Got my Merc (Razgriz) to 20 and I gotta say, I didn't do any PVP in the beta but am seriously enjoying it here. I tend to end up in the top 3 of our team 90% of the time and I love the 10k xp and commendations for doing it. Great way to break up the questing. I like how they boost everyone's lvl to put em on equal playing fields, tho I guess lower levels are limited by the number of skills they've unlocked. I'm finally seeing Repub Gaf in pvp now, great matches Switch

Wonder if its possible to coordinate it so that we can have some Gaf vs. Empire Gaf matches?
Btw general FYI, there is some pretty sick gear at lvl 20 that only uses pvp tokens at the space station (orange and blues). You can get implants and earpieces for 100 commendations, armors start at 130-180 for lvl 20. Weapons start at lvl 14 as well, though they cost 330. I have a feeling I'll be running with pvp gear most of the time and just use quest commendations for Mako's gear.
O and don't forget about getting light side/dark side relics, they sell for 1.5k in the space station as well