones not allowing interaction between factions.

Voidstar is such a mess, alderaan same. Huttball is good balanced map except for the class specific skills that make it a bad warzone.
So I created my own gunslinger DPS spreadsheet last night. It's always bothered me that it was really hard to tell whether equipping a new piece of gear, or a new mod in place of an old mod, would actually help or hurt your DPS.

One thing I have to say is that I'm actually shocked at the results. Everything I thought I knew about DPS stat priorities was wrong.

Maybe if I get it into a presentable format I'll upload it and link it here, although unfortunately it only applies for smuggler / IA.

There's other ones available online, but they try to do too much and are too complicated IMO when all you want to do is find out which piece of gear is better and what stat you should prioritize.


I still don't see how 3 factions fix anything
it will work in GW2 because the factions don't have any difference at all in them, hell there are no factions in the first place, so there are no differences that would make people gravitate towards one side or the other (lighting, red sabers, the whole darth vader and boba fett thing)

3 factions worked flawlessly in DAoC because even if one was more popular (and there were more popular factions o every server for sure), the other two would band up to beat that one, any time one becomes too powerful and makes a push the other two will dynamically ally against the first. It absolutely works. Heck, DAoC even had WILDLY different classes on the 3 factions too, instead of mirrors.
I'll work on making it into a format that someone other than me can figure out how to use.

In the meantime, start loading up on Accuracy Rating :p (if you're a gunslinger anyway and not a scoundrel)

What about Sniper? (sorry imp, not really sure how the repub classes cross over)
How's the gaf guild going?

I quit playing (along with 90% of the Republic faction) when they released the patch which 'fixed' illum (by changing how you complete the quests). Really killed my desire to play when all the then current 50s were decked out in the best pvp armor.

Anyway, time has changed, things have balanced out, and I'm ready to return. This time as sith.. which is what I wanted to roll, but was forced to roll Republic (who all quit because of what happened above)

I thought it was kind of ironic. It ALL could have been avoided if they had listened to me and rolled Sith, idiots.

So anyway, how's the gaf guild going? I know gaf guilds tend to.. you know, die.

Is anyone playing on the Sith who's in a -raiding- guild that's looking for an extremely reliable player? :)
Did they ninja buff slicing? Today I've done probably 15 slicing missions that reward Grade 6 lockboxes and gotten seven level 340 crafting missions, and 3 schematics. That is outrageously lucky for something that is usually less than 1 out of 10 to get any purple at all.


So pre-50 the best I can do to give myself a leg up for PvP gear is to have one champion bag in my inventory and have 1000 mercenary and warzone tokens, correct? I took a break from leveling to get ready.


Been playing it since the beginning of January leveled up my character and doing the daily quests but it seems that finding people to band together with on flashpoints/raids is getting more and more difficult. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem as well ?


I canceled after I got 50 and was bored. Think Im going to renew when patch 1.2 hits, so I can see what new things they are adding for the high end game.


I canceled after I got 50 and was bored. Think Im going to renew when patch 1.2 hits, so I can see what new things they are adding for the high end game.

I'm waiting to see if their 1.2 "higher graphics fidelity" pans out. I still think they're lying.


I cancelled my sub before the first 30 days were up. The insane amount of bugs and the nonsense PvP scenarios were just too shitty to keep paying/playing.

Space combat was a joke too.

I would seriously resub to EVE Online instead of TOR, at least that game is interesting.


Nope. Endgame like most MMO's of that style is pretty shit. The story was too dragged out and dumped with filler to bother playing another character either. I was hyped for TOR but can safely say I wish it was kotor 3.


Yea, I raid with my guild but I'm mainly taking a break to catch up on other games. I got the game for the story and I still plan to play through multiple stories yet. I think most people are waiting for patch 1.2 which is around the corner.


I got to 50 and immediately hated it. Like, I logged off two hours after making 50 and I haven't been online since. My character's story ended and I had no interest in further PvE storytelling after that, I didn't want to do daily quests, and my damage in PvP warzones dropped to about half of what it was when I was 49. All of that together just killed all motivation I had to keep playing.
I'm 50 and still having a good time doing hard mode flashpoints and raids whenever possible. I don't do PvP at all. I think I've done like 1 warzone ever.
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