Just finished act 1 with my trooper, phew, wasn't exactly what I expected! leaves me wondering what's gonna happen next again though. Slicing is going to be nerfed...it has to be. The entire economy is going to consist of 'slicers' and 'people who sell everything to slicers' and that's it. The only way to make money aside from slicing from any other tradeskill, is going to be abusing the fact that slicers have so much damn money.
All the chatter I hear about slicing is: "All you slicers just wait, all that 'free money' isn't going to matter at end-game. Once everyone has a lvl 50 and alts, crafting professions are going to outpace slicing, and it will be worthless." I mean, I understand where they are coming from, I guess, but I've gotta say, it doesn't suck to be a slicer while leveling.
I managed to pay for my speeder + skill at 25, plus I gave my friend the money for his speeder skill. He was like, "how did you afford your 48k credits, and then 40k credits for my skill?" and I replied with, "I actually have 150k left over after that.
