Server transfers should be free. Rift can do it.
Server transfers should be free. Rift can do it.
So? The fact that they included that system doesn't excuse them from addressing the issue. I'm aware that makes it harder, but they could've been thinking about that when they first announced legacy. Zero foresight from Bioware with the game in general is fairly obvious.Rift doesn't have a Legacy system.
Have they ever said why the heck they don't have global chat channels? It seems to be something that never gets brought up or asked about.
RIFT really needed them with how low the pops got on all servers. For a while all servers even at prime time would be at light, and people were begging for server mergers. Transfers were a stop gap till they could get the mergers working.
And Star wars doesn't?
So? The fact that they included that system doesn't excuse them from addressing the issue. I'm aware that makes it harder, but they could've been thinking about that when they first announced legacy. Zero foresight from Bioware with the game in general is fairly obvious.
I'd be a fan of any HK line in there, considering (spoilers for 1.3)he is supposed to be the big new feature of 1.3, gaining a rebuilt version as a companion!
And that was a great Nightmare run last night, thanks for running with us Azura!
The situation is pretty bad though for Republic players especially. I created an alt on Pub side to try and help out but, on a saturday @ 6:00 in evening, there was only 17 people on the entire fleet.
Meanwhile on the same server - 200+ people on the Imperial fleet.
How the hell do they fix this? Free irreversible faction transfers?
It's like this on my server as well, albeit not as bad, since we have a very tight nit Republic community. We'll fluctuate between 50-100 on a Tuesday/Friday/Saturday night whereas the Imp fleet regularly has over 100 at least every night. I'm starting to think all the people who are saying "my server is dead" are Pubs![]()
The situation is pretty bad though for Republic players especially. I created an alt on Pub side to try and help out but, on a saturday @ 6:00 in evening, there was only 17 people on the entire fleet.
Meanwhile on the same server - 200+ people on the Imperial fleet.
How the hell do they fix this? Free irreversible faction transfers?
JimG: Is there any sort of ETA on adding completely new playable species into the game such as Togruta, Mon Calamari, Nautolan, etc.?
Daniel: Cant comment on what species you might see, but you can expect the roster of playable species to expand... this year.
But they have about 30 more near human aliens they can put in instead like Zeltrons lol
Watch them troll people with more different colored humanoid species only.
how are Devaronians anything other than reskinned humans with horns?But they have about 30 more near human aliens they can put in instead like Zeltrons lol
Watch them troll people with more different colored humanoid species only.
I don't see why they can't just merge some servers and allow free faction changes for a month on any merged server (stipulation being only the higher pop faction can change to the lower pop faction, such as imp to rep)
Bam. Hire me Bioware.
how are Devaronians anything other than reskinned humans with horns?
I don't see why they can't just merge some servers and allow free faction changes for a month on any merged server (stipulation being only the higher pop faction can change to the lower pop faction, such as imp to rep)
Bam. Hire me Bioware.
I think Voss will be pretty much guaranteed. They are already fully rendered in-game and are essentially human reskins. I don't see why they wouldn't add them, if not for the sake of more variety. As long as they add more exotic races as well.
Well, I'm back in the game. have four months of game time and rolled a new Agent to get acclimated to playing again. I've postponed rolling an Agent because I knew I wouldn't be able to stop playing one if I started. Just unlocked my sniper AC, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice on which direction to take the build
Engineer for leveling, then either that or marksman for endgame content.
With the way they instance the zones with only 100ish per instance they could have just used one server world for everyone.
Engineer for leveling, then either that or marksman for endgame content.
Yeah, definitely engi for leveling.
For endgame, I'm a hybrid Engi/Marks spec that gives you all the goodies from both trees.
In my research last night that seemed to be the appropriate conclusion. It's encouraging to see GAF reinforce that. Thanks.
It wouldn't be one server.
Hmm I'm enjoying the pvp so much more when it's NOT Huttball.
It wouldn't be one server.
Well, I'm back in the game. have four months of game time and rolled a new Agent to get acclimated to playing again. I've postponed rolling an Agent because I knew I wouldn't be able to stop playing one if I started. Just unlocked my sniper AC, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice on which direction to take the build?
Oh, and I would love to have a Voss playable. But really, I want to roll a droid.
Edit: I guess I should mention that my main objective is PvE. I will PvP, but it's not my main draw to the game
The rotation isn't too bad either. It's around 5 keys, with fillers thrown in between to keep your energy over 60%.
With that being said, you can see some of it in action here, in Story Mode EC. It's quite hard to see how much damage I'm doing on some of the bosses, but I eventually zoom out to see some of it myself. You can also see my keybinds and how I have my bars set up.
As always, use 1080p if viewing.
Zorn and Toth:
Firebrand and Stormcaller:
Colonel Vorgath:
Warlord Kephess:
PVE I would go OP so that you can stealth through tough missions and heal in groups if you need to. Sniper is very fun but really about big burst in PVP, OP is about annoying the hell out of everyone or occasionally tormenting one enemy in PVP. I levelled as a healing OP and it felt a little underpowered. Sotry is, by far, the best one though.
JimG: Is there any sort of ETA on adding completely new playable species into the game such as Togruta, Mon Calamari, Nautolan, etc.?
Daniel: Cant comment on what species you might see, but you can expect the roster of playable species to expand... this year.
It would be bad ass to play as a Devaronian.
Togruta is the only one I really want.
I'd also like to see them rework the headgear/hoods for non standard heads.
In 1.2 they changed alot of headgear to allow the Lekku on twileks to actually come out the backs. They still need to work on some of the helms that hide hair. For stuff like Togruta and such, they probably will just have to make it like companion characters where certain gear does not appear when equipped.
Togruta is the only one I really want.
I'd also like to see them rework the headgear/hoods for non standard heads.
What they need to do is make custom versions for certain races. They already do this with most (all?) items looking different depending on which faction is equipping it. If SWG devs were able to make entire sets of unique clothing for Wookies and Ithorians I don't see why BW shouldn't be able to.
The massive amounts of snares and CC really ruin Huttball for me.
Hell pvp in general at times.
Very true. Apart from maybe roots. As melee, roots going through resolve is an issue in all PvP.See the CC is not so much of a problem outside of Huttball. To me Huttball just highlights so many issues. In regular pvp objective modes, the CC and other complaints I have aren't a big deal, while they are more game breaking in the ball game. Like all the complaints of the quick speed consular/inq have access too really only is because of Huttball.