Rare footage of the mild mannered qxc actually angry, oh my.Beta showmatch vs Puck, qxc was up 3-1, then Puck cheesed him 3 games in a row to win the series. That was the end of the 7th game.
He's qxc, I've probably heard of him.That is Team Complexity's QXC, This was taken from his stream. I think he was pissed he got cheesed by early Void Rays. Love this GIF
Nerchio, Parting and Lucifron, should be a good group.only four hours until we find out:
Part of the campaign. Never intended to be in the multiplayer.Has Blizzard ever mentioned what happened to nydus worm variations?
Nerchio, Parting and Lucifron, should be a good group.
holy shit that was Lucifron? Awesome.I literally thought LucifroN was going to quit pro gaming when ActionJezus 6 pooled him in 2010. It was nice to see him rise to prominence as one of the best foreign Terrans.
I was platinum protoss like a week after WoL came out. Are void Rays still viable? PLease say yes or I will cry.
I was platinum protoss like a week after WoL came out. Are void Rays still viable? PLease say yes or I will cry.
I was platinum protoss like a week after WoL came out. Are void Rays still viable? PLease say yes or I will cry.
Well now I am getting excited. Any word on the length of the campaign compared to WoL? How much Blizzard CG are we getting?
How is the competitive scene doing? I've seen random posts about it dying out compared to LoL and DOTA.
i took a chance, i have no regrets.
We going to have a neogaf clan being set up for hots?
A group is already set up in WoL and will carry over into HOTS.
In NA region?
Yep, but the game will have global play when HOTS hits (WoL already has it technically). So you or anybody on other servers can join up if they want to. (Mostly for gaf nights.)
so no good examples of Swarm host gameplay from real players? how effective are they?
They're powerful and not a direct combat unit, so in theory you shouldn't have to replace them.Vipers are 200 gas? isnt that a little much?
so no good examples of Swarm host gameplay from real players? how effective are they?
Really? I tried searching for Huskys group, but couldn't find it in EU region, for that reason.
Open notepad and paste the following code:
<region displayname=”AUTHENTICATION_SG_REGION” hostname=”sg”
allowedProductLocales=”all” localesThatDefaultToThisRegion=”enSG”/>
<region displayname=”AUTHENTICATION_US_REGION” hostname=”us”
allowedProductLocales=”all” localesThatDefaultToThisRegion=”enUS”/>
<region displayname=”AUTHENTICATION_EU_REGION” hostname=”eu”
allowedProductLocales=”all” localesThatDefaultToThisRegion=”enGB”/>
<region displayname=”AUTHENTICATION_KR_REGION” hostname=”kr”
allowedProductLocales=”all” localesThatDefaultToThisRegion=”koKR”/>
Name the file: “regions.xml” (Not “regions.xml.txt”and save it in your StarCraft II folder (the folder that contains your StarCraftII.exe – Usually Program Files/…
IMPORTANT: A “Region” button will appear on the StarCraftII log in screen. However, it only appears on the first screen – the one where you’re asked to type in your email adress. If your SCII is set to remember the account, and only ask you to type in your password, you have to click the arrow on the right side of the log in box to go back to the first screen. Wait a little bit and the button will pop up. Also, you might have to restart the game.
Did they really not put lurkers back in? Fuck off blizzard.
A group is already set up in WoL and will carry over into HOTS.