What's with the SWTOR topics in the gaming forum lately? It's like people don't even try to read what the article they posted and jump into overly sensationalist titles/first post. Hell even admits to it in the same thread by calling it spin.
It's like having SWTOR not fail hurts them for some reason. So weird.
People who want the game to fail were probably those who felt burned by paying for an alpha test.I had to stop reading those threads, it was making me so mad. If you don't like the game, that's fine, but people who want the game to fail baffles me.
People who want the game to fail were probably those who felt burned by paying for an alpha test.
To be honest, I don't really blame them.
No, I'm pretty sure most of them never even tried it out, by reading their comments.
As an aside, how close are we to have a new OT? At this point I would kinda like having the OT updated.
PM Billy with changes, he'll update. New thread after page 200
What's with the SWTOR topics in the gaming forum lately? It's like people don't even try to read what the article they posted and jump into overly sensationalist titles/first post. Hell even admits to it in the same thread by calling it spin.
It's like having SWTOR not fail hurts them for some reason. So weird.
200 pages in how many posts per page?
And I really wouldn't want to update ot myself, as I'm one of the biggest critics of the game still posting in the thread.
200 pages in how many posts per page?
And I really wouldn't want to update ot myself, as I'm one of the biggest critics of the game still posting in the thread.
Most stuff on the AH is cheap and often better than quest rewards. Players spend more money on training and crafting than buying new gear generally. My recent alt bought 4 pieces of new gear on the AH last night for less than the training of a single skill upgrade at lvl 40. Being geared is far more useful for speeding up and making the leveling process smooth.
What makes players poor is the ridiculous costs of leveling up your skills and especially speeder training. Level up and you suddenly got to pay 70k on upgrading a couple skills.... lame.
I feel bad because it's CAD, but it is actually funny for once
People who want the game to fail were probably those who felt burned by paying for an alpha test.
To be honest, I don't really blame them.
They're painful to level in PVE solo because your DPS companions kinda suck and because you can't attack "through" your ally for target of target. You end up hitting tab then shooting then f1 f1 to heal, ad infinitim. If you could re-order or provide priority to their powers (rather than just "use or don't use), it might be better. It does give you an excuse to go back to using cover and snipe, though, because there's no point in trying to run up and stab people.Are healer operatives viable in PVP/PVE or should I just stick to the middle tree?
Do you know what an alpha test is? Or does it just sound like one worse than a beta test?People who want the game to fail were probably those who felt burned by paying for an alpha test.
Get real. Swtor at launch was still a good experience. It was better than most retail mmo launches obviously better than an alpha and better than a beta.
I'm well aware of what an alpha test is. You'd think bugs that prevent you from completing a raid would be stamped out before beta, even. I alpha tested for LoTRO and all of the fights and mechanics worked long before there were even proper models for bosses, or textures for the room. How do you explain that? SWToR's launch was sloppy, the game was rushed out the door, you can't deny that.Do know what an alpha test is? Or does that just sound like one worse than a beta test?
I'm well aware of what an alpha test is. You'd think bugs that prevent you from completing a raid would be stamped out before beta, even. I alpha tested for LoTRO and all of the fights and mechanics worked long before there were even proper models for bosses, or textures for the room. How do you explain that? SWToR's launch was sloppy, the game was rushed out the door, you can't deny that.
Everyone wants f2p because gamers are cheap news at 11.
Pretty much
I always find that hilarious though because people love wanting f2p and then do not realize they will probably spend more money over the f2p option then just subbing.
Not to mention the f2p option just begs developers to nickel and dime people to death. People think day of release DLC or cutting the story out and making it DLC is bad, its essentially what happens in f2p MMO's.
I feel like F2P brings down the quality of a title. I quit my last MMO (DC Universe Online) when they announced F2P. =/
No, I'm pretty sure most of them never even tried it out, by reading their comments.
As an aside, how close are we to have a new OT? At this point I would kinda like having the OT updated.
NeoGAF dislikes anything MMO. If something is announced as one it's filled with moaning and groaning. It's not surprising. Add that plus the hate for anything BioWare/EA and this is what you end up with.What's with the SWTOR topics in the gaming forum lately? It's like people don't even try to read what the article they posted and jump into overly sensationalist titles/first post. Hell even admits to it in the same thread by calling it spin.
It's like having SWTOR not fail hurts them for some reason. So weird.
Last day of the plague... I hope I can sell my remaining DNA samples at a decent price, and if not I'll buy a color crystal and hope to sell that later.
White and Red Rakling pets
3 Green-Black crystals (+41 Expertise/Crit/Power)
Title for downing the 3 world bosses
Full containment officer gear set (just need to get the belt tonight)
I think I've done everything there was to do for this event.
If the company is doing anything and everything to keep players logged in, it sounds like the game isn't doing that great, which means there's something fundamentally wrong with the game.
Logically then, SWTOR sucks.
game set match
Anyways, I'm really pissy you can buy the crystals with credits instead of having to get it the long way
All 8 companion customizations (and pray to the rng gods).
Anyways, I'm really pissy you can buy the crystals with credits instead of having to get it the long way
I think they are still trying to find ways to have ppl drain all those credits that where injected at launch via the stack-selling bug and then by the 24/7/5 accounts ppl that abused the slicing skill (killing it for the rest of us, honest folks).
That's one of the reason so many things cost millions of credits imho.
I think they are still trying to find ways to have ppl drain all those credits that where injected at launch via the stack-selling bug and then by the 24/7/5 accounts ppl that abused the slicing skill (killing it for the rest of us, honest folks).
That's one of the reason so many things cost millions of credits imho.
Or they are just trying to get a handle on inflation -- which fucks up pretty much every MMO economy after a while.
Inflation which is a product of economic systems that don't make any sense. Every MMO should have an EVE online like realistic system (if we forget inexausthible mineral sources, lack of food and before the next patch, loot producing more minerals than mining...).
Don't mind me.
This game has a really horrible habit of fucking kicking me out of winning Warzones. It's gotten to the point where it actually does it often enough to piss me off. It's not THAT often, but I always expect it to happen 2-3 times everyday during Warzones. It's ALWAYS during the ones I'm winning too. This is the ONLY game where I get kicked from servers. Never have had a problem with my connection (Road Runner) on Xbox Live, PSN, or other PC games. Just this ONE. It's really pissing me off. Anyone else experience this?
dunno on pub, but empire is still active and raids frequently every week
Republic GAF is very active and even growing. Lately our problem hasn't been finding enough players to raid but rather how to include everyone in the operations. Right now we have more than 16 players geared enough for hard modes.
Inflation which is a product of economic systems that don't make any sense. Every MMO should have an EVE online like realistic system (if we forget inexausthible mineral sources, lack of food and before the next patch, loot producing more minerals than mining...).
Don't mind me.
This game has a really horrible habit of fucking kicking me out of winning Warzones. It's gotten to the point where it actually does it often enough to piss me off. It's not THAT often, but I always expect it to happen 2-3 times everyday during Warzones. It's ALWAYS during the ones I'm winning too. This is the ONLY game where I get kicked from servers. Never have had a problem with my connection (Road Runner) on Xbox Live, PSN, or other PC games. Just this ONE. It's really pissing me off. Anyone else experience this?
Sure, it sounds like that....
If you are a fucking reddit zombie. Keep your bullshit in the bullshit thread, please.
Yeah, they should make all new content require little to no effort to obtain. That'll work out well.
You should check these out:
Hope they help.
that hateWhat's with the SWTOR topics in the gaming forum lately? It's like people don't even try to read what the article they posted and jump into overly sensationalist titles/first post. Hell even admits to it in the same thread by calling it spin.
It's like having SWTOR not fail hurts them for some reason. So weird.
Gaf has always had a large very anti-MMO crowd. Throw in the jaded KOTOR fanboys and you have a very hateful crowd.