read up on datacron locations?
or companions
Wow, is that all the datacrons?
Imperi is "Player not found"
Are you on Keller's void empire for sure?
Well it is 7:20pm on Dec. 15th, 5 days before full launch and as of right now there are que's for 18 of the servers. Que times vary from 10m to 60+minutes. At this rate, do we anticipate that come the 20th and 25th (some people are getting the game for xmas) that the servers will implode?
I am happy that it is so popular right now and all, but has any word been given if there are going to be a large amount of addtional servers added?
They've been adding servers all day?!/swtorI remember reading a couple of days ago that they would be bringing up new servers as warranted when they did the staggered early access.
I don't think they've added a single server though![]()
I remember reading a couple of days ago that they would be bringing up new servers as warranted when they did the staggered early access.
I don't think they've added a single server though![]()
I can't find the settings file to force AA. I have the game installed in a seperate partition so there is no AppData folder in C:
They're streaming SWG.:lol, could someone explain to me wtf is happening on Giant Bomb's live stream of this game?
I'm so confused...
They're streaming SWG.
Well, almost level 35 with just over 2 days in /played. I'm pooped, lol.
Well, almost level 35 with just over 2 days in /played. I'm pooped, lol.
good lord the storyline is just so damn good. I was expecting wow with voiceovers but the story is really engrossing
For some reason any time I edit the client_settings.ini file, the screen flashes after pressing Play on the launcher, but never shows me the loading splash page. When I remove any of the changes I made to the file, I can run the game.
I don't believe I am doing anything wrong....
ATI/AMD Graphics card?
Fucking advanced class weapon restrictions are so utter bullshit.
Restricts a huge majority of combinations found in Lucas proper Star Wars. Somehow my Commando Trooper is the most badass dude in the Republic Army but cannot wield a rifle or a pistol (which my Trooper uses in the cutscenes :lol)
It's all about the Rot Worms.Frogdogz 4 lyfe.
MESSAGE TO EVERYONE IN HEROICS: Please stop using the medical probe!!!! We can revive you for free!