Yea, I meant more like a guild or at least a small community on one server. Patch Notes
Classes and Combat
Jedi Knight
Zen (with Ataru Form) now correctly reduces the global cooldown of Cyclone Slash.
Charged Burst's damage has been increased by approximately 5%.
Damage for Aimed Shot, Speed Shot, and Quickdraw has been increased by approximately 5%.
Trickshot's damage has been increased by approximately 5%.
Imperial Agent
Snipe's damage has been increased by approximately 5%.
Damage for Ambush, Series of Shots, and Takedown has been increased by approximately 5%.
Followthrough's damage has been increased by approximately 5%.
Havoc Rounds now applies the correct healing increase to Kolto Bomb. It previously applied a smaller increase than intended.
Companion Characters
Companion quickslots now update correctly when a new companion is summoned, correcting an issue that could cause the previous companion's abilities to continue displaying on the new companion's hotbar.
Earpieces and implants now properly apply their stat bonuses when equipped on companions.
Flashpoints and Operations
Lost Island
Resolved an issue that could cause Doctor Lorrick's lab door to become stuck while closed when the fight was not active.
Players now appear on Project Sav'Rak's platform after the encounter. This addresses an issue that could prevent players from completing the Flashpoint if all group members exited the area before using the bridge controls.
Explosive Conflict
The range of Stormcaller's Electric Discharge and Firebrand's Missile Barrage has been increased to 35 meters.
A total of 4 mines must now be successfully defused in order to complete the minefield encounter.
Chests in Hard Mode no longer drop Black Hole gear.
The cost for PvP consumables has been reduced to 10 commendations.
Corrected an issue that prevented item rolling prompts from appearing for Custom (orange) items.
The cost for Rated War Hero PvP gear has been reduced. This does not impact the time required to obtain base War Hero gear.
The Rocket Boost ability can now be used inside and isn't restricted by areas that do not permit vehicles. It cannot be used in combat or in Warzones.
Alderaan Civil War
Players can no longer be knocked off of speeders while traveling to the battlefield.
Players no longer earn defender credit for defending a previously destroyed objective.
Space Combat
Corrected an issue that could cause Space Combat audio to fade out or pan inappropriately from the left to right speaker.
Drexel Sweep: Corrected an issue that caused the first several enemies ships to disappear upon loading into this mission.
Makem Te Assault: An issue that could cause the Smuggler player ship to clip through enemies at the beginning of this mission has been corrected.
Helmets now work correctly when unifying colors on the character sheet.
An issue that caused stackable items to display incorrect stack numbers when replaced on the hotbar with another stackable item has been corrected.
The dialog for setting keybindings is now canceled properly if the player presses the "X" button to close it.
Corrected an issue that prevented the mail window from opening after refreshing the UI with the mail window open.
The World Map will now properly update as missions complete and/or progress.
Corrected an issue that sometimes prevented "new mail" notifications from functioning.
Character Creation
During character creation, Legacy Cyborg appearance options are now labeled.
The display of selected options in character creation has been improved.
Groups and Targeting
Group frames now appear correctly when the option "Use Operation Frames as Group Frames" is toggled off.
Corrected an issue that could cause insufficient Guild Bank funds for repairs or respecs to appear even if sufficient credits were available.
Players will no longer become "stuck" and unable to receive a guild invite if they were sent an invite just before entering a cinematic or while the loading screen is present.
Corrected an issue that prevented players from adding offline players to their friends list.
Players now correctly see a red phase gate (and are appropriately blocked from entering) if they are not permitted to join a group member's class phase.
Chat tabs now preserve the selected font size if they are detached from the main chat window.
The list in /who now automatically updates when the window is opened with the /who command.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
An issue that prevented players from logging out of the game if the ESC button was used to close the logout window has been addressed.
Corrected a sound issue that caused a loud, unintended sound on the Republic and Imperial Fleets (and potentially other areas with many characters present).
Corrected some issues with French and German in-game text/dialogue.
Corrected an issue that could cause characters in cinematics to appear grey in color.
Objects that can be interacted with will no longer stop glowing if players get too far away from them and then return..
Corrected an issue that prevented players from adding offline players to their friends list.
Snipers/Gunslingers are fucking deadly. Hate fighting those guys alone. I'll just get snared by the time I see them, I can't use my leap to close the gap either, so they can just keep putting shots in me. If I don't disappear to get focus off me when they snare me, I'm usually done unless another player jumps in and focuses them. Deadly fuckers.Really is seriously underestimated class.
Snipers/Gunslingers are fucking deadly. Hate fighting those guys alone. I'll just get snared by the time I see them, I can't use my leap to close the gap either, so they can just keep putting shots in me. If I don't disappear to get focus off me when they snare me, I'm usually done unless another player jumps in and focuses them. Deadly fuckers.Really is seriously underestimated class.
So happy to see those sniper buffs. I wonder if this is the weapon damage increase they mentioned, or if that is still coming also.
Edit: Chests in hard EC no longer drop black hole gear.Guess we missed that boat.
I also find it amusing they were complaining about burst and TTK in pvp, then buff one of the best bursting specs, marksmen sniper. I foresee more bitching ahead.
You also have to do a minimum of 4 mines in the boss, oh joy...
What are you even saying here? The crystals should be hard(er) to obtain, not easy (via credits)
I'm not denying that. I'm denying you and everyone else have been visiting Bioware's facilities and performing internal acceptance testing.I'm well aware of what an alpha test is. You'd think bugs that prevent you from completing a raid would be stamped out before beta, even. I alpha tested for LoTRO and all of the fights and mechanics worked long before there were even proper models for bosses, or textures for the room. How do you explain that? SWToR's launch was sloppy, the game was rushed out the door, you can't deny that.
I also find it amusing they were complaining about burst and TTK in pvp, then buff one of the best bursting specs, marksmen sniper. I foresee more bitching ahead.
You also have to do a minimum of 4 mines in the boss, oh joy...
Yo man, GAF had no issues with that. Just cause Soultakers sucks...
Just kidding.
Come home.
Don't tempt me..
I've tried a billion times... All day today as well. :/
We doing nightmare pilgrim on saturday?
PM away. If you guys could send in a ops boss kill screenshot too, that'd be swank. RepublicGAF appears to be dead![]()
Send me your officers list too then, please. Like with ImpGaf, A boss kill screen shot would be nice to through in with the OP.
? No.
Anyone know what the exploit was?1.2.1a Patch Notes
Corrected an item-related issue to prevent a serious economic exploit.
Anyone know what the exploit was?
Anyone know what the exploit was?
Apparently people were able to sell an item for 2750 credits, and buy it back for 1 credit. Some people reportedly had over 750 million credits. I can't even imagine sitting there clicking that long! But yeah, some people cleared the gtn on their servers and bought everything available, in addition to all the legacy upgrades. Hopefully these people are banned or rolled back.
There are more than two egg spawns on Alderaan. From what I can gather so far, the community has not found all of them yet.
Georg "Observer" Zoeller
Principal Lead Combat Designer
don't bet on it
Predeesh, there are more than 2 egg spawn points on Alderaan, go find them and start camping!
Is there any way to get Social points while playing solo?
I rolled an Imp character, but all of my RL friends only play Republic, so I don't have anyone to do FPs with.
If the answer is no to my question, is there currently a GAF Republic guild on The Swiftsure I could join? I'm currently a level 32 Sith Jug.
They would have no choice but to either ban or rollback these guys since one of them could literally wreck the economy on their particular server. I wouldn't ban then, but definetly roll them back a couple of days.
They would have no choice but to either ban or rollback these guys since one of them could literally wreck the economy on their particular server. I wouldn't ban then, but definetly roll them back a couple of days.
Run through Black Talon by yourself repeatedly I think is the right answer
They didn't do squat when the server opened and hundred of ppl (if not thoulsands) made millions and millions of credit using the same trick with other items.
Well, not entierely true... they did get one week ( ! ) of suspention, and then were free to go on shopping sprees and kept ALL their money.
I woudn't expect any better from them this time around.
/agreed with Sangreal