It actually boggles my brain that people post stuff like this. Go do the Goblin starter zone and tell me about how WoW lacks quest variety. SWTOR has variety in a vague sense of motivation behind why you're doing the quests, a tissue thin veneer to hide your real motivation: leveling and gearing your character. In WoW, you put on rocket boots and fly over a field of zombies and burn them to death, blow up a thousand foot tall tree with a giant bomb, explore tombs in Uldum with Indiana Jones, stealth around Redridge with John Rambo butchering orcs.
As long as we are conceding MMOs to be in the arena of single player storytelling, I'm going to go out on a limb and make a claim: WoW's open world phasing is the single greatest achievement in MMO development history. It makes the MMO experience almost immersive, aside from the fact that its a bit janky sometimes. It can have negative effects on group play, but group play in SWTOR is practically nonexistent, so that's OK. Phasing allows you to feel like the things that you are doing actually matter. It allows you to participate in events in places where it would otherwise be impossible for events to occur. Compared to walking through big green doorways, it is essentially completely seamless.
WoW has variety in what you actually see and do in your questing experience, not in the pre- and post-quest rundown. Yeah, it still has its fair share of kill X of Y quests, but the monotony is nicely broken up by quests where you actually do interesting things. On extremely rare occasions the writing of the story hits high notes in SWTOR, typically at the culmination of each act for your character, so 3 times across a hundred hours of playtime. The majority of it is pointless contextualization for mundane tasks that takes itself way too seriously.
WoW has a lot of quests whose writing actually makes me laugh out loud because its a running joke within itself. The Harrison Jones and Belloc Brightblade rivalry that persists throughout all of Uldum is a good example of this. When Jones blows himself up while hiding inside of a treasure chest, a wonderful little call back to that delightfully retarded scene in KotCS. When the Dragonmaw Warchief kicks the Horde emissary into a fire and yells "THIS IS DRAGONMAW!", when I kill a warlock for a quest titled "Throw it on the Ground" and break his soulstone while yelling "I'M NOT A PART OF THIS SYSTEM", I laugh and enjoy myself.
It contextualizes itself in a way that makes it a fun parody of pop culture rather than trying (and failing) to make me care about the mundane trivialities of a poorly fleshed out digital world. It has a sense of humor instead of the asinine faux-darkness that permeates most of the cheesy Sith questlines throughout SWTOR. I could go on and on about its shortcomings as a game and not an interactive story, but the fact of the matter is that SWTORs quests have no gameplay variety at all ever. Maybe only ~20% of WoW's quests offer something unique and different, but its still a fuck of a lot more than 0% of SWTORs.
Thanks for the reply guys, I think I'm going to play as a Sith Assassin. Double blade lightsaber sounds nice.... Just started to download the guy, this is going to take awhile.
Also I just want to quest in peace, should I go to a PvP or PvE server?
Thanks for the reply guys, I think I'm going to play as a Sith Assassin. Double blade lightsaber sounds nice.... Just started to download the guy, this is going to take awhile.
Also I just want to quest in peace, should I go to a PvP or PvE server?
Supposedly a very hard class to play, getting a buff next patch tho.
My graphics card decided to blow up on me so I havent been on for like 3 days, need 2 more valor levels on Azura to hit 65 so hopefully i'll get my laptop running tomorrow and hammer them out.
I wouldn't say they are hard to play. Only time I would say that is if i was a clicker.
But do you have this many?
I'm not selling them though, I'm giving them away.Why the fuck would I care? Congrats on making money!!!!!
I'm not selling them though, I'm giving them away.
Are those tauntauns exclusive? Really cool to have new pets. I love cute crap like that.
So I am playing through the training prologue for the jedi and it is my first character. I have been playing about 10 hours. Does the story really start to pickup once you get out of the training?
Well I'm giving them out to Starfleet Dental people first, because I told the dev I would, but if no one claims them soon then I'll just have to give up and give them here.OK, I'd love one, I considered buying one on ebay, but since they're only $10-$15 now I figured they would probably drop in price soon enough anyways once people get home from PAX, but if you're giving em away I'd love one!
Well I'm giving them out to Starfleet Dental people first, because I told the dev I would, but if no one claims them soon then I'll just have to give up and give them here.
I talked to the class/combat dev personally about making the other classes have a range like sages for aoe heals, which would remove most of the complaints.
He's like, I want every class to be different, instead of all the same (which is fine, I understand that) but then he mentioned that sometimes different fights should benefit from bringing certain healers instead (Which I don't agree with). I mentioned that doesn't really work when you bring the same raid group every time, you're not going to bench someone just because you want to work on a nightmare mode boss and someone else is better suited, it should be if you have enough skill you should be able to tackle it with your normal setup.
Basically he was like, he'd rather nerf sages than fix or make the other classes more interesting, which wasn't what I wanted to hear at all. I suggested say like making the trooper's basic heal bounce to another player to help alleviate most of the aoe issues, and he goes off saying that "well that's the draw, sages are stationary for heals, and troopers and scoundrels are more mobile, you bring those for fights where you need more mobility" but I pointed out that sages don't really have to worry a lot about that, especially if you bring two, which when I played it's what we did.
He was kind of abrasive and I felt like he was talking down to me though, which I didn't really appreciate even though I was being extremely nice and civil.
Crit to 25% and surge up to 70% and then Power with some Accuracy. If you took the skill that heals you on burn criticals, you'll really want the criticals. If you didn't take the skill that heals you on burn criticals... go back and take that skill.Sentinel/Mar question:
As a Watchman spec Sentinel, what enhancement should I be focusing on? Crit+Surge or Power+Surge. Can't find a good answer online.
He was kind of abrasive and I felt like he was talking down to me though, which I didn't really appreciate even though I was being extremely nice and civil.
I get that feeling every time I read/listen to a QA or read a dev quote on their forums. Kinda like a father telling their kids that they know best and just accept it because it's for our own good.
It might be hard to get that from a post but I meant his tone of voice.
The whole bringing the same groups to raids will be alleviated once dual specs are in and players can switch builds depending on the fight they are going to be on. Making each class different is ideal really instead of trying to bring them into some form of parity, which is impossible since no one can ever agree to it unless everything is mirrored amongst all classes 100%, and it's something no MMO has really achieved.
I wouldn't be surprised if they come off as pissy acting though, always seemed that way in most of these types of events. You got to realize while you are being all nice, hes probably been spending hours having people coming up to him telling him the same stuff or differing opinions of how they want to see things done. Plus having to deal with it every day with folks on the forum arguing over the same things. They are not PR people, they almost surely don't even want to be there but are forced to.
But sages and such did need the nerfs anyways. They were best healers to take not only in PVE, but they just were OP in healing in PVP also. Rather not see the other healers brought up to be as crazy powerful as Sages and such were. Ops are going to be much improved now but the jury is still out on Trooper/mercs which have issues with how their aoe heal works, and the whole heat/ammo management problems we are going through.
Well I'm giving them out to Starfleet Dental people first, because I told the dev I would, but if no one claims them soon then I'll just have to give up and give them here.
I talked to the class/combat dev personally about making the other classes have a range like sages for aoe heals, which would remove most of the complaints.
He's like, I want every class to be different, instead of all the same (which is fine, I understand that) but then he mentioned that sometimes different fights should benefit from bringing certain healers instead (Which I don't agree with). I mentioned that doesn't really work when you bring the same raid group every time, you're not going to bench someone just because you want to work on a nightmare mode boss and someone else is better suited, it should be if you have enough skill you should be able to tackle it with your normal setup.
Basically he was like, he'd rather nerf sages than fix or make the other classes more interesting, which wasn't what I wanted to hear at all. I suggested say like making the trooper's basic heal bounce to another player to help alleviate most of the aoe issues, and he goes off saying that "well that's the draw, sages are stationary for heals, and troopers and scoundrels are more mobile, you bring those for fights where you need more mobility" but I pointed out that sages don't really have to worry a lot about that, especially if you bring two, which when I played it's what we did.
He was kind of abrasive and I felt like he was talking down to me though, which I didn't really appreciate even though I was being extremely nice and civil.
They have some sort of benchmark "performance" figure for every role and they have determined that the other classes are on target whereas the sage/sorceror is "over-performing". If they raised every other class to match the new benchmark, then they said they'd be bound to re-balance the end game and thereby make the game harder on everyone.I don´t get the logic of nerfing sages/sorcerers instead of buffing the other healer classes.
I think the Tauntaun at PAX is exclusive to PAX, meaning the one in game will be different (I hope, anyway).
My redemption page says this:
Is 1.2 adding pets? Or just the tauntaun? I'd really love to go around and just farm mobs for hours on end to make big bucks on the GTN.
I don´t get the logic of nerfing sages/sorcerers instead of buffing the other healer classes.
I played a sorcerer and the healing was spectacular, from what i seen and read of the smugler for example, the same flashpoints were a chaotic mess of procs and managing different resources just to be able to get by (barely).
Now everyone gets to have a bad time while playing.
There were already minipets in game.
Aside from the probe, sandcrawler, CE and KP drop what is there?
There's the authenticator pet, and there's 2 ce pets (one you get in the mail, one you buy).
Doesn't this game have free week trial or something? Love to try this game out and I'm not going to buy it before I have tried it out.
Players can send out free trial passes to "friends". If someone here has any available they could possibly send you one.
Oh it would be really awesome if someone could sent my one of those trial passes! I'm from Europe if that matters.
Aside from KP, nothing drops - which is what I'm wanting to see.
Yes I wont ewok pets, mini boss pets, whatever those flesh eating things from taris as pets, robot pets, womprat pet. So many opportunities.
I would just love a slice of gatti-man pizza that follows me around and spews sauce all over.
I don't see how they can win in such a situation, as any time they have a view on anything or give reasons for disagreeing with other opinions, people take it as if they are on some high horse being mean. People read into things as being mean or abrasive when it's simply a post detailing their own view on something. The other alternative is what?
Well I'm giving them out to Starfleet Dental people first, because I told the dev I would, but if no one claims them soon then I'll just have to give up and give them here.
I talked to the class/combat dev personally about making the other classes have a range like sages for aoe heals, which would remove most of the complaints.
He's like, I want every class to be different, instead of all the same (which is fine, I understand that) but then he mentioned that sometimes different fights should benefit from bringing certain healers instead (Which I don't agree with). I mentioned that doesn't really work when you bring the same raid group every time, you're not going to bench someone just because you want to work on a nightmare mode boss and someone else is better suited, it should be if you have enough skill you should be able to tackle it with your normal setup.
Basically he was like, he'd rather nerf sages than fix or make the other classes more interesting, which wasn't what I wanted to hear at all. I suggested say like making the trooper's basic heal bounce to another player to help alleviate most of the aoe issues, and he goes off saying that "well that's the draw, sages are stationary for heals, and troopers and scoundrels are more mobile, you bring those for fights where you need more mobility" but I pointed out that sages don't really have to worry a lot about that, especially if you bring two, which when I played it's what we did.
He was kind of abrasive and I felt like he was talking down to me though, which I didn't really appreciate even though I was being extremely nice and civil.
So I'm really tired of running Voss. Currently a level 46 Sentinel. Has anyone relied on Ilum to gain the last one or two levels? I'm trying to find a good metric for how much I have to do before I can quit grinding around in Corellia and Voss and just finish off my leveling on Ilum. These last 2 planets are just annoying.
So I'm really tired of running Voss. Currently a level 46 Sentinel. Has anyone relied on Ilum to gain the last one or two levels? I'm trying to find a good metric for how much I have to do before I can quit grinding around in Corellia and Voss and just finish off my leveling on Ilum. These last 2 planets are just annoying.
As long as we are conceding MMOs to be in the arena of single player storytelling, I'm going to go out on a limb and make a claim: WoW's open world phasing is the single greatest achievement in MMO development history. It makes the MMO experience almost immersive, aside from the fact that its a bit janky sometimes. It can have negative effects on group play, but group play in SWTOR is practically nonexistent, so that's OK. Phasing allows you to feel like the things that you are doing actually matter. It allows you to participate in events in places where it would otherwise be impossible for events to occur. Compared to walking through big green doorways, it is essentially completely seamless.
Dude the possibilities! No pizza for Rep gaf! They changed my guild status to spy last night lol.
Indeed it is. If there was ever anything that would be the main draw to get me back into WoW it would be that. That alone allowed me to stick with WoW for several months once I got that expansion and was able to take advantage of it. When you have a game that is heavily story focused a system like that is needed. More MMOs need to us it. I don't even care if they have to license the tech from Blizzard. Or just instance everything outside of population hubs. World changes need to happen on some level. The only time this isn't needed is if you are just having a focus on grinding and story is just something in the background that can largely be ignored.
I think I'm going to be giving TOR one more month. Up to level 39 on my Jedi Sage and 19 on my Commando. Fun but getting bored. The need to have to do missions outside of the class missions are starting to take their toll on me. They simply aren't that interesting anymore. They are all kill task or collection missions but a decent or at least interesting story can make that tolerable but that's stop being the case around Tatooine. PvP is really hit or miss depending on which character I play and there aren't enough space battles to level that way. I really do miss Jump to Lightspeed in Star Wars Galaxies the more I do these space battles in ToR. Such a poor replacement. I do want to at least finish the Jedi Sage story. I just started chapter 3 so here's hoping I can finish it before the end of the month. Going have to force myself through some of this side missions though.
Are you doing group content? Heroics, Flashpoints? They really give alot of good xp and help skip through side questing while generally more fun than solo play.