LOL no ranked warzones in 1.2. Announced a fucking day before release.
LOL no ranked warzones in 1.2. Announced a fucking day before release.
LOL no ranked warzones in 1.2. Announced a fucking day before release.
So not only did they cut the feature entirely for 1.2, the first phase it will come back in will only allow full 8-player group queues.
What a colossal fuck up. Get your shit together, Bioware.
LOL no ranked warzones in 1.2. Announced a fucking day before release.
So does no ranked Warzones mean no new PVP gear and the changes to PVP are being put off too?
Not being able to assign a number to your WZ performance is a colossal fuck up?
1.2 still has:
UI Editor that people have been bitching about needing for months
Legacy system
New Warzone w/ same faction support
New Flashpoint
New Operation
New PvE and PvP sets
Crafting Overhaul
Balance tweaks for all classes, including Mortar Volley/Death from Above normalization
Major bug fixes to existing content
And it's still a colossal fuckup? Wow...such high standards. Come on man, I know it's disappointing but let's not get crazy here.
It's a colossal fuck up that they cut a major feature hours before the patch went live when it's been on the PTS for a month now. The new PvP sets are made pretty pointless without rated WZs if you have no proper access to rated WZ comms; just with the main hand slot if you are lacking the BM piece you are talking over 10,000 WZ comms to get that slot filled. On top of that their plan is now to roll out an initial phase where you can't queue up with less than 8 players, which excludes who knows how many current PvP groups along with 100% of the solo queue people. PvP in this game has basically been one gaffe after another, so yeah I think they really do need to get their shit together on this front.
So typically EAWare.
A game developer cutting major features out of a game literally hours before it goes live probably deserves its own thread. That's some bait and switch fraud right there.
You must be new to MMOs.
They are delaying a part of an update which will be rolled out later. The alternative being releasing something broken to the public tomorrow or delaying the entire content patch for several more weeks?
You must be new to MMOs.
They are delaying a part of an update which will be rolled out later. The alternative being releasing something broken to the public tomorrow or delaying the entire content patch for several more weeks?
Major bait and switch. You don't cut a feature hours before your largest, most important patch. They knew. If you believe otherwise you're just naive. I like how some of you just take this on the chin like it's par for the course.
Anyone who was into PVP just got a nice slap. It would've been better if they told people 3 weeks ago. You don't do this hours before.
"New to MMOs"? Don't make me laugh.
I think they realized that without cross server queues, ranked BGs are kinda useless. It's hard enough to find matches on some servers. It would have been impossible to get matches with different people if they don't have cross server queues.
Yeah I knew people would get screwed just not sure who. Turns out its mehurry up bioware!
Last week they noticed they might not get enough people on live in ranked warzoness, so their solution was they might have to drag in people who q'd for unranked pvp into ranked warzones.
Major bait and switch. You don't cut a feature hours before your largest, most important patch. They knew. If you believe otherwise you're just naive. I like how some of you just take this on the chin like it's par for the course.
Anyone who was into PVP just got a nice slap. It would've been better if they told people 3 weeks ago. You don't do this hours before.
"New to MMOs"? Don't make me laugh.
The point is: it should have been ready. When they're advertising since December/January: 1.2--"the ranked PvP patch," introduces stat tracking, ranking for PvPers; "we understand PvPers need some sort of rating ladder," etc... I mean come on. Hell, I think they've claimed that this stuff has been in the works since even before the game launched--time and time again Bioware just shows how incompetent they are with handling new content. They either A) rush with bugs B) delay and still have bugs or C) lie for subs. It's almost trolling at this point; the only polished piece of content in the game is Karagga's Palace for christs sake.
They've been hyping up the ranked PvP for so long, we've gotten our teams together, we were all ready to go; and then they drop the A-Bomb a few hours before patch deployment, what a joke.
I think you must be the one new to MMOs if you find TOR as a product and EAWares handling of it so far acceptable.
Also, if EAWare really had some sort of policy or standard or cared about unfinished, unpolished, or broken content not being released until it was ready then there would be no EV, half the flashpoints would be gone, Ilum would never have existed, etc. For some companies who have standards they hold their products too yes, they do hold back content that isn't ready. EAWare... not so much. Push it out to make a quick buck, hype it to keep interest, pull it and dangle that carrot some more.
That way people who must be new to MMOs fall for it. Apparently I'm replying to one of those people.
Major bait and switch. You don't cut a feature hours before your largest, most important patch. They knew. If you believe otherwise you're just naive. I like how some of you just take this on the chin like it's par for the course.
Anyone who was into PVP just got a nice slap. It would've been better if they told people 3 weeks ago. You don't do this hours before.
"New to MMOs"? Don't make me laugh.
I finished the class story with my Agent some time ago and I have to say that it was a disappointment. I mean, people hyped it up to be such a great storyline, but I feel it isn't at all. At the end of it all I could think was "that's it?". I'm just going to be anIn a way the lamest thing was the speech in my ship. The best parts of the whole story for me where the stuff about Kaliyo's sidequests and the whole thing with Agent X (dude was so damn boss) on Nar (and afterwards). I tried to make a male character that looked like Agent X without success. I'd only play a male character if I could manage to make him look like Agent X.undercover agent for the Republic now?
I haven't finished the storyline for my Inquisitor Sorcerer yet, but in a way I like that one a bit more.
I leveled my BH Mercenary up to 24 and feel that she's a damn ass kicking machine (hope she stays that way after the patch), since I have been able to solo heroic content with ease.
My Sith Warrior Juggernaut instead is still 21 or 22 and I feel it is the weakest class I've played yet. To solo certain Heroic content I have had to use some really ridiculous tricks and even after getting the healer pet I can't do the same stuff I was able to pull off with my Mercenary.
I don't believe in any evil intent, I believe it's simply them making dumb decisions. Biggest being the large gap of nothing being added to the game in favor of doing it all in one giant update. They probably could have avoided alot of issues by slowly rolling out this stuff bit by bit instead of trying to jam it into one update, which also then meant they had to take their limited player testing group and have it quickly test so many different things.
I don't think that's any better. Could actually be worse.
If the main complaint was that it was further splitting the population of pvpers then all of this nonsense could have been avoided if they had enough people on each server to properly split the playerbase. I think they will probably wait until server transfers or mergers to introduce ranked pvp. That seems like the easiest solution.
Probably cross server pvp queues will help with such an issue, which they said is coming and we will see before mergers and server transfers happen it seems.
I think pvp was rather shoehorned into this game, the biggest disasters in each patch so far have been pvp related and the people responsible for it are clearly the weakest link on the developmental team, Ilum was a disaster
1.1-Early Ilum nonsense
1.2-Hmmm, let's merge unranked and ranked q's. I'm glad they yanked it out at the last second, however the lack of communication of such was idiotic.
Yea I think their handling of pvp is the worst so far and the most damning. Their pvp team has been a total mess.
First WZ was the new one. Really digging it, probably because we won![]()
its funIt's strange that all these MMOs coming after WoW the player base is so tied up with PvP...
I should have separated my thoughts more clearly. Maybe I can clear up some of the confusion.
For those testing their DPS against training dummies, be aware that, depending on your spec and gear, right now there is an issue that will cause training dummies to not be the accurate depiction of DPS that we want them to be. We're working on that.
For those testing their DPS in the new Ops, the simple response is that our tests show higher numbers. We aren't seeing a shortage in Sniper/Gunslinger DPS. To the contrary, we're seeing them hit our targets.
Lastly, in doing these tests, we exposed an issue in how we value weapon damage and defense, the result of which would increase weapon damage globally by a very small amount. When we change our assumptions, we want to apply the result to the live game to keep the many, many varieties of character builds all playing "with the same rules," with an eye on not upsetting balance too much. To put this into words relevant to this thread, Snipers and Gunslingers will see a small increase to weapon damage in a patch some undetermined time after 1.2, which in additional tests, caused them to hit and sometimes exceed our targets by a margin we're perfectly comfortable with.
To those asking about the issue with alacrity causing ticks of channeled attacks to drop, we're looking into it. Thanks very much for bringing that to our attention.
It took them until the absolute last minute to realize something that anyone could have told them, before they even implemented the feature?I think they realized that without cross server queues, ranked BGs are kinda useless.
What is that red eye looking symbol above my name? i don't think it was there prior to 1.2.
He likes Cultural Artifacts. Rank 1 Polished Meterorite (200 credits ea) and Rank 2 Dubrillion Lizard Egg (600 Credits ea) Available at your local compaion gift vendor.
Cheapest/fastest way to level him now that the 30 second cooldown is gone, is to buy the Polished Meterorites up to 6000 affection (167 Meterors and 33,400 credits ).
Affection 0000 - 2016 | 21 Meterors | 96 Rep per | 4,200 Credits
Affection 2017 - 4032 | 42 Meterors | 48 Rep per | 8,400 Credits
Affection 4033 - 6008 | 104 Meterors | 19 rep per | 20,800 Credits
Affection 6008 - 8000 | 105 Lizard Eggs | 19 rep per | 63,000 Credits
Hope this formatting looks better than it does typing it.